Other Survivors Blocking You

I mean when they do this intentionally, not when it happens by accident. More than once I’ve had other survivors that are trolling block me into a corner, against a hook, or off from an exit gate. Is there absolutely anything I can do besides disconnecting? I am actively pushing up against them at every angle, so it’s clear that I want to move.
Had a teammate block me in a corner that I was doing a totem once did it so long I got 3 crows
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There’s nothing you can do if someone decides to body block you, name your crows I guess?
If I see this and I’m playing killer however, that persons getting a fat face camp.
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That's happened to me a couple times. Teammates blocking me in lockers or communicating to the killer that they want me to get hooked lol
The only thing you can do is play dirty in return or just ignore them and do your own thing the rest of the match.
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They really need to make it so that when a player hitbox pushes against another player hitbox for 10 seconds they lose collision.
Still enough time so you can puke/chainsaw a survivor in a corner or wait out bt but no more possibilty of getting stuck forever
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Edit: double post
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agreed before endgame collapse couldn't people hold games hostage by doing that?
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You still can if you are able to bodyblock all the survivors
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Unfortunately, that's part of the game now. Even though it's formally "bannable", not a single soul has ever been banned for sandbagging or cooperating with the killer, and the in-game report system is a placebo. You can fix bodyblocking by removing collision, but how do you fix survivors leading the killer to you in the end-game so that they can have the hatch, for example? Trolling has become an inseparable part of the game now, and you can't do anything with it.
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You have irrefutable evidence of your claims?!
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What do you mean? You want to say there are no people playing this game just to troll other players?
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Sorry, I meant your claims about the report system, and bans.
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Record it, report it. That's all you can do, and it is reportable because that is griefing.
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Actually, you've got that backwards: people get visibly banned for griefing but not so much for hacking, probably because these days they just blank their steam name.
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probably because there's no way to check except a manual review
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That’s not an answer to my original question
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Survivors who have crows should have their collisions removed and it would remove this problem and make it less frustrating for a player to decide on whether to wait until EGC ends the game or for them to DC. I've suggested this for years and I've yet to see a single reason why it shouldn't be a thing. "Just report them after game" isn't a solution when the damage is already done.
Zero scenarios in a normal game where sitting in a spot for a full minute and suddenly removing collisions will help against anyone except griefers.
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If you lose collision, that means the killer can't hit you, doesn't it? If so, I can see problems with that, since it would mean that people can randomly go AFK without any danger to themselves.
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Once had a game with an Ash that would follow me around and make loud noises at every location that I was at. Every time I'd get into chase, he'd put himself between me and a pallet and pre throw it to ensure I got hit. When I was hooked, he'd run up to me and just teabag and point, fake unhook me, and continue his shenanigans. Eventually the killer caught on to what was happening and tunneled and slugged the guy until he DCed, then gave me hatch.
To this day I don't trust Ash players.
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Pill collision doesn't mean hitboxes need to be disabled - Easy thing for devs to implement. It would just mean movement collisions would be disabled for other players until crows go away. Although I feel crows should be reworked anyway but different topic I suppose. I remember them saying multiple times throughout the years before they bought their game back from Starbreeze they planned to rework afk crows but never did.
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I just have my character face in a diff. direction and pretend to go afk and act like I don’t care. They always go away before I get crows. Some try to be slick and pretend like they are walking away and quickly walk back- I don’t budge. That’s how I sell it. Troll failed.
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Yup, same here. I commit to pretending I’ve gone afk and they usually get bored and move away far enough that I can then run away.
The fact that this happens often enough to know this works is depressing, but the devs have never seemed that interested in removing the ability to grief other players from the game, to be honest.
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That's how I feel - I've yet to see a good reason why the majority of the things we need video evidence to report for isn't address because in reality if they actually cared about the issues they would be resolved.
If we didn't have to worry about people body blocking to grief that would be one less thing to view submitted reports for and one less thing for us players to waste our precious ######### time on reporting by recording a video, possibly editing it and uploading it just to send in a ticket. Like jesus I get they have priorities but this seems like something that's a no brainer and straight forward to me.
Simple solution - When you receive crows you lose collision within 8 meters of the area you received crows in - Once you leave that area you need to wait again before soft collisions (Ability to pass through players) activate.
Crazy simple right?
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Yea, it is quite sad- isn’t it? They just want to see you making an attempt to get out and then they get their jollies off. Smh.