Pig Rework

Misfited Member Posts: 12
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Pig adding an entire new objective is a little much compared to other killers. Having to struggle to find which macabre has the key adds a load of time to the game sometimes and it won't even be activated when some people get it off. In the saw movies the people in the games didnt play the same game or trap multiple times over. Here's a change to maybe make it more comfortable as a power rather than a new objective, objectives being Gens, Totems, Saves, Avoiding the killer, etc.

Amanda's Traps should activate once that survivor is unhooked rather than a generator is completed and rather than having to figure which one is tied to it, make the furthest macabre location the key to the trap. And maybe like drop the timer 15 seconds. This makes it so that the person with the trap is forced to get it off before going back to work.

Her crouch and dash can be left as is.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    It'd be kinda cool if pig could pick up a used trap and " re arm " it at a jigsaw box or something

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    See is a weaker killer compared to other killers, but I think the problem is an issue with the Pig but more an issue with some of the over-powered Killers everyone compares her to. Nurse for example, just needs a complete rework. Blight needs a nerf and Spirit needs her power changes a bit to allow survivors to be able to make informed decisions during a chase.