New PK suggestion

This is a new idea for a new killer I have been considering; I suggest using the creature from the 2011 movie "The Thing". In this case the PK (player / Killer) will have the ability to take on the visage of a wounded Survivor and trick unwary player's into getting close enough for the player killer to attack the unsuspecting victim. while disuised the PK will pretend to be wounded and may call out perodically for help to lure in victims. once the trap is sprung, the PK will transform into a twisted semi human form and attack its prey. The PK will be offset by some rules: The PK may be able to imitate random Survivors so the SP (survivor / player) will have to pay attention to who their team mates are. alternatively the PK can only take the shape of a survivor that is NOT currently in game and the. The survivor counterpart can play the role of the main protagonist from the 2011 Movie that is able to identify the the PK and avoid the trap more easily.
I included some images from various sources provided through google search to add context :D