Nancy Downs "The Craft" Killer Concept

Attached is my concept for Nancy Downs if a Craft chapter were ever introduced. I will add the survivor concept soon. I believe Sarah Bailey would be interesting as a survivor as she could be used to introduce a new ability for survivors to light dull totems to create their own hexes.
Let me know what you think. This is just for fun.
I like your perks, might wanna reword Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. I assume it activates when said survivor they interacted with is killed?
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It's an interesting concept, and I can see the "Sorry, sorry, sorry" perk causing a lot of disruption, especially during last ditch attempts to save a hooked individuals.
I don't know much about The Craft, but using a height-altering power is a unique take, and is strong but with a drawback to prevent it being ridiculously so.
So yeah, I wouldn't be averse to Nancy being a potential killer.
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That last perk would be so useless with Doctor.
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His effect shows fake pallets that can be pulled down, correct? This perk would make downed pallets that Nancy broke look vaultable. The biggest shocker would be any killer seemingly walking through walls. There are some maps with few doors though. It's a give and take.
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His effect shows fake used pallets and unused pallets.
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Every killer has perks that don't synergize well. This would be less effective on the Doctor, but could be very effective on a killer like the Pig. This would make the broken objects permanently visable for as long as the hex totem is up. Does anyone have any ideas how to incorporate the witch theme better on the maps?