We´re gonna live forever

Is in the Shrine. If you don´t have it, its a great chance to get the best survivor bonus bloodpoint perk.
David is free survivor, opening on him is better option i think. I already have this perk but i would keep my shards for cosmetics.
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I lvl up david just for this perk 2 days ago I am really mad
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The perk is better than before, but there should be other ways to gain stacks. For example, healing another survivor should give you a stack. Right now, if multiple people are using it, they rush to get saves and it ends up damaging the team.
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I would buff and nerf this perk.
Max 8 stacks. Each stacks will add 12.5% more points (Max 100%). Finishing gen, healing someone, cleansing totem will also add stack now.
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I had a similar idea. Max 8 stacks, with each stack adding 12.5% with 2 stacks for Performing a Safe Hook Rescue and 1 stack every time you:
Complete 50% of a generator.
Cleanse a totem.
Heal 100% of someone else's health state.
Take a Protection Hit for an injured Survivor.
Stun the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor.
Blind the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor.
This incentivizes safe rescuing and finishing gens as they give stacks the fastest, and are the most beneficial actions to do for your team's survival, while also giving stacks for other useful deeds.
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You'd need to unlock him, then grind to unlock the teachable, then grind to unlock the perk on the survivor(s) you actually want it for. Getting it in the Shrine means you go straight for the survivor(s) you want and grind for it there.
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Yeah but i would still go for grind. I love to use my shards for cosmetics.
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Totems might be a bit much, you could get all four stacks just by running Counterforce and not actually contributing to the main objectives at all, but for entire gens repaired I think that would work.
Maybe only the first two events of a category should count for stacks (similar to BBQ only counting each survivor hooked once). So like your first two unhooks, your first two protection hits, your first two generators completed, and your first two totems cleansed. You could do one of each, or pick two twice, etc.
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Agreed,i just don't know why they can't give you a stack for healing other people.
It's just so dumb
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Yes - I spotted the same potential issue also. That is why my version gave double as many stacks for safe recues and completing (100% of) gens so it is more efficient time-wise to do those actions.
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Do the same to BBQ and I'm on yes
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The WGLF and BBQ BP gains should be basekit!
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Where did I ever say it was better than any other perk?
I said you could get all tokens just by doing totems, which is a side objective and doesn't further the game, which means you're not actively contributing, which is the whole point of WGLF, to reward good survivor play.
Do you really want immersed Claudette slinking around the map just cleansing totems, not doing gens or unhooking people?
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You get nothing for doing gens.
1250 points, and the perk gives nothing for it,so thats why in solo barely doing gens at all.
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You just supported my argument with that...
Why would anyone bother doing gens if they don't give many BP and you can get more by just doing all the totems?
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The perk grind is a whole other issue which definitely needs addressing. I don't think we should have to rely on a single perk for that.
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