Tunneling and [BAD WORD] teammates

DuskMascato Member Posts: 32
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Okay listen, don’t reply with the bs of “Tunneling is a strategy.”

I have killers who I run for 3 gens and when they finally get me they tunnel me after. Why do you insist on tunneling? And to apply pressure is a stupid answer too. Honestly, than they smack you on hook when you did nothing wrong. I get your supposed to kill the survivors but why make the game not fun for you and the survivors like with.

And now for ######### teammates. Why do you take a key from someone who died and when hatch is there and someone is telling you to follow them and escape with you, you run the other way. LIKE #########. There are so many [BAD WORD] since the resident evil chapter. Tunneling is worse and sos many dumbass teammates. I feel like if you tunnel someone, you suck as a killer and that is your only way at winning. And don’t say this either “well what am I supposed to do? Go to a corner for 30 seconds?” No go after the person who unhooked the other or something.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Tunneling is a good strategy just like gen rushing is. It's frustrating to play against for survivors and killers ok, but that is the game and it's allowed so no point in complaining. Just like in football the other team is going to try to score goals and target the weakest links in the team, not fun to lose but that is life.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Its like survivors don't understand their goal in the game at all, its to SURVIVE! The killer has no reason to give anyone a free pass, its up to you or your team to help each other out. The killer and survivors aren't friends with a common goal in mind, they are two opposed forces fighting to see which side wins. Killers aren't there to provide survivors with fun, since fun is subjective, the only job they have to do is to kill you. Taking people out of the game is something that's supposed to happen and if anyone can't accept that then they need to just stop playing.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    I feel like if you genrush someone, you suck as a survivor and that is your only way at winning. And don’t say this either “well what am I supposed to do? Go to a corner for 30 seconds?” No go do a totem.

    See how dumb that sounds?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It is a strategy, a bad one but still a strategy. I get tunneled a fair bit but I understand its because I'm usually the stronger looper so they want me at my weakest, but this is why I use DS. Mix it with inner and you're set to loop them like mad again

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,846

    Maybe it's the only chance for a comeback after 3 gens are lost?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Tunneling is not a strategy, it is a tactic. If Tunneling is your strategy, then you are doing it wrong.

    A tactic is used in your overall strategy to achieve a goal.

  • DuskMascato
    DuskMascato Member Posts: 32

    No, we weren’t genrushing. I don’t suck as a survivor and survivors r supposed to do gens. If I’m running you for more than a minute than go to someone else. Plus I never gen rush.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    So since survivors doing gens is considered "good" and "doing their job", why is it that a killer killing survivors is somehow "bad" and "that they suck" since that's also their job?

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Have you ever worked a gen injured? Have you ever found a gen at 50% and jumped on it instead of finding a new one? Have you ever had a gen at 95% as the killer was approaching and finished it anyway right in front of him?

    Youve gen rushed, everyone has, its fine, as is tunneling

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    This post has like an identity crisis. You already know the answer but just enjoy the taste of sand, huh? If they want a kill, they are not about to go for the unhooker, fam. Sorry, that would just be more stupid than the teammates you get. Lol.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    It's funny to see survivors complain about this. You complain about tunnelling, yet most survivors taunt or play offensively in some way after being unhooked (baiting a chase with decisive, body blocking with borrowed time, etc.). You get mad at the killer for playing their role optimally just the same as you do yours. If one person is healthy and one person is injured, I will capitalize on your mistakes as a team. Blame your idiot teammates who unhook you right in front of the killer. Blame your teammates who will refuse to take aggro from you. If you can't rely on your team then I guess you better get even better at running so you don't go down at all because one thing is for sure, nobody is gonna cater to you and what you consider fun. They are going to play the game optimally and do what is fun for them.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    As tunneling really sucks I understand why people do it. In the same way as survivors try to get the objective done as fast as possible so should killers. If a killer is losing they will tunnel because that's the objectively best way of doing things.

    Whenever a killer tunnels me it kind of makes me happy because it means that they want me dead so badly that they'd throw everybody else out the window except for me. I find it makes me accept it more.