Survivor behavior is disgusting

I saw one complaining about one for survivors.
Don't act like survivors won't wait at the exit gate for two minutes even though the match is done.
Here my view everyone an ######### in the game. Get used to it don't expect anything from this community.
Also buff Pig please.
bad troll
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While i don't necessarily disagree with that person who made that thread (they do have a point about the camping and tunneling going on during the event), they've been repeating these threads so many times now as if that's going to change things all of a sudden.
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People need to accept their wins or losses and just move on to the next match. Queue times are bad enough for survivors, no need to bag at the gates wasting your own time and for killers, theres really no gain in camping or BMing. People should just grow up on both sides.
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Do you not know how killer feels when survivor act like #########....don't justify survivor behavior when they act like this.
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You can literally hold W for 10 seconds and push them out of the gate like, I don't get it, you don't have to wait the full 2 minutes?
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Nerf Jane & Zarina perks
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us vs them is boring. Reach harder.
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Bring back Pyramid Head booty k thnx bai
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Nah Pig do need buffs.
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I know this is a troll but still I still am pissed over us vs them posts
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I vote we make the Endgame Collapse shorter. I hate when survivors hide around and tiptoe to the very edge of the exit gate so I have to go to one gate, hit 2 guys twice, go to the other gate, hit a guy twice, just to have to still wait cuz there's a guy t-bagging on hatch. But the fact still remains that they won the match and this game doesn't exactly have victory fanfare. Just cut the time that they can do all this in half or even to a third and I'll be happy.
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The one I've found recently, is that a lot of survivors are just disrespectful. I play so nice, going out of my way not to tunnel, not to camp, just going for chases to farm bp. And what do I get? tbagging, clickies, keys, dcs, and salty end game chats. I am trying my best to accommodate everyone, so that we can all get lots of bloodpoints and plenty of emblems, but no one seems to care.
It's getting really tiring, I just wanna have a long and fun game but they survivors just wanna speedrun and don't care about my feelings.
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'It's getting really tiring, I just wanna have a long and fun game but they survivors just wanna speedrun and don't care about my feelings.'
And yet Survivors on these very forums say it's up to the Killer to ensure the Survivor has fun. Yet, as you pointed out; it never works in reverse. 🤔
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So basically you made a thread for no reason because someone else made it about killer? Wow child's play
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Yes friend didn't you read the post.
Also pig buff when.
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As a pig main I approve this
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As they BM you and purposely do offensive gestures.
Or maybe survivors could not be sore winners and just leave,
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Oh no, the dreaded t-bagging that has literally 0 impact on anything, how will I cope :'(
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Yeah, I don't understand why people get insulted when I flip them off or tell them to go ######### themselves.
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I take it from your response that you do that every game?
Yet you wonder why killers tend to treat you in kind when they play against you.
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You're free to assume incorrectly all you want, I play killer and it doesn't bother me because I know it literally does nothing.
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Yea I think comparing these two things is utterly ridiculous but whatever helps you see the evil in t-bagging I guess.
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The funniest part is that Pig's kill rate is higher than Rin's. And we know that developers only look at statistics. By this logic, they should buff Rin.
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I mean, you've just proven that they don't always look at statistics? Nurse also has the lowest kill rate but is the strongest killer, if they -only- looked at statistics, then she would be buffed, no?
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In this they contradict themselves. After all, according to them, they nerf Freddy, because he had the highest kill rate. Developers look at statistics only when it suits them. It's simple.
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No, they nerfed freddy because he's overperforming, which could mean, he's killing a lot but also doing it quickly etc, I'm sure there are more variable than just "he has the highest kill rate". Of course they don't have to go into everything and every reason they do something.
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You're wrong, they nerfed him because he had a high kill rate.
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Doc, Leatherface & Pig all average 3 kills as well but they weren't nerfed or changed (since those statistics), so there was obviously something more with Freddy.
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It really isn't. Why do people t-bag? Its not for fun, or else people would walk around doing it when no-one is even watching.
People do whatever they can to be rude in every videogame. If there was an emote for flipping people off, t-bagging would be quickly forgotten about.
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I t-bag survivors after they heal me, and others do it to me too which is undeniable proof that t-bagging isn't just the insult you want to try and make it out to be.
and if it would be quickly forgotten about, why do survivors still use point and beckone emotes if t-bagging is the ultimate nasty big bag action that you make it out to be, surely they should be forgotten for such a nasty and rude thing like t-bagging 😱
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So people t-bag the killer to be nice to them, huh?
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I mean, it certainly gets some attention even enough to get them to stop camping sometimes, it's an incredibly useful thing to do in situations.
I like how you ignored my bit about point and beckon though :)
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Freddy topped the list, he was first. It was obvious and everyone understood why he was being nerfed. He stood out from the other killers the most.
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You are becoming too exceedingly desperate to justify T-bagging not being toxic to not be someone who does it.
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Yea, it was the easabilty of him, if he actually averaged 3K but actually took time to master I'm sure he wouldn't have been touched.
But he was literally, spam loop with slowdowns, down survivor, teleport to gen, PGTW it, repeat.
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I didn't. You're trying to shift it's meaning.
According to you, it isn't at all survivors trying to be arseholes when they t-bag the killer, ever. Not when they're safe, not when they're at the gates, not after dropping a strong pallet, not after getting a save or blind, it's never the survivors trying to be a dick. Just like the point emote is never used, either.
If the Devs added a middle finger or an emote that made survivors call "get wrecked, #########" then t-bagging the killer would fade away into obscurity. That explains it's meaning and intent.
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Oh I absolutely do it, I think it's hilarious because I think it's hilarious when survivor do it to me, your assumption was that I do it "every game", usually only the killers that tunnel and camp.
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God I'd love a flip off emote, especially if I could do it while t-bagging, I'd love to see what you'd conjure up then.
Survivor "BMing" at pallets it's helpful to killers, they're literally helping you play the game, any action done after dropping a pallet is them not making distance to another loop, you're free to be upset at literally anything, I've been t-bagging since Halo 3, I'll continue to do it because I enjoy having it done to myself and doing it to others and have never thought or even compared it to flipping someone off, you're free to make up whatever you want though.
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Disgusting. Truly disgusting.
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Yeah maybe because it is (of course presumably) done with the same intent.
In Korea the "I got your nose" gesture with the thumb between index and middle finger and in parts of Ireland the victory V gesture are the equivalent of flipping someone off.
And while you might not mind these gestures themself (since they mean something else in your culture) they are still meant as flipping the other one off.
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Pig OP, pls nerf
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Don't make this a Survivor vs Killer thing
Both sides have shown disgusting behaviour
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I really have to ask...why do you survivors wait at the exit gate until the timer is almost gone? Why not just go out...When i play killer im not coming to the exit gates to watch you buttdance and be toxic ill stand somewhere waiting for the game to why cant you just go out?
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50% because not every killer is like you and me and looks for pallets to brake or gets a drink RL and they will get their chance to gloat.
50% because they genuinely wait to give/get some more points out of this trial since they are now safe.
Disclaimer: Used percentages may vary heavily.
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Too be an ######### and wait two minutes to be disrespectful...I fix it for you.
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You need some tougher skin it's a just a video game and people like to get laughs that's literally all it is and yet some people take everything so personally in this game like their pride is on the line or their personal character is under attack it's absolutely ridiculous and the people on both sides making these threads need to grow the ######### up and enjoy the game we have while it's still here , "ohhh boy I guess since survivors made a thread I have to stand up for all the killers and make one back" SMFH how petty and childish can this community get?
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I mean, clean your gates.
Once gates are open, I just head back and forth until they are clean. Are you just hiding somewhere once the gate is open? Take back your power, killer.
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There are reasons to wait at the gate.
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I just 2 hooked a team and made sure not to get a 3rd because i was in a good mood.....they then waited at the gate for the timer and continued to teabag until i chased them out.
The rest of my day is tunneling and camping to balance this out.
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Not when all survivor stand there in full health ;)