Rpd is a so confusing

MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Even after playing RE 2 today I’ve played it before I cannot for the life of me navigate this map:/

I almost died to the floor because I couldn’t find the door LOL omg why is it so confusing I thought ohh I no the layout of this nope lost in corridors more corridors :/ random rooms with no way out

I think we need a actual picture of the map somewhere on the walls to help people out, I can barely find gens I only kno the one on the roof and in the main room besides them 2 I have no clue at all where the rest of the gens are !!! please tell me I’m not alone 😂😂 and if you know the layout please feel free to give me some tips because my brain hurts after playing that game

found some stairs and was like ohh where’s this lead only to find out it was the basement 🤣🤣

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I have no idea where anything is either. It just seems to be one we need to play a lot to get used to it. And it still seems rare for me, I only played it once as killer and once as survivor. I played every other map at least 6 times. Including the temple which was apparently disabled.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm literally just going with the flow on that map. As survivor I just keep running until I find an exit or until the killer loses me. As killer I'm just tryna to find the gens.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, that map was not designed for DbD. It's just an enormous maze and any time you point that out some RE megafan that's etched the layout into their brain from dozens, if not hundreds of hours spent on it tells you that "it's all fine, the map is perfect."

    RCPD really does exemplify why you can't lift maps from one game and drop them in another.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    I disagree. RPD feels like a new kind of map. One in which cat and mouse gameplay is explored much more. Hearing the heartbeat, not knowing if the killer is around the corner or on the floor above you gives the game scares it's been lacking for a while.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's been lacking because it's extremely boring for most people. It's completely uninteractive gameplay and it really doesn't take any effort, skill or practice, and every chase is forced to be excruciatingly painful, with nothing but holding W with no chance to be cut off and ridiculous amounts of both god pallets/windows and worthless pallets/windows. And then there's the fact that the map is so big there's no point for the killer to even try. It's traversal time from end to end is the same as Mother's Dwelling and it has two seperate floors.

    Stealth is already the easiest part about DbD. It didn't need yet another map purely dedicated to it. And certainly not one as insanely huge, confusing and ridiculously survivor-sided as RCPD.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,354

    The DBD twitter put out a useful video showing that gens that need to be repaired can be found by looking for the blinking lights outside of rooms. Also exit gates can be found by following the exit signs.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I’ve never even gotten to play the map. I’d say thankfully, but I got shelter woods 3 times today while using balanced, so I don’t feel lucky.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited July 2021

    While I haven't played for hours and hours on end since the event started, I've still played my fair share of matches. But I still have yet to get the RPD map. I don't have enough friends that play DBD to fire it up in a custom game, and I know BHVR intentionally turned down the percentage odds of getting the map because it is still bugged. It's just crazy to think that the Resident Evil chapter has been out for a full month now, and you still can't play the map on a regular basis. Is it any wonder they extended the event?

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I got to play it for the first time yesterday and couldn't help but smile as everything from my RE2 and 3 Remake playthroughs started coming back to me. I've played through both games five times each. However I don't remember the names of the rooms. I called the Safety Deposit Room "the room where Leon gets the shotgun and Carlos gets the battery".

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    il keep that in mind next time I play, I say a exit sign I ran to it thinking the gate was there nope it was a dead end 🤣I’m like so we’re is the exit