Make lethal pursuer or corrupt intervention base for killer

As gen speeds are out of this world and slugging is really the only way to pressure survivors I think that it should be base.
Any thoughts?
eeeeeeehhhhh no
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I don't think they should be base but there definitely should be something at the start of the game to help killers out.
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no way they consume a perk slot for a reason. if they made them basekit the game would take a lot less skill
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No, the stat showed the game is pretty balanced.
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What skill woukd adding lethal pursuer remove?
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The Devs only need to do something against the stupid insane Gen Speed if u doesnt Play a Killer who is fast or can 1 shot then u most going to lose against Good Teams
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Someone is bad at tracking survivors and defending gens I see?
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Definitely not lethal pursuer. The survivors should have time to look around or open chests before jumping straight on gens or running to spread out.
I do think it would be cool if 3 gens were always blocked at the start. Either 3 random gens or even the 3 gens closest to the survivors. It would encourage more interaction with the environment and other players before going straight to a hold M1 objective.
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you mean the one 2017-2021
Thats meaningless.
But if anything killers are overperforming, I think they fear to release more accurate stats, but last time released killers had like 75% killrate in red rank not counting games with DC.
So killers are kings, unbeatable gods in the game
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No, no, no and no.
Play stronger killers instead. You know, those which would be unbeatable if these perks were their basekit
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Ugh. Bait, and more bait. Killers have plenty in their kit to counter Survivors. They need nothing else but some tweaks.
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That is my biggest struggle as a new player. Very hard to know where to go at the beginning of the game.
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That's pretty standard though. Knowing where Survivors spawn and then what to do with that just takes time. If it's a real struggle, you might try playing as Survivor for a time just to get to know that side of things better.
DbD has a pretty steep learning curve, but it plateaus in places. So you'll struggle a bit, then find things easier, then struggle with some more complex mechanics and find those easier as well. It's well worth taking the time to learn it though rather than immediately crutching up on Perks.
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I only use Lethal Pursuer on Nemmy kun because I have no perks, but I really want it for Ghostface to more consistently get the one shot early when they don't realize I am a baby Ghostface Killah. Other than that, I have been learning the hard way. I am REALLY bad at Ghostface though. I made it to rank 9, and once I started playing him, it has been depip after depip. Rofl.
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Lol. Yeah. I know that feeling. Currently leveling the Twins and trying to learn them at the same time. It is not pleasant!
Ghostie with Pursuer though sounds great for early game. Getting someone downed in the first part of a match like that would be great.
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And that nurse is the worst killer in the game🤔
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Yeah we need more spirits and nurses why buff up other killers to that level.
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Thanks for the laugh 😂
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Its the other way around. We cannot have good things because nurse and spirit exist.
So many perks are considered too strong for those 2 killers and get nerfed during PTB, even tho for other killers they are not OP at all.
Even if you want to buff weaker killers to higher level, basekit corrupt is not the way to go at all. Why? Because nurse and spirit exist and the last thing they need is corrupt and lethal pursuer as basekit
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Nope I can find survivors easily defending gens impossible without slugging
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Not bait, gen speeds too quick and unfair. Map pressure impossible to build unless your blight, nurse, spirit or twins
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Do you have faith they can add gen parts without it causing issues? Your idea is excellent though😁
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thats a no from me. It would be too strong if that was ever to happen.
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gens are supposed to go fast at the beginning, then slow down the longer the match goes on.
a much better fix would be to force the Survivors to spawn together every game and rework the spawn location offerings.
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Maybe a weaker version of Corrupt. Lethal Pursuer is too much for base kit IMO.
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I must be way in a minority cuz I normally only have Corrupt and I hardly if ever have problems finding someone.
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Lethal pursuer is more then just finding someone.
It's finding a cluster so you can bother more of them at once and have an idea where the others are when you are done with your first chase.
Believe me the difference between heading to the opposite side of the map to find a single survivor or moving half a map to chase of 2 survivors and knowing where to go for your pop is the difference between losing 3 gens in one minute and losing 1 gen.
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I understand what it does. I just personally don’t like to use it because when I started to play nemesis it felt like an unneeded perk for me. I felt like I could be running something else more fun, since I already had corrupt, that already gives me plenty of information alone.
I understand what you’re saying about going to the wrong side, but that goes hand in hand with your own tracking abilities. If I hear a gen barely touched but didn’t see anyone I am going to keep that in mind as an example. Maybe come back to it during a chase or something. I don’t know, I just don’t find Lethal Pursuer does much after you’ve encountered them, they usually just split and you are back to where you started. That’s just been my experience with it.
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No way
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The problem is that these two perks are not the same class. Lethal pursuer is an education perk, similar to zanshin tactics for killers or windows of opportunity as survivor. It is not a perk you are supposed to run forever, its a perk that you run to learn a portion of game sense, in this case survivor spawn locations. Which are a set and finite possibility on each map.
Corrupt Intervention is a game delay perk, built in such a way to promote the increased possibility of finding out of position survivors. Which is why its chief counter is to just wait it out, preventing all value from CI and forcing the killer to play 3 perks the rest of the match.
With that said, since lethal pursuer is locked behind a killer you must pay cash for, I would say of the two I would prefer a slightly nerfed lethal pursuer, perhaps at only 3-4 seconds for one good look around the map for a general direction?
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Pretty high pedestal you are sitting on given your own history of posts here?
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I can see that argument. But I would have to argue that Discordance is an order of magnitude better to fulfill the same purpose and throughout the whole trial.