
Why does the garbage ass bug still exist? The one where the 2nd blink gets bugged? Tried playing her 2 times in a row and it happened in each game quite consistently. I get a hit in,and then I just can't blink. Another nurse player dced against us cause of it aswell.
Because the devs are scared to change her
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Devs don't want to make her attractive. They want her to be as unattractive as possible to play in order to discourage players from selecting her without outright deleting her.
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Because nurse is a complete buggy mess held together with duck tape and spaghetti, and any bug fix to her could end up breaking her to the point of no return
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It's such a dumb thing completely disallows you to play her :(
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Dbd devs :]
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Can defo see that lmao
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This is why you stop playing nurse and play spirit.
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Every 2nd/3rd game someone dcs for me when trying to play her 😔
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I play Spirit because she’s hot.
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You are not wrong 😳
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Played against a nurse earlier this week and this happened to her 4 times in one chase.
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I love how you just straight up said it.
It is not like this is also why I play Huntress or anything...
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You switch to blight or spirit and wait for a new bug to ruin them
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Yeah it's just terrible. Pretty sadge 😔
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when all the survivors are dead I start phasing and begin to look at my husk's ass.
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You know she’s a rotting corpse full of glass shards right?
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This does not matter, she is hot.
I hate her but i have to accept, she is hottest killer in game.
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How can she be the hottest when clown exists?
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Do you and others really think that? Genuine question, not being snarky, if it sounds that way LOL
Is it cause Nurse is kind of too good for where the game is at, or something like that?
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nah daddyslinger. He even got a shirtless skin.
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He’s about as much of a corpse as spirit but he has a strong jawline at least I guess?
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Explain to me how this isnt peak beauty
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0/10 top hat isn’t tall enough
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Don't know. It's been around at least since her rework. I've just kind of given up. Probably moving on to New World.
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Will this satisfy you?
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The devs don’t want too many Nurses and keep the bugs that hinder her but eliminate the ones that benefit her.
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Nope 0/10 compared to this
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Why don't the devs fix Billy’s animations?
Because they don't care and are biased (hi Huntress) . People playing Nurse and Billy doesn't make them money outside of the skin shop so fixing their bugs is at the bottom of the priority list.
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I don’t think this has to do with skins but I agree with the bias they have
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Even if they fixed her bugs, most people will keep playing Spirit anyway because she's much easier and not really map dependant.
They don't do that because they're insanely slow at changing anything and there's even less incentive since Nurse is a free killer.
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Shhhh that's supposed to be secret
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Nurse is buggy af