rank the wraith perks best to worst

lets be honest there all awful but lets compare them cuz we are mean


  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited July 2021

    They’re actually not that awful if you think about the way Wraith is intended to be played.

    When played with the hit n run ambush style, the idea is stall should be occurring due to survivors healing often because the last thing you want while working on a gen is to be surprised by Wraith in a one hit state. 

    Blood Hound lets you see where injured survivors have run off to hide and heal, so you can ambush them later if you catch sight of bright red blood. This is especially useful when survivors are using Iron Will.

    Predator is just good for making sure a survivor genuinely can’t juke you mid chase if a chase is committed to. 

    Shadowborn pretty much ensures survivors are much easier to spot, and cannot hide from you, at all. This is pretty powerful on Wraith: being able to more easily see survivors whilst Wraith is more difficult for survivors to spot. 

    These perks only lose a lot of their value if Wraith is constantly committing to a chase on a survivor he’s just injured, or worse, a healthy survivor that successfully avoided his super lunge.