Penalty for DDOS ?

The penalty for DDOSing is that you lack dignity and need to live with that. Harsh enough if you ask me.
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Isn't ddosing an actual crime?
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There is already a penalty for DDosing
it's called 10 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 US Dollars
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The penalty for DDOS attacks depends entirely on the legal punishments of the country of the attacker. Usually it's considered a serious crime.
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Until we find a way to ban DDOSers from reality's servers, /jail's the best we can do.
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In the case of suspected DDOSing, it is possible to obtain evidence from the ISP and send this to our Support after an in-game report, so it can be ruled out that it was just normal loss of internet or whatsoever. It is taken very serious when someone uses DDOS to attack others. Additionally to that, when it comes to legal ramifications, that depends entirely on the country, so that is dependant on where you reside.