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DC ? Matchmaking?

acharliet Member Posts: 155

Hello Guys !!!

I m fan of DBD, i like to play as survivor and solo. But lately games being so tuff... Usually game starts and some survivor dont like killer and being first hit, even not hooked and survivor just disconnect. Even today i was waiting in loby and survivor wrote in chat that he ll DC if it ll be nurse. Disconnecting in games r so common and often now since DC is not penalised anymore. Will DC become penalised again someday ? In some stream i got answer that DC is not penalised because some players having technical issues and game is crashing for them. I have been playing DBD like 1500 hours and game crashed for me just like 5 times ? does it mean that guys playing game on old hardware so devolopers decided not to penalise DC because of that ? Players who spent money for new computer or console r now having bad game experience because of this reason? I m having even 3 games in row when somebody DC early in game.

Next question is matchmaking. I dont know why, but lately i see some changes in matchmaking. I m at red rank as survivor and my teamates r usually green ranks and seeing at their profiles many of them usually have less than 100 hours playing this game. It wouldnt be so problem, but killer is often at 1 rank with even more than 1000 hours of playing this game. The games r than so boring and so tuff. I feel like the matchmaking havent been so bad before. I m really thinking if playing this game is fun for me anymore ... Havent been having so bad Dead by Daylight game experience before as now.


  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    DC penalties are on most of the time, unless something happens (crashes, exploits allowing to ban other people from MM on purpose, etc.). As soon as current issues get sorted out, DC penalties should be back on.

    Regarding your 2nd question, MM didn't undergo any notorious changes recently. The balance of your matches depends on the quantity of queing players for both sides, and it changes a lot depending on exact time you are playing at. You can try playing later in the evening or earlier during the day, and see how your experience changes depending on that.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    Thank you for answer. I have been trying to play more and different times of the days. But there is no change. I dont understand but before i never had so bad game experience by playing this game, i have been before enjoying playing solo survivors so much and the games was mostly good. I have 1600 hours, actually rank 2 but i m matched with teamates who has even less than 100 hours, green ranks or worse, but killer has even 4 000 hours and being at rank 1. My last game my teamates was 15 and 18 ranks with not many hours playing this game, but player-killer with 6500 hours. Well it doesnt last long time till they just DC. I m just feeling like before this was never so bad like now, at least at my side. When i m in loby and check profiles of players and my teamate has 7 hours played of this game then i m just thinking wheres problem.

    If this would happen sometimes i would be ok, but it does happen so often several games in-line.

    And not gonna be talking about so many DCs in games. If u r saying thats the reason are tech issues, so why always survivor DC when he is gonna be hooked after 30 seconds the game started? 

    If some players reading this post, some players who likes to play solo survivors, do you have same issue? Whats your experience playing solo survivors.