Console,Pc players would you accept this

If you were in a match and cross-play disabled and another player goes peeping into your profile and messages you calling you a stupid noob.
Console,Pc players would you accept this 32 votes
Private profile. Problem solved.
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If I lose, send "Thanks x" or some ######### like that. If I win ask them if I'm a noob then how bad are they if they lost to me.
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Yes I love that. Because sony bans you for just breathing.
I enjoy reporting rude people who insult me for no reason.
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Trolls and sore losers/winners are a natural part of a competitive game community, gotta learn to tune them out. Or at least report them for harassment.
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I have my profile private, you can't comment on it or message me, however I don't think it's 'criticism' to call someone a 'stupid noob'
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I have messages turned off on Xbox so they can't contact me in any way. I have set it up like this so I don't have to read stupid comments about me, about how I played etc. And things like "GG/Well Played" is not interesting to hear either. I know if I had a good or a bad game that is enough.
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I just don’t care what random people think, if one of my perks (Remember Me) doesn’t work for one person I’ll focus on them, tunnel them to get the perk working if I have to.
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-Reps are quite amusing for me. If I ever received a comment that was genuinely abusive then I'd just report the player on steam.
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I'm not sure I understand the question but, by definition, no one should accept harassment.
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I mean they can try, but as I see absolutely no reason to allow anyone that isn't my friend on Steam to interact with my profile in any way, they won't get very far. My comments, playtime, screenshots, friendslist and whatever else is none of their business, no matter if I encounter them in DBD or somewhere else.