They CAN'T nerf Nurse more

These last weeks I saw more than before threads about "Nerfing Nurse", and it's incredible because those who are complaining about her never reach some semblance of mastery with her. It's like the survivor main who complains about killers, they don't know anything about the subject, unless you can't loop her the "common way".

My statement here is that you can't nerf her because :

- without add-ons, she actually has a lower mobility than 110% killers (in a straight line without anything between point A and B, she's slower than a Deathsling for example). So, you can't decreased her base blink range.

- "make her 1 blink", well, go in a rank 1 game, take the match box add-on, and you can even add the green recharge one to make your job a little easier. With one blink, you have to predict the next position of the survivor EVERYTIME, the time you take to blink is superior of the time of reaction of the survivor and the time required to do a turn. It's always a 50/50, or you start the chase at somewhere you have outpositionned the survivor.

- "Remove her ability to blink through things" damn, even with 3 blinks it's a pain to not be able to blink through things. And indoors maps would be even harder for her.

- "she has to get an add-on pass" a good Nurse can do very well without any add-on.

- "increase her fatigue duration" well you really want to make her unplayable in the point of view of the killer ? That's enough frustration.

I think we saw everything that would be a nerf for her. To conclude, she's fine as it is. You have to break line of sight continuously, you have to put multiple things between you and the Nurse, you have to know how much she charges and where she's looking at, you have to know what she thinks, that's all. Playing against Nurse is mindgaming and breaking LoS constantly.


  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly I think what they need to do is reduce the forced downward FOV rotation during fatigue, lowering the burden of entry to nurse, thereby increasing the variance between bad and godly nurses. Its probably this mechanic that most obstructs new killers in general from practicing nurse.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
    edited July 2021

    To be honest, this is why I played and play her, the challenge to master her you know. This is her power that makes her hard to play, the fatigue look down is "just" a little bit frustrating, but that's all.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited July 2021

    They need to remove the addons that reduce her cooldown after blinking because when combined they allow the Nurse to play just like before the nerf and completely avoid the cooldown.

    After that, she is completely fine. Also, since I know these forums, I'll mention it right now, to save some time. Yes, I play Nurse, in fact I main her.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I agree in the grand scheme of things its not really a big deal, but you can only have that perspective from being skilled. Nurse is one of the few killers that people get for free, and from the perspective of a new player - tracking is one of the toughest things to learn at the beginning, which is harmed pretty heavily by the FOV rotation.

    So imagine being a new player as nurse, you successfully manage to use your power and then immediately lose the injured survivor because they ran off as far away as possible and you lost sight of them after the first .1 second of it because of the rotation.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Tbh it's not my favourite combo, I never play with any recharge add-ons, they are making me dependant of these, I genuinely think the double range is far more powerful than double recharge.

    Well, if the player is an actual beginner, he should never start with a "hard" killer, and Nurse is one of the killer's that are really hard to play. The game has to give to the players that are searching for some challenges perks, or killers that are very hard to play. I'm not a fan to make every gameplay kind of easy or beginner friendly (a thing Doom Eternal perfectly did). Nurse is hard, and a beginner shouldn't play her if he's not confident enough.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Actually that used to be the case, you could look up during the fatigue, but was nerfed to make it forced to look down for balance reasons

    In fact now that i think about it, im sorta sure it was a bug that you could look up in the first place.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    With BHVR we never know what's intended or not xD

    Seriously, you can still look up during fatigue if you want. Throw your mouse forward after 50% of your fatigue duration, and you'll look up. I don't do that unless I really want the survivor to be dead.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    - "she has to get an add-on pass" a good Nurse can do very well without any add-on.

    She already had an add-on pass though. And even add-ons won't help a bad nurse. But as you said, a good one doesn't need them. A no add-on build is viable for most killers if you're decent at them (though a few are very add-on reliant)

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
    edited July 2021

    I don't think it would change anything but makes her really weak.

    Nobody's talking about OP Blight when a dude has mastered him after countless hours. Nurse is the same, when you meet a God Nurse, it's because the player has a huge amount of hours with her, and he is doing good. Look Trapper with Otz, he's "making" him strong because he knows how to use him, and he plays smart. It's not like anyone can pick her, and do good with her. Even if you know how to blink perfectly, if you're chasing someone smart, blinking won't help you at all.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    I know she had an add-on pass, but still a lot of people ask for a new add-on pass, this is why I talked about it.

    And yeah, maybe BHVR are not doing good with their game, I have to recognise that killers are less and less add-ons dependent.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I don't see the logic behind asking for an add-on pass when no one (exageration, but close to the truth still) uses add-ons on nurse in the first place. But yeah she has lots of weird add-ons that got added with the pass she had, but every killer has useless/meme add-ons that no one uses. They need to come up with stuff to make it less "these 4 add-ons all do the same thing, from slightly to greatly" like it used to be.

    I do enjoy how they incorporate the character's perks within some of the add-ons now. Sorta gives you a mini version of the perk if you meet the criterias to trigger it.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    Everything you can use as a survivor against a killer is not working against a nurse.

    Vault a window: She just blinks through and have a easy hit. If she is not close enough, just use the second blink and she can still preform a lunge attack.

    Drop a pallet: She just go through and if she didn't go through she can just blink one more time and still have a easy hit.

    Just break line of sight: Yeah, this sounds really easy. If you are in a open spot that is almost impossible.

    As a Nurse you can blink 2 times and travel really big distance, the cooldown is too short and after 2 blinks she can still lunge.

    I understand that for Nurse main killers it is really hard to play with almost every other killer, but I think that's mainly because they aren't good at chasing survivors because with the Nurse they don't have to deal with windows and pallets.

    I think if you only play with the nurse you get used to the easy way of chasing.

    If you're going to play with other killers i understand that you don't know how to chase a survivor.

    Her add-ons are also too strong.

    But hey, thats my opinion :).

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793
    edited July 2021

    Hell sh*t I love when the website decide to refresh and remove what I wrote.

    I'll try to make this shorter because it was way too long

    First you have to know how much the Nurse is charging and where she's looking (where she will land at any moment). With that you can make your decision waaay better. Playing against her without knowing where she wants to go is like playing against regular killer without looking at him. This implies to know exactly how the Nurse works, so, or you're a veteran, or you one day mained Nurse.

    You have mindgame at windows, but you don't know them because you never played the Nurse. Same for pallets. Blame yourself if you're outpositionned in the beginning of the chase, or play Sprint Burst if you're lazy to be careful of your surroundings.

    The second killer I play is GhostFace, M1 killer, my bad I know how to chase, and even as a Nurse I often anti-loop survivors without blinking (nobody's expecting that). Every main Nurse were one day main {anyKiller}, if you start with the Nurse, or you're stubborn and super confident, or you will uninstall the game after 3 games. Any Nurse main knows how to loop and how the game basically works.

    Only the purple range add-on and the green recharge add-on are really powerful, and (maybe) OP together, the others are meh, or just good.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited July 2021

    It was a bug, but it remained in the game for a long time because somehow it wasn't a priority. It was not nerfed "for balance reasons". The nurse was never intended to be able to look up during fatigue. From day 1 BHVR pitched the fatigue as the counter to Nurse: lose the Nurse while she is staring at the ground and can not see you properly.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I mean the title of the post is that you cannot make nurse worse but indeed you can make her worse. Just giving her Torn bookmark base-kit would probably make her not viable against good teams. She'd be like rest of the other M1 killers that have no hope to win and auto lose. those nerf nurse posts are just salty that nurse can still knock off wins vs good teams. I wouldn't pay attention to it, its like all the spirit posts. if anything, they're more likely to destroy spirit before nurse becomes unplayable, some say they already are with Stridor changes.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Right, but my point was that by increasing accessibility, more people would play nurse - allowing survivors to get a better gradiation of skill between bad and good and have the opportunity to practice more. Thereby reducing complaints because hey, survivors know what to do now. As you've already pointed out in the main post, you can't loop Nurse normally, and the skills you learn to loop Nurse can't really be used to loop any other killers.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Tom's Bookmark basically turns Sally into a worse Blight.. (well you can blink through some things but yeah.. close enough)

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I didn't say you are bad at chasing survivors with a normal killer.

    Most nurse main killers don't know how to chase a survivor with a normal killer.

    If they can't blink through walls, windows or pallets they can't quickly end a chase.

    In my opinion the cooldown of the nurse (even without add-ons) is too short, and you can make the recovery time even faster with add-ons.