Bring MMR please, ranks are a joke
MMR is gonna be better than what we have now. (See how saying something makes it so).
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Just my experience with SBMM in games.
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So what makes it bad, in your experience?
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When the killer does not get a 4k/3k with hatch with 8 hooks, he played wrong.
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The core issues is that dbd as a game does not promote a good place to learn how to get better. There is virtually nothing to stop tunneling or give the survivors opportunities to hone there chase prowess unless they deliberately seek it out(even then the killer will ignore you and chase someone else). Mmr might fix the high levels of play but like every other competitive game it will massively hurt the casual experience of the game. MMR has no business being in a game that is built for casual and is by design broken at higher skill levels. I dont get competitive dbd its mind numbingly boring. I dont get excited by nurses and comp teams cheesing the game.
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I play as killer and I really think that MMR is on... It is probably not on, but still I am getting pretty balanced matches. Quite often they end with 2 kills. If I lose badly 2 times in a row I get easier match. If I win, I get harder.
I am in red ranks, around 2-3
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It would be nice to have people that don't predrop-and-W. I had a brief window where they were gone... Then their own sweaty antics made them depip and join us purple ranks because the current system is so bad.
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I hope they bring MMR, but only for a separate mode. Keep current matchmaking, but add a mode that uses MMR and has rewards for climbing to higher levels.
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I'm actually just asking rank 1-3 to actually do gens (hold a button) not miss constant skill checks. Not constantly trade hooks just because it's easy points. And to do some what of a chase that lasts longer than an afk player (like seriously how do people get hit twice in like 5 seconds)
I'm asking for the top ranks to actually play the game, it's not fun to have 3 people down within a minute of the match starting. The killers arent even good half the time i just want some basic skill at the highest rank
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You say that now…
trust me, the game will be HORRIBLE for top-tier and low-tier players alike if the MMR works accordingly.
If you’re just the average DBD gamer, you will notice almost nothing from MMR and thus the quality if your team won’t be much different than it is now.
Edit: If I facecamp every single game as Bubba (theoretically, its not my style)…I WILL kill 2 people every match, regardless if they match my skill or not. It’ll take a serious gen focused team (with items and perks to speed things up) to finish 5 gens in 4 minutes.
MMR wont change anything but making lobby queue ls longer
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50 Win streaks are INSANE and basically never done in any game with loose MMR. Once that hits, OTZ will never get one of those again. He needs to hurry up and finish that series, a$ap.
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Never get win streak? He wont even get a game in less than 20min imo. But its for the best, Elden ring is coming in january and I cant wait to see him play different games than DBD again
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MMR ain't fixing that. MMR can't fix what basic emblem ranks can't even fix. People are going to do what they've always done on survivor and get carried up the ladder by the one or two competent people on the team. The best you can hope for is that MMR pushes killers who tank their own rank to have less stressful games back to their proper rank where some will stay and play while others quit or go play one of the twelve dying assym games.
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Isn’t that exactly what you’d have to do in MMR? It’s not going to know where you stand at first, so it’ll pool you with those you despise most and you’ll have to carry to climb out. I dislike MMR/SMR in games. I feel like there is a skill level not being accounted for: mid-tier casual. Not great at the game, but not bad at it either. MMR feels like you only have two pools to be placed in: God tier or Sub Par. You’re not good enough to get into god tier so guess where you go? Once you’re on the bottom, you keep sinking further into the MMR’s abyss due to getting farmed off hooks, cowards hiding while knowing the killer is preoccupied, and ragequitting. This is why it didn’t work the first time they tried it.
If I keep getting teammates that play like that, I’m going to quit this game. When they enabled it a few weeks back, I stopped playing after the 2nd day. It was bad. I have game sense and can do what I’m supposed to. I can’t be expected to carry players who are pulling me off hook in front of the killer and crouching in a corner when I’m in chase on the other side.
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i've seen so many players dying because they thought it's a good idea to heal right under the hook, especially against stealth or high mobility killers. It's another story if you use perks (Botany, We'll make it) or items or if you're completely sure the killer is on the other side of the map and has something else to do, but its generally not a bad idea to go around a corner and out of plain sight. When i play killer and i'm not very far away and i found no one else, i will go back to hook after the unhook and search for you.
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that is only correct when the MMR system was actually going to only find and match him with players of his skill level.
and considering Otz is like the top 1% of players, that'd mean the system would either force him into lobby waiting times of 30+ minutes (i believe Dowsey once waited over an hour to get into a single game during the MMR testrun), or its just going to match him with weaker players again, which kind of ruins the whole point of its existance in the first place.
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That's fine, except that the people that I'm referring to go further than just a corner. They decide to keep running to some nonsensical distance. I've had moments where they ran into the killer, I could only wonder if they did it on purpose. I guess not because it's usually followed by a dc.