I got permanent Banned for Playing The Twins?

Ok, I got 6K Hours on this game and has been playing this game since 2016. As far as I'm concerned the last killer I played is The Twins. Of course without any program or hack because I am a streamer myself and my youtube and twitch account proves it (Search Dura Lex Gamer on Youtube and Twitch). But How did I get banned for using the Twins when all I did is put victor near the hook while Charlotte do the hitting on others. Given Camping is not a Bannable Offense per se according to your Not Bannable Offense. This is not even an exploit or bug since I don't play The Twins that much, Since I play all Killers. So How did this become a permanent Ban offense? When its neither a bug or glitch. Please enlighten me on this one Devs. Thank you.
Why are you assuming that would be the reason you got banned?
What reason did they give, if any?
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Exactly. There’s always more to the story.
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There is no reason, But here is the reason.
Banned for Abusing Bug or Errors? WTH? I'm a streamer, While not a Big Streamer, you can watch my videos on youtube to prove I'm legit and doesn't use anything on my advantage. Sometimes I even lose the game, But how did I even get banned when the last killer I played yesterday was the Twins before I call it a Night? I already sent a report on my case. But How did I got banned for playing The Twins when first, Camping is not a Bannable Offense, Second given Victor can camp near the Hook, and Third that I play all Killers and not even a Twins main.
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It doesn't have to be the very last game you have played.
It can be from a match before this, and it just took them a while to respond.
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Did you modify your game files in anyway?
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But they never gave me any explanation, Why I got banned. Given that If you check my Stream, Heck you can tell I'm legit. I've been playing this game since 2016. August 2016 to be precise. I grind my way to 6K hours to get every survivor and killer to Prestige 3, and now they will Ban me for no apparent reason? Yes, I could be Toxic but I do know being toxic gets like 3 strikes before you get a Ban. This is so sudden. I can't believe it myself, Given I'm streaming this game and that people could watch that I ain't using any glitch or bug to my advantage. I even have losing games on my stream. WTH Really?
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Of Course not. Why would I even modify when I've been playing this game since August 2016. I grind for 6K hours in 5 years without any using hax or cheats(Because in the first place, I don't know how to use it and that I even report Cheaters on my Stream). So How did I get the Ban so suddenly? Devs please review my Report. And Please give me an explanation how I got banned, When all I did was Stream and Grind to get all my characters to Prestige 3.
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I somehow feel like there's more to this story.
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And I want some explanation that is. Given I'm streaming this game for nearly a Year (Since I don't have a powerful PC back then and that I started only streaming when I got a powerful PC). But given I've been playing this game for 5 Years, without any using cheats or crap. I could understand if they banned me for being toxic since I could be toxic at times, But being Banned for Exploits or Bugs? When I didn't use any should not be a reason to Ban me. Again guys, If you want to check how legit I am, Search Dura Lex Gamer on youtube and twitch. I'm not advertising my stream but just to tell you guys that I am not a cheater in anyway and that I even got losses on my stream. So How the Hell did I get banned? I can't believe it. Hope The Devs review my report. Because I'm so dedicated on the game even showing my viewers how to play Killers correctly and this is what will happen to my account?
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I'm just trying to guess what "errors in design" could mean.
I've been seeing people playing with custom character models and animations, so it was just the first thing to pop into my head.
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You're not going to get an answer here, this is the forums, not DBD support, and additionally, they won't undo a temporary ban anyways. If this is a permanent ban, then you can take this to support and see if they can appeal it.
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The devs wont do anything, neither will EAC. I got banned for no reason 3 years ago and they both accused the other of banning me over and over until they both said they "dont give a #########, im banned, ######### off" (not exact words, but it was more or less their meaning)
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Yeah Thanks for the Info. But I just can't believe I've been Perma Banned for exploit or bug when I didn't use any. I'm not even using those mod things that changes the color or image of your perks, and you can based it on my streams. I just can't believe it. But is it possible that they can reverse the ban? Because I am losing hope given there are big streamers like n00b3 and ochido who got banned. Well given 0chid0 is very very toxic. But come on.
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It did say on my ban report that EAC banned me. But What the Hell? I'm a Streamer. And as a rule of a Streamer, You are not allowed to use any cheats or any exploitations. I just hope they could review my account, Cause this is the game that gives life to my stream. Given I've learned to play All Killers and grind this game for 5 Years. I can't believe it, I'm Shocked of such actions taken on me when I didn't use any mod, bugs, glitch or hax that could give me an advantage, I even got losses and my streams proves it.
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Theyll take two weeks to scratch their ass before blaming bhvr or just say "we refuse to help because our technology is infallible"
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I'll just wait. I'm even thinking of advertising the game more given i got a deal with a VPN company lately. I just can't believe why they banned me. Unless using Victor camping over a hook is a bannable offense, Then why would they even include on their ''Not Bannable list'' The Action camping, when Victor could camp near the hook. Its not a glitch nor a bug. He was designed to do so. Still I'm hoping the Devs review my report and hope I could recover it.
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Im sorry to say they wont do anything because they expect you to just buy a new account instead. Itd be a cold day in hell before they reinstate an account (even those that could prove their innocence like me).
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I will never go back to Zero. Given I've spent a lot of money on their killers and survivors. And that I've been streaming this game for nearly a year given I started streaming when I got my Gaming PC last year. If I got my Gaming PC 5 years ago, I could have been one of the big streamers now. The chances are slim if I could recover my account, Still hoping though but I'm not going back to Zero and start all over again. Given I've spent 6K hours in 5 years to get all Characters to Prestige 3 and this is the reply I will get.
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Thanks for the reply. I already did sent a report. I just can't believe that I've been playing 5 years, I've even reported Legit Hackers using my Stream(I got videos of it) and this is what I get for playing legit. I'm so surprised and shocked right now.
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I imagine the circumventing of Victor's anti camp restriction. But we will never know for certain.
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They never mentioned anything of Victor camping near the hook being bannable. Given that they have a list of ''Not Bannable'' Offense which includes Camping. As I said, I would understand If I was banned for being toxic, Given I was banned once for being toxic for 24 hours, But being Banned because of something that is not a glitch or bug or exploitation is beyond my words. Given Camping is not a bannable offense. Besides the devs should have fixed this problem with Victor, The Twins has been out for 7 months now. And Not a lot of Killer mains or players do play the Twins. I only play the Twins if I got a daily.
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A ban like this requires undisputable video evidence. They don't hand them out for no reason. In fact, many exploiters and griefers escape punishment because of how lenient the system is.
Whatever you did, you're not saying.
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So you put Victor under a hook before hooking a survivor on said hook to evade the mechanic that stops you from using Victor next to a hooked survivor?
If that's the case then it can be considered an exploit.
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Oh... because it’s impossible that someone can also play while they’re not streaming?
And band like this aren’t given out lightly. There would have been repeated breaches before they threw the ban hammer.
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I never did anything. And you can see my stream for proof. I don't even use mod to change the appearance or color of my Perks. So How the heck did I even get a ban? 6K Hours + 5 Years grinding and you get banned? Unless of course you call Victor camping near the hook a bannable offense, when its under the ''Non Bannable Offense'' since its just camping. And I never heard someone getting banned for this strategy.
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By the way, @Not_Queen said if its an EAC Ban, How do you contact EAC directly? Given its EAC who banned me when I didn't use any program(except discord) when I play this game?
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5 Years + 6K Hours on the game man. Do you think I would risk my account over some hacks or cheat? Of course not. And I even accept defeats openly. My stream proves it. And whatever you see on my stream, is how I play the game. I could be toxic Yes, But playing with hacks or cheats or any bug or exploitation.. Definitely NOT!
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How could you even call it an exploit when there is no such thing saying its a Bannable Offense, Second I only play Twins when I got a daily, I play all Killers by the way, i'm not a Twins main. Unless of course I used Twins over and over again then you can call it an exploitation. Given I don't use them. I even rarely use them on my stream. So How the heck do I get ban immediately over that? Since it says on the bannable offense ''Abused of Exploitatons'' when I don't play The Twins unless there's a challenge or daily for them.
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Well to be clear its not exactly certain what they did and they certainly do have reason to lie. Also not certain if that exploit is bannable or not considering the sheer number of people who have done it. Odds are it is something else.
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Putting Victor under the hook is exploit, so deal with it ;)
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It could be. But given it was the last killer i played before I got banned, then I know it was that reason I got banned(Definitely). There is no other reason I could think of.. Given its EAC who banned me. When the programs I only use when playing the game is Discord and Google Chrome.
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Did you get in contact with bhvr? Couod have been an error of some sort. What we know for sure is you werent banned for camping with victor. With all the bugs and glitches and stuff rn this easily could have just been a mistake.
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Its not even an exploit. People even did it way before me. But did they get the Ban? As I said, I'm not even a Twins main. You see even Big Streamers who use 2 killers exploits yet they don't get banned, while small streamers like me gets a ban, just for that?
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Tell me about it, I've stopped reporting anything but endgame chat abuse. It's just not worth the effort when so little action is ever taken.
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I did contact them. Which I just don't understand is, I've sent report, but given @not_Queen mentioned something about "Contact EAC'', Given its EAC who gave me the ban, then I need to contact them. But how do I do that? Is EAC the people who receive the Ban report for those ban appeals? Since I reported this on Ban Appeal.
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I honestly have no idea. Sorry man, hope you get it figured out
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So any of you guys have any idea when the Devs will give me any update about my account? Cause I ain't going back to Zero, Given I've prestige 3 all my characters(killers and survivors alike) while spending 5 Years and 6K hours over the game. This is just shocking and insane.
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Just Google "eac ban appeal" and this is the very first link that comes up: https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/game/contact/appeal/
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Ok Thanks.
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Thank you again Guys for the info you gave me. I already sent a report on the devs and on EAC. Hope they could reverse it given I'm not using any cheats or hax. But I'll wait even it will take me 2 weeks, I just don't want to go back to Zero, given I've prestige all killers and survivors in the 5 years + 6K Hours span. Its definitely painful that they will ban you all of a sudden.
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Just by looking at some old screenshots of yours, you might of been banned for supposed save file hacking
Some of your early screenshots, you have P3 Level 50 killers but your rank stays VERY low.. Now I know that rank and leveling doesn't mean anything. But even the 2.0 blood web was very costly and that takes a lot of grinding.
Looks suspicious to me, but if you are truly innocent then try contacting support and hopefully you can get your account recovered
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Rank stay very low? What the? I've been playing this game for 5 years man. So how could I even be banned for save file hacking when I never used any program to edit or hack my save file. 5 years with 6K Hours would put nearly all your characters into P3. Given I've reached Rank 1 on both side back in 2016.
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Besides its easy to grind if you use Hillbilly. I even explained it on my stream that I use Hillbilly for farming. Equipping him with Bbq and Chili gives you EZ 50K+ especially if you get 4 Kills. How can you even call that cheating of bloodpoints?
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are you looking at his rank or devotion level? having that many P3 level 50 killers with a low level might seem suspicious yes.
Getting around a game mechanic and allowing something to happen that shouldn't as your posts suggest you put victor under and empty hook and put a survivor on it and were able to keep him there is an exploit. even if camping isn't a ban worthy offence the way it's being done is.
I'll sat it again. Doing something in a game that you're not supposed to be able to do to give yourself an advantage is considered exploit weather you think it is or not.
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Why is your every post: "5 years, 6k hours and p3"?
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To Prove I'm legit. And that its so disappointing I get banned just for a little reason like victor camping the hook. The devs even never mentioned such action is bannable. Given one of those ''Non Bannable Offense'' is Camping. Heck I even see bigger streamers exploiting the 2 killer glitch before, but did they get the hammer? Definitely not, because they are big streamers while I'm a nobody.
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Besides Devotion just started 2 or 3 years ago. I've been playing this game since 2016. And its easy to farm bloodpoints, just check my hillbilly run, I already explained it how I get easy 1M BP in a few hours with him.
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A little note to players who never played this game since 2016. Devotion came out around as early as 2018. Therefore the devotion thing does not apply to me and my P3 Characters. Given when the Devotion started, everyone with more than 1K Hours started with Devotion 0.
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that wasn't the focus of my response. I was answering another poster there. under the quote I took from you is where I was talking about your situation.