Is This A Trapper Meme Now?

In the past few days, I have faced several Trappers who put a Survivor in the basement, double trap the stairs, and then hide in the corner. They then wait for anyone to come down and rescue the survivor, and either hit them when they get trapped, or re-down the hooked survivor. Is this a meme?
Well, if you consider 'old school scum' a meme...
I'm not that long in dbd, but I know that back in the day insidious basement camper (with monstrous) was decently common (most due to lack of perks)
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You know, that’s the really odd part: none of them actually ran insidious. They just stood there.
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I wouldn't call that a meme, more like taking the easy route.
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that's... weird however. then again... a lot of survivors don't care (and don't run kindred)...
but IIRC the build back in the day was 'iron grasp; insidious; monstrous shrine; agitation' i think
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It’s baby play, but I found it surprising how it kept happening across at LEAST three different Trappers.
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That might be before my time. I very rarely see killers run Monstrous Shrine.
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If they were running something like Agitation, Iron Grasp, Insidious, and Monstrous Shrine I'd say it's a meme. From what was described I'd say just being lazy.
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I'm going to assume Insidious no longer matters since BT works regardless of TR, so they're running something else to keep them in the basement.
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If Trapper gets a basement hook, he has no reason to do anything else. Proxy camping shack is the obvious best play.
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Is it proxy camping if he’s just standing in the corner 3 feet away? Not arguing, I’m just not sure what the exact definition of proxy camping is.
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I mean, that's a less optimal way to do it, but it still frequently works.
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That’s how I’ve been seeing it and why I wondered if it’s a meme. Hooking someone in the basement and then circling the area like a shark isn’t exclusive to the Trapper.
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Trapper is garbage so if you play him then basement is were survivors might get any challange.