I Hate Hallowed Blight
@Tsulan said:
It´s way easier to get vials as survivor. Also faster.
But don´t worry, once you have completed your survivor vials, and start doing the killer ones, you´ll see how hard the killer ones actually are.Killer’s are definitely harder to get. It takes at least 2 games every time. It just doesn’t cause a loss.
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This just shows why this game can never be trully balanced. Survivors immediately cry when they have to do anything besides work on gens and bully killers.
I mean, you give them 4000 BP for doing a 30 second action, and they STILL complain. Not to mention surviving AND getting these things is still easy, nevermind piping, as long as you can actually juke and lose people3 -
Killers don't neccesarily have their "normal" win condition. It's not my normal win condition to risk a wiggle-off because the special hook that I need is far away.
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@kisfenkin said:
@cetruzzo said:
I got 29 vials as survivor in about 9 hours playtime, tf are you all complaining about? 12 days left for the event lol
I'll start now the grind as killeredit: I'll also toss an example: say you miss 1/3 of vial as surv: you enter the game, get that in about 30 sec and if you want to speed the farming, as I saw a lot of people doing, suicide on hook
let's see the killer's persp[ective now: you have 5/6 of a vial, you have to play 1 whole game just to get that 1/6
I think the grind is in favour of the survivorsExactly the point! The event is causing regular game play for survivors to be much more difficult. How does anyone expect to gain blood or rank when many if not all survivors are running around looking for flowers instead of playing the game... I can't wait to take advantage of all these easy kills later tonight.
Once you've been r1 you will realize how meaningless it is aside from the achievement.
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@kisfenkin said:
@NextKillerSpongebob said:
Oh don't worry. You're just badI played as killer and survivor tonight and both have it equally easy. Hooks are crappy now so it's hard to sometimes even get survivors on the canker hooks. Don't whine!
What game are you playing? The recent update made certain that the struggle ability of survivors is totally useless. There is a hook within half of every player's struggle distance everywhere on the map. The only way that is changed is if they are sabotaged or used, and I'm fairly certain the canker hooks can't be sabotaged.The only way killers could have more hooks is if they carried them around. That would be the worst. Not only did he kill you but the hook he used he pulled out of his ass... talk about scary.
Yeah but the canker hook spawning points are random, so they can all be clustered together on one side of the map, potentially the completely opposite side of where you're downing survivors. To the point where if you want your event hooks, and it's not a farm-fest, it's probably a good idea to bring Iron Grasp/Agitation/Both.
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I read a lot of the complaints about this event and lol myself to sleep. The real problem is some people start crying and making threads when they don't fill their vial cap in the first two days.
Then they cry when they run into people that don't play the way they like.
Lol it's an online game and the developers are giving you a chance to earn free cosmetics.
If it is that terrible of a grind, just buy them.0 -
This is the first time I see all survivors going on their own in every game, everyone is going to get nectar and no objectives gets done. Its beautiful and scary at the same time
i play since halloween 2017 and this is the first time this happens, makes playing survivor a lot more exciting, specially at chases0 -
@Exciter said:
I haven't had a single good game as survivor since the event started. It seems like there's a killer bias due to their event points coming from hooks, something killers do already, but survivors have to go out of their way and focus on an extra objective for nectar instead of it coming from generators, which makes more sense, no?
Plus I'm getting really annoyed at the little event window that comes up after every game after getting some nectar, and the post-game lobby seems to be a bit buggy now.Yep, it's easy for killers this time. I don't know why devs didn't put the nectar in gens like the Summer Event. Another blessing for killers to devs what a surprise!
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I like the event and i played both sides and it was cool :chuffed:
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I have played this game from the start and I have just joined this forum to say that the developers have ruined the game for me. There is a bias for killers and now the game is unplayable as a survivor. Killers have every advantage, they have multiple perks for reading auras of survivors. How many would you say survivors have? One maybe two? I played twenty games and still can only get one vial. Does that seem balanced? I have played killer, it is super easy to get kills, and vials. NOT A BALANCED GAME!
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not to mention, now that i have all vials on survivor side i can't harvest so i rely on OTHER PEOPLE to harvest them fully to get points. it's a really bad event.
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@fosterzg said:
I have played this game from the start and I have just joined this forum to say that the developers have ruined the game for me. There is a bias for killers and now the game is unplayable as a survivor. Killers have every advantage, they have multiple perks for reading auras of survivors. How many would you say survivors have? One maybe two? I played twenty games and still can only get one vial. Does that seem balanced? I have played killer, it is super easy to get kills, and vials. NOT A BALANCED GAME!Except killers still only have BBQ, nobody uses bitter murmur.
As a killer you need 6(!) hooks for a vial and you need to stay the whole game, getting vials as survivor is not just faster but just requires you to hold m1.
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MhhBurgers said:
@fosterzg said:
I have played this game from the start and I have just joined this forum to say that the developers have ruined the game for me. There is a bias for killers and now the game is unplayable as a survivor. Killers have every advantage, they have multiple perks for reading auras of survivors. How many would you say survivors have? One maybe two? I played twenty games and still can only get one vial. Does that seem balanced? I have played killer, it is super easy to get kills, and vials. NOT A BALANCED GAME!Except killers still only have BBQ, nobody uses bitter murmur.
As a killer you need 6(!) hooks for a vial and you need to stay the whole game, getting vials as survivor is not just faster but just requires you to hold m1.
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And doctors, and lawyers, and stairs.
Are you Francis?0