Nemesis Buffs And Ideas

The Nemesis has little going for him right now which places him, on a standard tier list, in the B tier. Before I get started with my ideas, I want to point out what makes him weak and strong.

Strengths: Easy to understand power, zombies can sometimes come in clutch, very oppressive in the 1v1.

Weaknesses: Contamination pretty much acts as another health state, Nemesis is extremely tall, zombies can be useless, survivors get a speed boost off of contamination and the hindered applied by contamination isn't noticeable, no mobility which means his 4v1 potential doesn't exist.

Now, even though he has a bunch of weaknesses, his strengths are just powerful enough to warrant a B tier. Now, onto my ideas.

Eliminate the speed boost survivors get from contamination

I'm fine with keeping the extra health state, but the speed boost NEEDS to go. Why? The speed boost firstly removes the first thing that contamination is supposed to do, hinder survivors upon contact. The 2nd thing that it does, is encourage the boring META of holding W. All in all, there's no reason as to why the speed boost for that first hit contamination should stay.

Make Mutation rate 3 more powerful

Right now, mutation rate 2 is widely considered to be more meaningful than mutation rate 3. Why? Because 1 meter is NOTHING. Yeah, it "might" land you hits that you wouldn't get at mutation rate 2 or 1, but most of the time you don't even feel its effects. There are a BUNCH of ways that it could be buffed. I'll list a couple ideas below.

  1. Increase the range from a 1 meter gain, to a 3 meter gain.
  2. Decrease the cooldown on successful and missed attacks for your tentacle strike.
  3. Increase your movement speed slightly (5%) while using your power.

Any of these options would work just fine and would make mutation rate 3 actually something to strive for. Right now, there's no reason to go out of your way to actually obtain it. Of course adding all 3 of the described changes at once might be a BIT much, so choose what you will.

change the ultra rare addons

I won't spend too much time here and just list some ideas.

Iridescent Umbrella Badge: Increase the duration of exposed to something like.... 60 seconds. There's only 4 vaccines on the map and survivors can be injured while they use them, making the exposed status effect completely worthless. You also can't see where the vaccine cases are located, so you most likely won't even be around to get the hit regardless of how fast you are.

Shattered S.T.A.R.S Badge: Increase the duration to something long like... 120 seconds. The Increase to movement speed is only 1/ms for those of you who don't know.

The other addons are pretty much fine. Some could use some tweaks, but I'm not going to be picky.


I'll now proceed to list some random ideas that popped in my head before I get into the "reworks".

  • Make the mutation rate addons slightly weaker to compensate for the mutation rate 3 buff.
  • Have some addons effect tentacle strike directly (such as applying mangled)
  • Buff licker tongue to a .35 second increase (from .15 seconds)
  • Increase the hindered from initial contamination from 20% to 25%
  • Serotonin injector now gives you undetectable for 20 seconds (increased from 15 seconds)
  • NE-a Parasite now causes survivors hit by tentacle strike to be afflicted with incapacitated for 20 seconds.
  • Broken Recovery Coin now removes 4 vaccines/vaccine cases from the trial.

These are just some small ideas that would add more flavor to Nemmy's kit and addons.

The changes below are risky

Change: contamination

Alright, the main thing holding Nemesis back is his map pressure. It's terrible, like... really bad. How can we fix this? Well, you COULD give him a secondary mobility power, but I think that contamination could fix this all by itself. How would it do this? In my opinion, all we'd have to do, is make old NE-a Parasite base-kit (60 seconds of oblivious upon becoming contaminated) and make contamination spreadable (like plague). Unlike plague however, Contamination would remain on objects for only 10 seconds. To make this even less frustrating for survivors, add more vaccine cases around the map (from 4 to 12). If this is sounding like too many vaccine cases, allow 4 vaccines to be found in each case but reduce the amount of cases to 3. These changes would make contamination more threatening while encouraging survivors to vaccinate.

Allow Tentacle strike to hit survivors and break pallets at the same time

This change could easily be abused since he's already very strong in the 1v1, but would make him feel more fluid. Tell me what you think.


With the changes stated above, Nemesis would be able to push himself up from B tier, to A tier. While he doesn't have the best mobility, he's in a much better state and should be more fun to play. Please be sure to tell me your thoughts.
