Mains or Variety?

For those of you who main a survivor (or even a killer), do you dump all your bloodpoints into that survivor, even though you gain nothing out of it besides add-ons?

Or do you spread your bloodpoints so that eventually all the survivors are P3'd?

I'm looking at my roster now and half my characters aren't even P2... mostly the licensed characters, since I don't care about them. But Felix, Elodie, and Yun Jin don't have all perks unlocked. And apparently we're gonna get two more new survivors?

Heck. This makes me just want to pick a main and stick with them.

Killers, does the playstyle of the killer make it easier for you to choose your bloodpoint allotment or do you still spread your BP evenly?


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Personally for me, I play both sides, and what I do is a dump all points into a singular killer and singular survivor until they're prestige 3 level 50, then I switch to a new one.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Survivor 80/20. Bought all chapters.

    I have 2 survivors P3 with all perks and another missing just a few perks. 2 killers P3 with almost all perks (the ones I enjoy gameplay and theme Doc + PH). Recently had to play Nemesis and he is enjoyable so I am debating getting him P3 too as he doesn't (and probably will never) get other skins.

  • Sweet_Susie
    Sweet_Susie Member Posts: 27

    I maxed out my main and then casually spend my points to prestige other killers if it's something I want.

    Or to try out new killers, yet I always return to my main usually.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    No point in wasting BPs on other survivors if you don't go for P3s, I just play with Claudette and spend BPs on other survivors only to unlock teachables. Killers are a different story completely: you need to unlock all the perks on all your killers to be able to play them with any build.

    But I don't spend BPs on Claudette either, since I don't use items and already have all available perks unlocked on her. So I spend all my BPs on unlocking perks on killers, since it's the only pragmatic way to spend them for me.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Im getting p3 on everyone

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    Prestige is a waste of points imo

    It will take roughly 4.5 million bloodpoints in order to p3 a character. With 4.5 million points you can literally unlock every perk on a character to tier 3, assuming you have all teachables unlocked.

    I would just unlock all teachables and then pour points into my favorite survivors to unlock all perks at tier 3 on them.

    For my killers its harder to say. I could see more value in unlocking all teachables and then unlocking all perks to tier 3 for all of them, bir starting with my mains and then trying to get everything unlocked for all of them because i like to try out all of the killers from time to time. Still wouldnt bother with prestige because its a waste of points imo

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564

    I currently have every survivor P3'd Lvl 50, but goodness the grind... I personally did it one by one so lets say I wanted to do Elodie, I'd focus only on her and not spend a single point on anyone else until she was maxed out.

    However I switch up my mains every now and then which did help me level up characters I suppose as currently, Yun-Jin is my main.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    I don't bother with killer prestiges, I'm not even going to see the cosmetics I get in-game anyway except for the weapon, so it doesn't sound worth it to me. Also the need for specific perks on each different killer to make their power work the best is another extremely off-putting reason that I don't prestige killers. Most of my killers are level 50 and have most of the good perks for them, but I'm not even gonna bother prestiging any of them, because I might feel like playing x killer when they don't have good perks unlocked yet.

    I have 2 P3-50 all perks survivors, Meg and Quentin. Meg was first because she was my first main when I started playing the game. I started by getting all survivors to 40 for teachables, got a good build for Claudette, and then grinded until Meg was P3-50 with all perks and didn't spend any other (survivor) points anywhere. Rinse and repeat for Quentin except I played Meg to grind points.

    But to answer the original question, once I got Meg to have all perks, I stopped dumping points into her so I will probably lost most of the add-ons before I spend any more points on her.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582
    edited July 2021

    I have a few P3'd 50 with all perks that I'll update every chapter, and then a list of ones I want to get to that point.

    So for example, my P3 50 All Perk Survivors are Jake, Nea, and Steve. I'll prioritise new perks on Jake, then Nea and then Steve, just so my options are open on multiple Survivors. (I focus Jake first though, since I always gravitate towards playing him the most.) Then I have some Survivors who are P3, but I'm still grinding out all perks on, who I have an order on priority. Once they get all perks, they join the top list. Currently, my P3 (But not all perks) list consists of Leon, Felix, Ash, Yui, and Yun-Jin, in order of priority.

    As for Killer, I have two P3'd with all Perks- Myers and Pig. Nurse has all perks though (Didn't feel like prestiging, I got the build I wanted from her within like... 60 bloodwebs.) And so does Pyramid Head. (I want to prestige him, but I also don't want to lose my Year 4 cakes on him, or use them...) Currently trying to P3 all perk Spirit though, then next will be Ghostface.

    Idk, for me P3's have to have a good bloody cosmetic I'd want to wear and show off, because that's normally the head I'll put on and stick with it. (It's a very rare day that I play Jake, Steve, Myers, or Pig without their P3 face.) If they don't have one I like, or my first Bloodweb is good enough for me, I normally won't P3. (For example, I love playing Nurse, but I don't like her P3, and I have a good build on her without too much grind, so I'm not investing the time into the P3.)

    (To answer your other question, for Survivor I'll only throw BP into them again when I need to update their perk line up every chapter, or during an event like this to get some event items on them. For Killer, I'll basically do the same thing, but I'll also throw BP into them for more Add-Ons as needed- since there are a ton of Add-On reliant Killers.)

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I have several "mains" on both sides. I usually play one surv or killer and pour BP into the one who needs it the most atm.

    Or I put a lot of BP into new killer I want to learn and get perks on him, while playing someone who is already stacked

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I have a P3 Killer and Survivor, but I pour excess blood points into my P3 Killer, Trapper. He has hundreds of ultra rare add ons and a lot of Black Wards. He requires map knowledge, which is something I'm pretty confident in having and if I'm on my Trapper you're gonna lose a few survivors that round.

    I play a lot of my characters in rotation and only Prestige them when they're out of add ons and items, which means I'm constantly draining my other characters til they hit that magical day. Dwight and Trapper come out when I'm doing something important where I need to tryhard.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Mostly survivor. I have a main (Felix), but I’m going through everyone to get their perks.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I get my mains where I want them, then I put points in them when needed. I don't bother with P3.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Survivor: Meg has all the perks, the others are just mainly around 40-50 so that I could unlock teachables.

    Killers: Spreading bloodpoints evenly, every killer has roughly equal amount of cakes, so no matter who I play I can always take a cake offering.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Oh... And I don't P3, I don't care about the bloody skin.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    As survivor, I just made Bill 50. And then I felt kind of cute and bought Nancy. What was I thinking? Spending 5 dollars on a model swap? Well, idk, I like Nancy and she had inner strength. I didn't want to level Claudette for self care. It just made sense at the time. Anyways, I digress, I didn't level either of them 1 bloodweb past 50. I probably won't until I get my next survivor and Nancy will need those perks. That is WAY down the line, though.

    As for killer? Yeah, I pretty much have to go even to make sure they all get BBQ, Ruin, NOED, and Lightborn. Yes, I hate flashlights that much. Broken as hell. Still stunning people facing walls and turning the opposite direction. You could probably tell, but I refuse to level survivors because killers take so much investment that I honestly do not even have a choice.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    I try to spread my bp over all of my characters. Right now, I'm actually running out of stuff to spend bp on. Let my explain. I aim to eventually P3 everyone, but before each time I prestige, I try to use up all of the stuff that I've spent bp on. Items, add-ons, and offerings. If there's something useless or something I don't like to use (Speed Limiter for Hillbilly, Adrenaline Vial for Blight, blueprint for toolboxes, those bottles that slightly lessen the mist, etc) I won't use them and will prestige when I've used up everything else. A while back though, I wanted to P3 a character, and I chose Trapper to be that character. So I played hours and hours and hours of him, used up all his stuff, and THEN once he was P3, spent the bp to give him all the killer perks. I was hoping to do the same with other killers like Blight, but this update screwed the game up for us console plebs.

    If there's a specific perk you want for a character, just put bp into them until you get it. If you want to give a character all perks and then prestige them, you can do that too even though that's a waste of time and bp to me. If you play only 1 character, by all means put all your bp into them. My personal suggestion though would be to put bp into everyone, getting them all to at least lvl 50, just in case you ever decided to play with them.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Variety for me.

    I like to spread my points evenly (except on Survivor, where I put it all on Zarina)

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    I play both sides (a lil bit more survivor) but i put all my BP into Killers right now since i want everyone P3 50 there.

    On survivors i have some mains which are already P3 50 with all perks and thats enough for now.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I don't prestige and i use bloodpoints when i need new items and addons.

    If i don't have a variety of perks on the character i play with the most, then from time to time i spend bloodpoints but at the same time not wasting all the points to make it easier to save up back again.

    I think of bloodpoints as money before shopping. that way i know on who i want to spend all my work on.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    When new Killer releases: Get them to level 41 ASAP, grabbing all Teachables along the way (41 and not 40, because i like to finish the Bloodwebs, and 40 contains the last Teachable so i need to complete it.), then get those Perks maxed out on Wraith.

    Otherwise: Dump it all in Wraith using a list of all the things he can get on his Bloodweb, ranked in order of what i want the most.