Killer role is stressful and Behaviour don´t want to change it.

1 Killer vs 4 survivors, Killer most search for the survivors, survivors start the game in front of generators. What is the point doing that?
Killer spend some precious seconds kicking a gen to 0% instantly regress and a waaaaaaay low regression while ANY of the FOUR survivors can just touch the gen and instantly it will stop regressing.
Killer spend alot of time to pick a survivor, carry him to the hook, taking care to not being blinded (and waste aaaaaaaaaall the time you spent doing the chase) and a survivor is recued almost instantly from the hook.
Totens are ridicously fragile and usually destroyed in a few seconds every match.
This game is so annoying unbalanced that I decided not to play it anymore.
new account that's already made multiple comments and a post about how unfair killer is, oh boy
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They've made killer much more appealing than it used to be. And Killer is now easier than its ever been.
I honestly dont know what they could do to make it less stressful though...
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I think its alright. Yes its often stressful as #########, but its also 1v4 game so its natural the bigger role should be more chill so people will play it more.
It kinda works with the queue times too, except this RE chapter killer times of course
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This sort of behaviour is exactly why BHVR hasn't done anything about it.
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Probably an unpopular opinion, but pretty sure all of the killers they have been making, the 1v1 killers, are their solution. It is less annoying when you have more power in a chase, imo. I do not care if some stealthy gen rusher escapes. I want the guy who thinks his flashlight gives him bloodpoints for every click and crouch.
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gen tapping is totally BS and needs to be removed.
it is unfair how it takes us 3 seconds to kick to deal almost nothing
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But when they cleanse your totem though, that gen is about to get a boot shoved so far up its... You get the point. I will tunnel that gen with my foot if it comes down to it. Good design or no, the survivor gonna need to gimme a minute every other loop, bruh.
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I still clench my butt cheeks while being chased and don’t realize I was doing it until after😓😋
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I mean, Surge is the only one I have, and just on Demogorgon. I definitely need to Lui Kang those gens in the interim. I do like running it on Demo though, it is probably my best killer and I wouldn't be surprised if it was just for the double regression.
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And killers also win almost every game
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I wasn't asking for a change, I was just agreeing with that dude that the design is kind of lopsided. It objectively is, in what world can 4 survivors tap a gen and a killer needs to go through an animation to keep the regression?
I am not saying gen tapping is broken or that the animation is too long or something. It is inherently imbalanced, there is literally no room for debate. The game is an assymetrical game, so you know, it doesn't NEED to be balanced. But it 100% isn't and if you think otherwise, that is... Your prerogative, I guess. You would certainly be wrong, however. Lol.
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No, this is a statement of fact. 4 people who can tap a gen versus one killer who needs to kick for a few seconds, imagine a scale, which is heavier, 4 piranha, or a great white shark? You wouldn't tell me they are the same, you aren't stupid.
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I don't think finding survivors at the start of match is a problem. It may take some experience, but there are enough tools to help out the killer. You've got crows, great perks like Corrupt Intervention or Whispers etc.
Kicking gens is a terrible way to slow down the game. Most killers kick every gen they see without making sure that survivors are unable to get there for a prolonged period of time. Instead, it's much more efficient to apply pressure by getting downs and hooks to keep survivors away from generators. However, this obviously requires the killer to play well.
I don't think being blinded is a huge deal. Flashlights are incredibly easy to counter. When survivors are insta-saving, the killer can abuse that for even more pressure.
The point of Hex perks is them being high risk high reward perks. The reward usually outweighs the risks. There's a reason why Ruin and NOED are the second and third most used perks respectively.
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I do not particularly disagree. I have no idea what that has to do with who would win a gen regression tug of war, though, which was really my only point.
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yeah and ######### ruin is gone in 10 seconds because of poor totem placement
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Believe me, when you get really good with survivor, 90% of your matches are going to be easy. If you're SWF 99%
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Gen tapping makes no sense. Why does the killer lose 2 seconds of fixed animation while survivors just hit m1 for a split second during a chase without even slowing down.
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It’s always the new forum members..
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Killer role is only stressful when you force yourself to play a certain way. Don't get brainwashed by whatever way streamers or survivor main is telling you to play. You are playing for your own enjoyment, not others. Tunneling out the weakest survivor to make it 3 v 1 asap or camping as necessary is fair game. No point handicapping yourself.
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Map rng dictates games massively. There are a lot of maps where you will lose unless the survivors royally botches it. Fractured cowshed is a low hanging fruit but its not the only one, rpd, mount ormound, midwich, red forest all are extremely problematic for there size alone. There is also the killer you play. Anyone who generalize all killers as being strong is missing the gap in power levels between the good and bad killers. Good killers like blight, nurse and spirit are powerful and definatly can compete but myers and crapper is gonna have an awful time. Middle of the road killers struggle massively too. I'd advise killer players who struggle to bite the bullet and stop playing low tiers killers if you want consistent excellent games. i have seen many players say there pig,legion,trapper etc mains and express frustration at how unfair dbd is.
If your against good players playing good quality killers with mechanical depth is important. Anyone who still thinks a pig or trapper has a good chance of doing well is deluded. Now this is assuming your playing against good dbd players.
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Gee who'd have thought that in the 1v4 game when the 1 has the entire burden of winning resting on only their shoulders that that role would be more stressful.
I'm so shocked.
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Do basement builds and proxy camp. It can be relaxing especially when you have your favourite drink nearby.
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That's what makes you addicted. Meditate on it.
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Good probably the best thing for you is to stop playing if a game causes you so much stress it's not for you if u can't handle the game that's least you can do
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These are some of the reasons I will only ever play Survivor. Killer sucks!
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Yes at least allow us 5% regression on kicks so survivors can't instantly tap with no punishments
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Killer is frustrating because the game denies anything a killer does. 1 hook isn't important when there's 12 to get. 1 chase isn't important when there's a reset midchase turning it into 2 chases in 1, now multiply this by 12 and the amount of chases a killer has to do is tremendous compared to match length.
Now start stacking the Map size, Map RNG, killer speed, etc into factor and you understand why killer role is frustrating. IT's all about Macro and Micro Management and at any moment a killer decision or play has no impact whereas a Survivor play is much more important.
1 survivor doing a gen means the other 3 now have 1 less gen they need to do aswell. There's a massive net gain just for the effort of 1 person. Survivors should be encouraged to be on the same gen instead of being spread apart.
There's manny solutions to this problem, make Gens take tremendous amount of time by solo survivors or remake the maps so killers can get map pressure, chase potential and give lower tier killers a chance.
BHVR doesn't know what to do with the game or doesn't want to do this cause then they'd have to rework every killer. They have a terrible core game and they've been circumventing the problems with new additions instead of correcting the problem and having a stable base for everything.
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If you don't enjoy playing killer, don't play it, simple as that
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New account? Yeah, but this complains ain't new and probably I'm not the first one. I reached rank 1 as killer with 300 hours and now with 1k hours I'm pretty confidant to say that the game is broken I maybe have some experience to say that.
The issues of the game are the main guilty for the tremendous toxicity on the community.
I play both sides also, so keep your dose of cliches awsy.
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Please, you said in another thread that you have 6k hours in this game. Not everyone has the time to nolife this game to get to your level.
You sound just like sluzzy who also had several thousand hours on killer but couldn't see the problem from a lower standpoint anymore.
And before you tell me that anyone can get as good as you, so can every survivor get better and look for a 4 men to team up to have the coordination. The potential is there on both sides. And also from my experience, swf of any size is already the wider standard, at least in the evenings 80% 2/3 mens plus solo and 15-20% undetermined and 0-5% 4 mens.
Edit: The biggest problem in thsi game is not the balancing first but the matchmaking.
You as a player (i think you even said killer main in the other thread) get matched against the whole potpourri of red rank survivor which if we compare them to league of legends ranks is everything from silver up to master (just to cap it there).
Your 6k hours put you into the master category only topped by the people that would play this game professionally and you still get matched down with silver. Of course the killer side would seem unbelievably easy when in 70-80% of your games you don't get matched with 4 men swf with equal amounts of experience/skill/whatever.
This game can only really be balanced when there are some fixed points to reference anything around.
This would mean all killer would need the same potential/lethality, solo and swf would need to be brought to the same level and matchmaking would need to match people of rather equal skill. Then we could really talk about balancing anything but that is too much work for behaviour and we will probably never see it work.
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A role that requires you to juggle multiple people at once is always going to be stressful. Theres no way to really change that, a killer has a lot on their mind no matter what they're doing and thats just naturally stressful.
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1k hours is still low. Killer will always be stressful because its 1 vs 4.
the truth is killers stress themselves out. You think you need kills to win. You need to prevent gens getting done. Neither of those should be your priority. You have to just find ways to make the game fun without worrying about things outside of your control.
play killlers your bad at with random perks, or killers you excell at with perks you would never use. Just play for fun
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Yeah genious, tell me If that was the intention of the devs? Obvious not, when fun is in a lose situation before stress something is wrong. Watch top players like Dowsey, Tru3 and etc being wasted against top levels SWF. Some killers are not viable and this is not right.
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12 hooks. 5 gens.
Survivors can get over half of their objective done before you even get 2 hooks because of terrible map spawns
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You see, the viability of killers and the stress levels aren't the same. I have a blast playing Speed Limiter Bubba, who isn't at all viable, and yet cannot stand to play Spirit despite her being the 2nd best killer in the game and very easy to play.
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You're kidding right? Killer is WAY more relaxing to me than survivor. As a survivor you have to worry about 3 other people messing up, getting gens done, doing totems, hook rescues, healing people...oh and being chased by a killer who is faster and has special abilities.
Maybe play survivor then if it is such an easy role to play :)
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I'd like to add that after an afternoon of solo queue, where I got matched with people who's brain took a trip to Honolulu, I got once again reminded why playing killer is way more peaceful and less stressful
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I do think it should be less stressful.
That doesn't mean easier, but Killer is emotionally and mentally more exhausting than Survivor.
See this Reddit post made by a psychologist
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Sadly that approach makes the game fall apart once survivors uh..... start to show some sentience? I can't look at the game the same again after playing survivor so much for the tome challenges and crowns.. It is just way to braindead and is shocking that anyone actually loses.
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Killer is easy mode at the moment and killers win most games. But yes, it is a bit stressful, mostly when you face a 4-man SWF squad, DEVs just have to deal with SWF and it'll be less stressful.
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When you're stressing, remind yourself it doesn't matter at all. Our queue is quick, no matter how a game goes, you can be in another match in just a few minutes. Do your best.
Last night I had a great match with 0 kills. Everyone was hooked twice, we fought for everything, no one had time to teabag, everyone was hustling. We fought at the gens, we fought at the hooks, we fought at the gates. Lots of fun.
There's no win condition, but I consider no kills a loss, but the BP (even before bonuses) was higher than many 4k's. We had fun.
If you're playing against a team that wants to make sure you don't have fun, be as evil as possible. Camp, tunnel and facecamp, being evil is also fun. I like playing against ass holes because the gloves can come off.
None of it matters at all.