The hook placement needs to be revised here!
Ok, I was fixing gens at the Gideon Meat Packing Plant as I should and I was playing with my friend. She said it was too quiet (the killer was The Huntress). We finished, started to open the gates, then... It was very very quiet. We decided to look for the killer before opening the gates. Then... we found this:
Apparently, the killer hooked Leon on that hook in the corner. When Bill unhooked him, the killer just stood on their way and they couldn't leave the corner because the killer was exactly in the midway. Yeah, we farmed bloodpoints and it was fun, but this little play lasted MORE THAN 10 F***ING MINUTES. We won by patience, btw
This needs a revision, because maybe the Killer was trying to force Bill and Leon to disconnect or quit the game. This is not nice.