Killer Perk Tier List


I did this for the survivor perks the other day, so thought I'd do it for the killer side as well. This is after the proposed changes that were in the PTB, although I'm a console player so they're mainly based on how I feel they'll land. For example, no way out sounds extremely strong, especially if a survivor or two is already killed, and combined with other endgame perks, maybe I'm missing something but it sounds insanely good?

Also, I am a survivor main, but an ex killer main, so my opinions here may not be as accurate as my survivor tier list.

I added S+ exclusively for the killer tier list, as I believe tinkerer is the only perk in the game right now that is too strong, and does way too much for high mobility killers, as well as synergising so well with other meta perks. I think it needs a cooldown, or to only activate once per gen, etc just something to make it stop being so amazing on blight, nurse, etc. Although obv a great nurse doesn't need it.

But yeah I'd say overall both killers and survivors have way too many perks in the bottom two tiers, and I wish BHVR would buff some of them.

