DBD is in a poor state.

DBD is in one of the poorest states it has ever been in. They continue to attempt silence us by giving us blood points and shards while they do nothing to fix the actual issues. They buff and nerf the wrong things and seemingly ignore community feedback. The state of the game is so bad that most of the State of Play was just gameplay instead of actually addressing issues.
On Playstation and Xbox, we face incredibly bad performance issues and they continue disregard us and disrespect us. They won't even review reports on console. They don't fix all the performance issues in a hotfix and postpone it for the mid-chapter. They continue to disregard us and disrespect us even though we make over 50% of the game population. Console has always had issues with performance and they disregard it until all of the bugs pile up on console and are forced to deal with it. They don't apologize they just give us points and shards to dilute our criticism.
They make the worst buffs and nerfs and then don't take community feedback and fix it as not to embarrass themselves. For example, they overbuff Wraith and overnerf Hillbilly and don't fix either even after overwhelming negative feedback.
I hope addressing these issues will help get them fixed, I encourage you to criticize my essay.
Eh, the balance is whatever. Every game ever does that wrong. The performance? Well, they gave us an ETA, so I will complain after that date comes and it still is not fixed. For now, I guess I appreciate the currency.