Weirdness with game files

As far as I am aware this only affects the Steam platform, if someone is having issues outside of Steam, please comment and give some details so I can get bigger picture of this.
The game files are haunted by The Entity and require constant attention after updating, sometimes even after a fresh install. Before we can get to the trial we must fix issue(s) with the files, sometimes, which can be a trial of it's own if you are navigating this issue for the first time(s).
But why is that? What is wrong with the files?
Is there some kind of caching going on? Is there something wrong with the patching routine for updating them? Is it just Steam doing something wrong?
The hoops you usually have to jump through on Steam is to clear download cache and verify game file integrity. Once even had to delete download cache manually because Steam just failed to delete the file.
Then there are times when you do verify game file integrity, Steam reports that all files passed the check and doesn't download any files at all if you check Steam downloads tab. Yet it fixes some issue(s) that you might have.
- I had issue where I couldn't wiggle while being carried, verified integrity of game files, all files passed, relaunched game and it was fixed.
- I used a temporary PC to play while I had some parts warranty replaced on main gaming PC, then switched over to main PC with old files of the game, Steam updated the files, then I noticed that I no longer had audio cue or aura for the crowns spawning in the game and I verified game file integrity, all files passed the check, didn't clear download cache or download any replacement files and the audio cue and aura were magically working then.
What is going on with the files exactly? Can anyone enlighten me on this issue?
However I am one of the lucky ones who only has to fix some issue with game files once a year or less, not after every single update. But then again.. How would I know if something if amiss because I might be missing something that everyone else has? Because the anti-cheat doesn't kick me out because of corrupt files.
I have never experienced any such issues personally. I do verify the integrity of the game files after every major update (and after switching from PTB back to live), but it always just says that all files validated successfully.
I'm not saying the file integrity is not questionable in DbD, I've seen my share of weird things like PTB mechanics (and even characters) transitioning into people's live builds, but still, just as a suggestion that might end up making this an even less frequent issue for you: have you checked whether the storage device you have DbD installed on is healthy?
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I know all of the solutions, this is not an ask for help with an issue but a feedback about issues that players, including me, are having.
I have personally tested multiple PCs and hard drives. No issues there.
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Fair. You did not clarify as much in the original post so I thought to mention it just because it might help you.
I think this issue is better posted in the bug reports or technical issues section, however, and along with anything you can provide as evidence and ways to reproduce the issue. Might have more success with getting it looked at there (or might not, not sure how much of an eye BHVR has on the forums altogether, and how much of the things they do look at they actually then look into or otherwise take to heart).
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That's the thing, I don't have any details on this. I am asking for other player experience here.
I am not trying to submit a bug report due to missing key information. Only had to fix my files around 3-5 times since I started playing in November of 2016 but I am pretty active on helping other players on the forums and this is the most common issue that I have faced with questions asking for help or support with something.
I am fairly certain this has been reported as a bug multiple times over the years, I even have suggested the affected players to do so.
Again to repeat, this is a feedback more than anything else at this point.😊
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Still something more belonging in the technical issues section then, but fair enough. :p
Shame if it is has been reported multiple times throughout the years without any response from the devs whatsoever. That said, if there's no concrete information from the people suffering this issue, it would be difficult to respond to it for much of anyone (though of course the devs should know more about these things and at least be able to give a written response).
Next time you do notice that your game is behaving weirdly, rather than immediately go to verify files you could try to experiment with it. For instance, if you make a Steam backup of the game in that state and then rebuild the install from that backup, is the issue still present? If so, it could (should) be possible for BHVR to compare that backup against one of the game working normally (i. e. made after you have verified its files and confirmed the weird behaviour is gone), and so they could then perhaps at least find out which files are getting lost or otherwise corrupted. That just as one possible way to experiment.
Again, I'm not trying to undermine the issue at all, totally believe it's a thing that happens to people. As I've said, I've seen my share of weird issues with file consistency in DbD builds, and in the more distant past it was actually scarily common for people's save files to become randomly corrupted or reset (a phenomenon that has apparently started to rear its head again more recently).