If you were affected by the Grade Reset Bloodpoints not being awarded properly, you will receive any missing Bloodpoints shortly. You may need to restart your game for the rewards to appear. Thank you for your patience!

Looking for new peeps [cross play on] (:!


Hey, 23f, from us ! Looking for new people to play with, not that much fun playing alone lol. Currently rank 16✨

im on fairly a lot so if you ever want to play just add me 🤷🏻‍♀️

discord: skelet0ss#7564

dbd: skelet0ss#0b47

xbox: skelet0ss


  • MsImpasta
    MsImpasta Member Posts: 2

    Hello! I'm looking for more people to play with as well :D I just sent u a friend request on discord 👌🏽

  • Maid_of_mayhem
    Maid_of_mayhem Member Posts: 4

    Hey I don't have discord but can I drop you a request on the game. I'm about the same rank but a pretty average player. Terrible in a chase. I do work a lot but I'm on almost every night. From the UK so my timezone is GMT