is there a bug with myers stalking?

rhys17 Member Posts: 25

just out of curiosity but is there a bug with stalking at the minute because me and a few friends were playing a 4 man squad to day and everytime we got a myers they always had a tuf of hair on and a j myers memorial but he was able to get to t3 by just stalking two people and we were all running spine chill so we knew if it was his but and one person didnt use a j myers memorial and he only stalked two people and again he got t3?


  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    Today? Was it Ironworks of Misery & 4 P3 claudettes?

    There's no bug as far as I know. Your friends or you got stalked with monitor & abuse most likely around a corner or somewhere you didn't see the Myers at the start.

    Edit: I just so happened to go against a 4 man SWF with Myers, went for Tuft of hair & Memorial on Ironworks of Misery. Got my Infinite T3 pretty much the first minute cause the survivors lacked awareness... Wondering if that'd be your squad I went against. 3 Flashlights & 1 key, Ended up winning with 3 gens left, gave last guy hatch.