When they have TTV in their name

And they're offline
Hey I wanted to see the game from your pov
You didnΒ΄t miss much.
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Same π
It's why I only ever use ttv when I actually stream because I know how annoying it gets
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I don't even get why they do that
Like...are they expecting I'm going to go to their channel later? I'm so disappointed that I don't get to watch my game that I'm going to be sitting around all day with my breath held waiting for them to come back so I can watch them play against strangers?
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i have the same reaction.
the majority when i've tuned in, good people. always those few who accuse you of sniping or something stupid.
had this streamer who accused me of stream sniping because i chased him in the basement, dragged him out of a locker, hooked him left. and not 20 seconds later a yui unhooked him so i turned around, hit his bt off with whip and as he runs up the stairs from got downed by a zombie...back to the basement he went.
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Subscribers only for the VOD my dude. Followers only chat.
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Well that's even dumber then. Is the TTV person thinking I'm going to be so intrigued by not being able to watch my match that I'm going to subscribe to them to watch them play against strangers?
Like... I've subbed to a handful of TTVs after watching my game with them and appreciating their personality/attitude in the game (I'm rarely ever actually watching anything but I have heard a high sub count helps them even if I don't watch) but that feels like you're hamstringing yourself even more than the normal hamstringing that is getting any traction on Twitch...
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Once I had played a game against a crew that absolutely were better than me in every way. Gens were flying by and I could barely get a down.
I ended up tunneling the one I could get, then slugged him to get free hits in before killing him all the way. Man I played so mean.
I camped the next one then snowballed to victory. At the end I was able to watch their stream and see it from their perspective. Was an interesting take. I then apologized for the sweat, explaining they were so much better than me it was the only way I could have hoped to get any bp.
They invited me to play a few games with them. Was pretty chill.
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Oh I know. TTVs should be happy Iβm taking time out of my day to watch them play a video game I could be playing myself.
But 10 year old kids with nothing better to do have empowered them to put those restrictions on things when they have like 5 viewers or something. Never respected streamers, never will. I hit that βdonβt recommend this channelβ button on YouTube a ton.
Twitch itself hardly interest me with its 4x ads in a row every 5 minutes. Iβm good. Iβd buy the stock and let the kiddies play.
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Ik. I see ttv and i get all excited for endgame so I can watch it and see how they reacted to the game just for them to be offline
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I generally don't pay attention to TTV names, but if I'm playing Killer and the choice is tossing them or the random Bill on a hook, Bill's getting a pass. I want that TTV audience of 7 to see their favorite underrated streamer spending some quality footage on a hook.
I have gone against some decently nice ones, though, so it's not all bad. Others were ######### that use Twitch as a means to just insult people with an audience that eggs them on.
I'm on an odd position with TTVs, though, because it was a Twitch streamer that caused me to get back into the game. Otz and JottSpund both got me into playing the game again when Pyramid Head came out. Before that, I hadn't touched it since the release of Hag.
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I don't avoid them but I don't like playing against them. TTVs are usually, like you said, bring haddionfield offerings. They bring keys or flashlights. They try to get your attention to show off their mad chase skills then rage quit when they find out your not a killer that can easily be bullied. As a killer they often quit and I get yelled at for not going easy on the others. As a survivor they don't do objectives because they are more concerned about putting on a show than actually playing the game.
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People only say the game is casual when they win without any effort. When they lose then they start yelling "why you try hard?" "Why are you in a swf, 4 DS,s+DHs and keys?"
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When are you streaming next time I'll come and stalk you π
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good question i genuinely don't know ._.
maybe tonight? if my headache decides to go away? idk i kinda do it on the fly
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I might be going out tonight but anyway hope you feel better regardless if you stream o/
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ty :)
enjoy the outside world (disgusting)
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Or it's just a bait. Hate that.
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unironically did this once. was trying my best to get moried (challenge between me + my swf mate) and after many attempts with names like "mori me pls"/"wraith mori me ily"/"super toxic"/"i just wanna die" which usually ended in me being facecamped, i changed it to "ttv/MoriTheStreamer". first game was a double iri ebony mori doc.
i won the challenge :)
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I don't care anymore if a TTV is my teammate or killer. If I'm survivor and the TTV is my teammate, I might check out their stream and depending on the vibe, I'll tell them ggs. Same if they're my killer. If I'm being made fun of or they or their chat is being toxic in any way, I just roll my eyes and move onto another match. I typically don't let it get that far though. If I hear positivity as they're talking to chat or just wholesome vibes, it's all good with me.
My life is already stressful and depressing, I don't want to worry or stress over what strangers over the internet are saying about me or how I played especially if I know I did badly. I just don't care or at least I'm trying not to. I'm stuck in this weird personal place of trying to find a way to be content in life for once and that's I guess my first step.
I got hella off topic but if they're wholesome and neat, I do sometimes like to rewatch the vod too. :)
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It's even worse when they are streaming but either don't have VODs enabled or its sub only.
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I used to avoid TTV's thinking they were all toxic, but I had one game with one and decided to go to his stream out of pure curiosity. I was surprised that he was rather nice and basically just having fun messing around with his chat.
In that game, I was using Infinite Myers for a challenge and we were on Fractured Cowshed, before the rework. The TTV was David and we also had a Meg, Claudette, and a Feng. The TTV had No Mither on and the moment I noticed I decided already that he was going to live no matter what. I figured he was going for Adept and decided to let him have it knowing how much of a pain David's Adept was for me. Throughout the game...Meg was....new to the game, Feng was a ninja...and any time I chased Claudette she ALWAYS brought me to one of the others or would unhook someone right in front of me. She CONSTANTLY did this to David. Meg Died cause of her in this way. The only reason I ever found Feng was when Claudette brought me to her. anytime I found David I downed him but left him there while I chased off one of the others. After finally finding and killing Feng it was only David left who got up due to No Mither and quickly found hatch. After the game I went to his stream to just say GG and that I decided to let him go. But when I got in there he was excitedly celebrating with his chat over his escape. Apparently someone in his chat said they would gift 5 subs if he could escape using No Mither, Self Care, and 2 other useless perks I don't remember. He was so proud of his escape I just didn't have the heart to ruin it...so I left without saying anything.
I learned not all TTVs are toxic. some are just trying to have fun while growing their own community, and it is the few that give them a bad name.
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Nah. Anyone who signs up wants an audience for them playing video games. They think they are that good and/or entertaining.
I make my best effort to show the viewers they have thatβs not the case by giving them as short and brutal of a game as possible.
Itβs a sad day when I canβt even play a video game without someone trying to make money off beating me.
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Going to go ahead and close this up as its beginning to devolve into streamer bashing. Please remember to keep your comments civil and respectful, this includes when talking about people that stream, or those that choose to have platform handles in their in-game names.