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Looking for match completely broken

About 2 minutes after looking for a match the CANCEL button swaps with an UNREADY button, and it does not find you a lobby at all.
You can not click the UNREADY button or the BACK button, and ESC does not work either. So the only way to exit the game is Alt+F4.
>Character played: The issue happens with any survivor
>Perks played: -
>Map: -
>Frequency of the issue: Always
This is a public branch 5.0.2 report. Since there isn't a category for it, I had to publish the report in the PTB 5.1.0 category. I'm really sorry if posting it here is causing trouble but I had no other choice, and the issue is pretty serious so I had to try my best to point it out.
I am unsure if this issue is only happening to my account or if it is a public issue so here is my STEAM. In case you need to contact me here is my TWITTER. If you comment on this post I will also read it.
My platform is PC so I figure the log will help:
Thank you for your attention! 😄