"The Wolf" - DBD Concept
Chapter Name: “Damned Nights”
Killer Name:
The Wolf - Formerly “Olly Claughford” UK Resident, Buckinghamshire
Killer Statistics:
Speed: 4.6m/s - 8m/s (Full Moon)
Terror Radius: 32m - 44m (Full Moon)
Lunge: Regular
Killer Visuals:
The Wolf stands tall, roughly the same height as The Nemesis, slightly hunched over in an animalistic stance but is mostly anthropomorphic in stature with strong muscular definition covered in dark brown fur. His maw is adorned with the blood of his victims and his body tattered with the remains of his clothing (alternate skins simply have different clothes, fur colours etc…). The image depicted here shows a physique similarly to what I am describing but his actual visuals will have more clothing remains and human viscera.
Whilst in “Full Moon Mode”, he assumes a quadrupedal stance to run and slash at high speeds.
Killer Power:
The Moon’s Beast -
After the first, third and fifth generators are completed (so three times per trial) the sky/ atmosphere will darken (using similar effect to the New Moon Bouquet offering) then brightening more than usual to symbolise the appearance of the Moon, The Wolf will stand idle and howl as another tell of his power activating (Like The Oni’s yell).
When in this mode, The Wolf will assume a quadrupedal stance and is given 5 seconds of killer instinct of all survivors and bounds at 8m/s with a shorter hit cooldown (about 6 stacks of STBFL), ability to vault windows fast, break pallets faster but if stunned the penalty is quite long. The Wolf is given this ability for 25 seconds or until he takes 5 health states max.
Small Touches:
- The terror radius music during Full Moon Phase is different, more fast paced with more percussion
- Pallet stun sounds like a dog yelp
- When in Full Moon Phase, his eyes glow very bright red
- Protectorate Defence (30+ Teachable)
The area you prowl is yours to own, do not let others desecrate it.
When a survivor sabotages a hook or opens a chest you are given the haste status effect for 14/17/20 seconds.
Protectorate Defence does not have a cooldown
“It doesn’t care who you are, if you are in the area you are in danger!” - The Local Paper
- Lingering Scent (35+ Teachable)
Your senses are heightened within your cursed, beastly form.
Once a generator is left after being worked on for 14/12/10 the aura of that generator is highlighted in white.
Lingering Scent has a cooldown of 35 seconds
“*sniff” - The Wolf
- An Animal's Rage (40+ Teachable)
Anyone, or anything that provides a remote threat must be hunted and killed.
After being pallet stunned, that survivor is afflicted with the exposed status effect for the next 12/14/16 seconds.
An Animals Rage has a cooldown of 50 seconds
“I… I just can’t control myself…” - Olly Claughford
- Dull Claws
A long night of killing sometimes has left The Wolf’s claws dull and less effective.
Full Moon Phase lasts less time, health state cap is reduced, blood points awarded in this state are increased by 100%
- Torn Derby Shoes
The remains of Olly’s expensive party shoes after his first transformation.
Speed whilst in Full Moon Phase is slightly increased.
- Shattered Beer Bottle
A slightly wet, beer bottle, smashed after the House Party Massacre
Speed of destroying pallets and breakable walls is slightly increased whilst in Full Moon phase.
“What the ######### is that?! - hel-” - Slaughtered Teen
- Friend’s Viscera
Not the only gore spilled by The Wolf, but this one has a familiar scent of a close friend
Time of Full Moon phase is slightly increased.
- Antidepressants
A much needed way of coping for Olly to deal with the burden of insatiable murder
Slightly reduces the stun penalty The Wolf takes when pallet stunned during Full Moon phase
“It’s all too much, I can’t take it anymore” - Olly Claughford
- Torn Sporty Sneakers
Although not much is left, you can tell these were very expensive.
Speed whilst in Full Moon Phase is moderately increased.
- Shredded School Bag
The remnants of a child's backpack, a reminder of the beasts heinous actions
Speed of destroying pallets and breakable walls is moderately increased whilst in Full Moon phase.
“Wh-what have I done?!” - Olly Claughford
- Packed Duffle Bag
Many times he debated fleeing home to save the ones he loved from himself.
Time of Full Moon phase is moderately increased.
“I have to leave, everyone I know, everyone I love, will be gone” - Olly Claughford
- Blood Stained Bullet
A large bullet from a rifle that merely grazed the beast’s chest
Moderately reduces the stun penalty The Wolf takes when pallet stunned during Full Moon phase
“#########, #########’ thing just shrugged it off!” - Farmer
- Large Footprint
Every scene was the same, a massacre adorned with terrifying footprints.
Killer Instinct triggered at the start of Full Moon Phase is slightly increased
- Survivor’s Hand
One of the only survivors to escape The Wolf, not without great wounds however
Speed whilst in Full Moon Phase is moderately increased.
“It killed… Everyone, I’m lucky to even be here”
- Malted Fur
A pile of blood stained fur malted from the beast after many nights of action.
Speed of destroying pallets and breakable walls is moderately increased whilst in Full Moon phase.
- Bloodied Bedsheets
The Wolf’s attacks grew in violence, even invading the homes of innocents.
Time of Full Moon phase is moderately increased.
- Empty Pistol Magazine
Many tried, many failed.
Moderately reduces the stun penalty The Wolf takes when pallet stunned during Full Moon phase
“Don’t stop shooting, this thing has to die” - Buckinghamshire Police Force
- Siblings Torn Jacket
The remains of his sister's studded jacket after her night out clashed with his.
Killer Instinct triggered at the start of Full Moon Phase is moderately increased
“I don’t deserve to be alive anymore, I-I just don’t” - Olly Claughford
- Olly’s Favourite Shirt
Despite losing all human recollection, the patterned shirt reconnects the beast to his old life, bringing feelings of sadness
While in Full Moon phase, each consecutive hit increases his movement speed.
- Local Paper
Olly got to read the paper in which he was the star, under everyone’s noses.
While in Full Moon Phase, The Wolf has more movement speed when within 20m of an injured survivor
“What is doing this isn’t human, leave the suburbs, your homes aren’t safe!”
- Birthday Card
A Birthday Card signed by his parents, the memories it brings incurs remorse but greater anger.
At the start of Full Moon phase, The wolf sees everyone's auras for 4 seconds instead of killer instinct
“Happy Birthday to my gorgeous boy, we are so proud” - Mother and Father
- Broken Window Glass
A transformation inside his house was his nightmare, he had to get out. Fast.
While in Full Moon phase, after being pallet stunned once, the next pallet stun is broken instantly and his stun is the usual time spent incapacitated.
“I need help, or better, someone to stop me, no, end me” - Olly Claughford
- Iridescent Blade
Known as the “Blood Wolf Bane” the blade is used to ward off evil but also curse those unfortunate enough to feel its edges
While in Full Moon phase, after taking four health states, each healthy survivor left is afflicted with the exposed status effect.
“Hey what are you doi- Ow #########!” - Olly Claughford
- Mother’s Dressing Gown
Worn for years, this nightwear is nostalgic and the last thing she ever wore before her “son” arrived home
Successful hits while within Full Moon phase leaves survivors mangled and with the haemorrhage status effect and blood pools have greater visibility.
“Honey, I love you” - Mother
Basic and Brief Story Overview:
Olly Claughford (21):
- Home from University to celebrate achieving his degree in Law
- Him and his very rich family go on holiday to their usual home in Crete
- Lost on the way home they stumble upon a Dorian tribe in which Olly, slightly drunk, treats them in a snobbish and disrespectful manner after they don’t help.
- Before leaving, Olly is grabbed and sliced along the palm with a wolf adorned blade and the chief whispers indecipherable language in his ear
- The family find their way home eventually
- The deep slice heals over night forming a cragged scar, Olly is tormented with dreams of death of those familiar and unfamiliar to him.
- After arriving home back in the UK, Olly realises he has a reunion party that he was invited to and leaves before telling his parents of the increasing dreams and fits of rage he's experiencing
- Moon parts through the clouds, Olly gets away but he returns as, something else slaughtering all there, becoming known as the “House Party Massacre”
- Awaking in the middle of his garden his parents merely suspect a drunk night
- Olly seeks help in research, he has one month to prepare
- Debating packing and leaving everyone to save them but decides against it.
- On the news it says a lunar eclipse is happening in three days, which shortened his time to prepare a lot more
- That day was also his birthday
- The day comes and hiding in his room curtains closed shut off, his loving parents merely think he is experiencing depression
- Turning in his room, a brief moment of Olly breaks through and The Wolf breaks for the country, not the suburbs or his own family, yet…
- Massacring farmers and isolated homes in the country in broad daylight left all dead but one, who’s tales of a beast were heard and Buckinghamshire was ordered under lockdown to much protest - including Olly’s Father who just wanted to continue his work
- Trapped in his home for two months meant no escape from himself
- Month One’s Moon: He sneaks out despite law advising otherwise to turn as far from people as possible.
- Found by police he turns in the car being escorted home
- Killing all of the police present he breaks for town, finding it empty due to the lockdown except one group, his younger sister and her friends who had snuck out to meet and drink together, all killed
- Not much was left of Olly whilst turned, however enough was left to fight and attempt to drown himself and the beast
- Olly is found next morning washed up on the Farlow Lake’s shore
- Labelled as a suicide attempt, Olly remains too traumatised to reveal that it was all him to anyone and spends his time in a psych ward
- Month Two’s Moon: The walls of the rehabilitation centre weren’t nearly enough
- The Wolf bounds for the mansion upon the hill, his home, meeting both his Mother and Father
- Olly wasn’t in control anymore, killing and devouring both his mother and father The Wolf kneels, seemingly aware of his actions
- A dark black fog fills the home, Olly is gone. The Entity had no need for him, the beast inside suited its purpose much more...
I have put a lot of work into this, me and friends even did things like customs to test perk balance etc... Obviously I don't expect this in the game or even really for a Dev to even see it, I just want the idea out there...
Also sorry for possible grammar errors etc... (and the [BAD WORD] thing was not my choice, the website did that, fill in the blanks yourself)
Cool concept, but you should not get people images from the internet though 😂
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Yeah I realise I didn't make it clear this wasn't my art nor that's his actual looks, just a rough idea - good point...