Ash Vs Evil Rework Model

Hello everybody.
After playing on the current PTB, I was generally pleased with the reworking of the models that stood out, even more. I was amazed to see some reworked licensed characters there, like Depp, Quentin or Laurie and Bill. And this gave me the idea that they can also rework Ash's model, because, in my opinion, his model inside the game is outdated for a long time. And does not match the current realities of DbD.
I will make a reservation in advance, in this post there will be only fan snot, on the topic of what errors the current version of Ash has
So let's begin!
Classic Outfit - not Groovy...
The developers have coped with the common task of transferring the character and the actor who plays him, but at the moment the model is objectively outdated. Let's start with his shirt. Ash's shirt is his calling card, or rather, its color. The shirt inside the game has a faded grayish-blue color.
Also the shirt is less detailed than the same shirt + vest from his outfit .
How you can see that was the same shirt, but that has are more cannon colour than classic
I also wanted to discuss his prosthesis and head. Let's start with the prosthesis. Oddly enough, his prosthesis is much larger than his left arm. In the game, we see that his prosthesis and hand are exactly the same size
(I am still silent about the light bulb on the prosthesis)
I can't say anything concrete about the head. That is, it copes with the task of conveying the main features of the actor. I can only add that the animations of the face when injured or something else, the animations leave much to be desired......
Forgot to mention that the Finale suit has no gray hair on the left temples.
And game....
Well, his mouth should also be slightly smaller than in the game.
And the last one....his middle-age beer-belly)))
the game has a hint of Ash wearing a trolley under his shirt, like in the show. But the fact is, on the show, even when she's carrying the cart, Ash's stomach sticks out. In the game, we have a spacious tucked-in shirt that wraps gently around his holster with belts
I don't want to add new outfits or something like that, i just wanna his old model rework
What did you thing about that?
End of Days Ash needs his correct hair! His right side is supposed to have a large white streak while the left side is still dark.
His blue shirt should also be darker, but the incorrect hair is what really detracts from an otherwise great cosmetics set.