What was that one perk you had a hard time letting go of?

For me it was Urban Evasion. I was convinced I could not play without it.
I finally broke free tho and learned to play without it this year! Don't laugh... it was a big step for me ^^
I'm not saying its a bad perk, it was just that one perk I couldn't play without. I knew I could play better if pushed myself and tried other perks.
Do you have (or had) a perk like that?
Was definitely self mend, now it would be spine chill
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This perk was meta back when I first started playing DBD, and I only managed to drop it a very long time after its fall from grace.
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Yaaaa Spine Chill is pretty much always a must have for me too, but to defend it that perk is A+ and helps in a ton of situations ^^
Also every time I take it off I get a stealth killer. I am cursed ;_;
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That was my first perk I though I could never play without. Then my swf group at the time convinced me I could do better. Thank god they did ^^" Nothing drives me more batty then when you unhook someone and they run and use self care in the corner.
I think its a good perk but I find a lot of players waste too much time hiding and healing when I could have just speedy healed them with Autodidact or We'll Make It.
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Honestly if you are going for a slug build that is a staple. Its quite easy to lose track of a survivor when you are busy chasing down the last survivor to down.
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It proved to me why I never used those kinds of "never have them off" info perks like spine chill-- I don't wanna become reliant on 'em, I want to naturally develop those skills.
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What kind of offensive question is this?!? Do you seriously not think about the feelings of others before you type?!?
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When I started, this perk was almost mandatory, it was top-tier of the meta and pretty much every every survivor used it. It is weird to think that nowadays everyone hates it.
It still is a good perk, but it must be used properly, in my opinion.
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Spine Chill, took me around 2 years to finally be able to let go of it. I am now doing everything in my power to not equip it again so I don't get attached hard to it.
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Wah? ;_;
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Forgive me I'm just here for the ride
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Yah that is a good one for when you are starting out as killer!
Once I had most maps and tiles memorized I felt more confident and dropped that one no problem. I kind of found the whisper noises distracting anyways ^^"
I think my hard go let go of perk for killer now is BBQ.
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Ok well then hang on! Its gonna get bumpy B3
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To be fair, Whispers doesn't give you 100% extra bloodpoints for just playing the game.
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For me it was letting go of old ruin. It was better at actually slowing down the progress of gens before it's rework. Fortunately pgtw and corrupt intervention were there to fill the void.
While were talking about Whispers I can't let that perk go but I don't consider it to be unfair or crutch. It's not aura reading like many other tracking perks. Come to think of it I don't think I've seen a "Whispers is OP" thread and survivors complain about almost everything. The thing I value about it most is it tells me if an area is clear. So I know not to waste my time searching it.
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Survivor- Kindred
Killer- Corrupt
I can't seem to let them go... With Kindred I can see if the killer (Or see my teammates go for the save or stay on their gen) is staying put (Or see Hag put traps down) or moving... Without Corrupt the first two-three gens get done before I see the first survivor
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Iron Will. I hate not having Iron Will.
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NOED. End game is SO much more satisfying when they don't cleanse it. Totally worth the risk.
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I had (and still have) a very hard time ever playing without Lithe, I just love the perk and how it can be used to get out of bad situations via Pallet Tech
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Definitely self care when I started out. I feel like a lot of the old player's answers will definitely be that before it was nerfed.
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I used to have Self-Care when I was a new player. It was the very first teachable I unlocked I think.
It was hard when I decided not to use it anymore. I was so afraid of being injured. It took me a week before I started to feel OK without it.
Now, I can't imagine me taking it back. I wanna a self-heal option? Med-kit!
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Back in early 2018 before clowns release it was definitely self care, i literally would not play a survivor until they had this perk lol.
But obviously, no more self care when the meta changed.
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People should not hate Self Care, they should hate Self Care-Users. Healing in some situations can be really smart, like I am not running it, but sometimes I wish I would be able to heal myself to go for a save or to tank a Hit.
However, as long as people waste 40 seconds on the other side of the Map to heal through Sloppy Butcher, Self Care will always get Hate.
Self Care as well. Like, back in the day, I hated it when a Character I was about to prestige did not have it. Now, it is whatever, I never played with Self Care (unless for a Challenge) since the release of Plague, where I dropped the Perk.
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Head on!
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Lmao same- Urban Evasion. As a soon to be former Immersive player, I always felt like that should have been default. When I paired it up with Fixated, I was in Heaven lmao.
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Premonition, I ran directly into the killer prob 90% of the time when I first started, and loved this perk enough to only use a survivor if they had it, as well as always being my first choice.
I thought Spine Chill was stupid, like "idc if he's looking at me, I need to know where he's coming from??"
Took me about a year to shake premonition and 2 years to realize Spine Chill's utility.
Now I can't shake that xD
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Unfortunately, luck only effects your chance of getting off the hook. It does nothing for boxes, hasn't for years.
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Spine Chill for sure, I used the perk every survivor game I played for like a Year, because of that I never learned to counter Killers through other means (I wasn't aware for a year that the more intense the music the closer they were) or too listen for breathing.
I dropped Spine Chill eventually, and I feel better now without it, although it's still my fav perk
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Oh good, I was feeling sorry thinking another poor soul wasted a perk slot thinking luck actually did more.
Why has this outdated mechanic not been touched, even tweaked once?
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Now I could take Shadowborn off since I don't play that long with it, but ask me in 2 months and I'd say Shadowborn.
On Survivor I don't rely on any Perks so I could play with any. But Flashbang has a place in my heart right now because of how fun this Perk is. It's not exactly game breaking or op but it's decent and it's extremely fun. Playing without it would feel pretty dull.
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Agreed. Self-Care's main problem is the people who use it in the wrong way.
And hey, you dropped it when Plague released? That is actually impressive! I only did it when Blight released.
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Oh man... I miss old Ruin (both as a survivor and killer). For killers it REALLY helped in those first few minutes of the game and gave you the edge. As a survivor it made you feel like such a badass working through Ruin and hitting those great checks. I really really miss it.
Corrupt helps but all survivors do is hide. Yes its smart but with Ruin they would all be scrambling to find it which helped get the game going.
I haven't run Whispers in awhile but you are right that it saves a ton of time! Especially when there are just survivors left ^^
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Lithe is my fav exhaustion perk (besides Head On). That perk has saved my sorry bum many times ^^
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As a solo Kindred was one of my main perks for awhile. It is very handy and team friendly. Its the only survivor perk that I think should be base kit (if they dropped the killer aura reading). I eventually dropped it for Bond tho. I will still slap Kindred on during rank reset but once I am back to purple/red ranks I go back to Bond ^^
Corrupt is pretty much a must have on a lot of killers to be fair. Trapper is on of my fav and I feel so much pressure if I don't have that perk :<
Corrupt is another perk that is debatable to have as base kit, but I can see how it would be a little OP on certain killers (especially now that Lethal Pursuer is in the game).
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That is so funny! Me too except I ran premonition once when I first started and had my swf group... they were like 'nonononononono, if u want a heads up perk use Spine Chill'. I was like okay weirdos.... yah they were right! Spine Chill is my new staple and I don't think I will ever drop it.
The couple games a month I do play without it I always get a stealth killer ^^" can never take off!!!!
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You are so much stronger than me ;_;
Has another perk become your go to? Or are you trying to mix it up as much as possible?
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I understood the humor with the post... but I will admit that I thought luck helped spawn higher rarity items in chest ;__; I have been playing since 2018... kill me now.
Also good question... why hasn't luck been touched? I feel it could do a bit more without breaking anything.
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Self care. I used it up until I finally made it to rank 1. It's super useful but using bond to run to someone else to heal is faster.
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On of my favs ^^ very satisfying perk.
Even when I get hit with it as a killer it makes me laugh. Its such a surprise and I am imprrssed when people use it well.
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That is exactly what I do. Bond gives waaaaay too much info. Who is near you on a gen, who can heal you, who the killer is chasing if they are near. If I am alone and someone is hooked across the map it is safe to assume the other two are closer to the hooked person then I.
Its every info perk rolled into one and when you slap Open Hand on top its insane. I am not sure why its not more popular ^^"
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Body is 1 character too short.
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Self care. Still havent left it lmao, though i have learned to only use it only when its faster than looking for a heal or no objective is available.
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BBQ, Spine chill, Enduring/Spirit furry combo on m1 killers.
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You are one of the good ones!
I think its a fantastic perk but easily misused. Too many times I see people not letting me heal them because of it. Or there is one gen left and instead of starting gen they are self caring in the corner ;_; its painful to watch sometimes.
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Hardest was Self Care. In 2018 I let it go and next was Were Gonna Live Forever. I don't want those 24k games when I can have 42k games with that perk.
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The reason I run BBQ is to get all my BPs and then I usually go dump them i to my survivors ^^ but if I only played survivor I would always have wglf on.
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Anytime i run discordance i regret taking it off for a few games
On survivor side giving up self care was rough. I still always bring something to heal myself with, just never selfcars