Suggestion: Counter Map Offerings

While there are Offerings to play a specific map, there should also be counterparts of it.
For example: I played 10 rounds and 6 of them were on Coldwind. Now I am done with that map. So I use my Counter Coldwind Offering and now every map except Coldwind farm is available for the next round. if someone uses a Coldwind Offering, it will cancel out.
Luckily there are!
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Would be better value than the filler content in blood webs. Albeit, I feel like just buffing the rate of map offerings once you unlock all perks would probably be a better solution.
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The only issue is that this would add an large number of offerings to the pool and neither side needs more junk to buy from the bloodwebs.
I think if anything the Sacrificial Ward should not just cancel map offerings, but reduce the odds of going to a played map offering as well.
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The main problem with offerings is you have to predict what others are going to do to use them properly. The sacrificial ward is great, but once you see a map offering it is to late. I like the idea of a counter offering but that does seem like a lot of extra stuff in the bloodweb; getting them instead of offering like shrouds and reagents would be nice though. I think either this idea would be good, or allowing people to play certain offerings in response to other people's offering. For example, if someone uses a map offering then the other 4 players would get like a 10 second window to play a counter map offering to either cancel it or to give a chance of going to a different map.
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But the sacrifical ward just cancels out map offerings, I'd like to have offerings that remove maps from the pool because I already played on the same map like 10 times a day
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I agree I think that is a good idea. I would just also like to see changes to make other offerings more useful.