Xenomorph Power Concept

Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 286
edited July 2021 in Creations

If they add the Xenomorph alien to DBD, I'd really like to see it have a power similar to Hag where it sets facehugger egg sac traps that are proximity tripped. If a survivor sets one off, a facehugger flies out and an animation happens during which the survivor has the incapacitated status effect but maintains full movement control (like when Victor grabs a healthy survivor).

During this animation, the survivor has to hit 3 moderately difficult skill checks (probably challenging if in chase). If the survivor hits all three, they throw the facehugger off and it dies. Their momentum won't stop like when throwing Victor off since they can't control when it happens. If they miss even 1 skill check, the facehugger latches to their face and gives them the blindness status effect, which lasts for 30 seconds. The facehugger then falls off and dies and the survivor loses the blindness status effect.

The survivor will not trigger any additional facehugger egg sacs if a facehugger is attacking them/attached to their face or the survivor is currently implanted. The survivor will lose the implanted alien if they are downed.

The kicker here is that 60 seconds from when the facehugger falls off, a baby Xenomorph will burst out of their chest and damage them for a single health state. This will give them the typical damage taken speed burst if they were healthy and down them if they were injured.

The Xenomorph also has a passive where if it gets stunned, healthy survivors take a health state of damage and injured survivors go into deep wounds from the acid blood. Decisive Strike would be exempt from this effect. It would also be cool if its breaking animations used its tail and its mori incorporated its second inner mouth.



  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Pretty neat, although the stun penalty seems a little broken, but can work if it has a cooldown

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 286

    @JimboMason Thanks! Ya I wanted to do something with their acid blood when they take damage. I don't think it would need a cooldown though because it would never be able to down someone. It's like legion's power (without timer-reducing add-ons). At most it can keep applying deep wounds to someone over and over, but not down them or reduce the deep wound timer.

    @Komrad_Karnage The killer alien wouldn't be laying the eggs per say, just placing them as their power. Pretend the Entity gave the alien the power to teleport the egg sacks that the queen lays into the trials. You concept is pretty interesting though. My main issues with it are that it would be pretty easy to call out where the active egg sac is and avoid that area and that the killer would be relying on an AI, which if you've seen Nemesis' zombies, you know they can be pretty janky.

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 286

    @Komrad_Karnage Ya sorry if I didn't make that clear. They will have the exact same trip mechanics as Hag traps. Survivors can crouch past them.