Make maps look more realistic

Haddonfield needs to look more like haddonfield from the actual movies. The streets, the houses and everything else needs to look like an actual realistic place because right now... it just doesn't look right.
Why though? Lore wise it's the entity's realm and not the real thing
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It's a licensed property it's going to take a while 1. 2 i thought the devs said it was down the pipeline and 3 reworked maps are generally worse that before not always tho
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what haddinfield needs isn't a visual change that map shouldn't even exist
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Instead of saying a map should be deleted, the map instead needs some fixes.
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Well Haddonfield is due for an update too soo... Soon.
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Yeah and I hope the map looks realistic
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yeah but that one need s a whole new design delete it and star over that should do it
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Make maps more gameplay friendly instead of nice and awful to play
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Yes because it’s one of the few maps that hasn’t been reworked yet. They’ll get there.
My guess is that they’re saving the Haddonfield rework for October mid chapter patch.
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I personally say if the maps are more realistic the blood physics should be more realistic... anyone else? No just me?
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The only maps that look realistic are the indoor maps for me, all the outdoor maps just look like enclosed boxes especially with the wall going all around the outside, this looks worse on Haddonfield, it looks like a small movie set piece then being an actual street that once people lived in
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Yeah they should honestly remove the walls around the maps and just come up with something more creative. Small maps are boring to play on now and the long wall just makes them look bad idk how to explain
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There's creative ways they can do this, like having fallen over debris or trees fallen over to block you going to far out and have it look like the forest stretches further, an example for Shelter Woods
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They could legit use source props for everything I straight up don't care that much about the aesthetics I care far FAR more about the gameplay and I hope they start working more on that aspect instead of the whole realm beyond crap or whatever they've been working on
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Gameplay on an ugly map doesn't sound like much fun tbh. I hate red forest because it's ugly, and when I play on it, i honestly get bored and want to DC.
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Well just differing opinions I guess