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survivors can wait in a spot at exit gate where killers cant hit through. Also posting ideas to help

Nio_0 Member Posts: 4

Doesn't matter if there is a self care challenge when I have to sit here during entire egc when all I want is to move on to the next game. Really doesn't feel fair. Already didn't have a great map and not really a ideal build for pig. So doing this when i just want to move on is really annoying and honestly shouldn't be allowed. This is still holding a game hostage for 2 mins. I know a lot of killers slug till bleed out so both work both sides.

This is why survivors should have a surrender option and killers should not be punished for dc/surrendering themselves. They aren't making the game worse by surrendering they admit defeat.

This is a video game and both sides should have a option to surrender so they can both get into new game fast. If the game has a Dc at the start with survivor it isn't uncommon for me to dc. because its not fair for them.

Also Body blocking. If a survivor get body blocked in a corner for the entire game killer should lose collision after getting pushed on for example 8 seconds.

Say if the survivors surrender. Let the end game collapse just instantly take them away. Both team will get points according. Killer will get hook points and survivors would get escape points.

This is not just a bug report this is offering an idea on how to fix the game a little more and hopefully make it more fun for everybody.

Though an idea will need to come up to help teams not just surrender because spirit is in game. At least make the game have to play for 3 mins before the surrender option comes up. So there is no instant surrender.

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