Face campers

There really should be some sort of system that punishes face campers. I know that in an ideal world the other survivors focus on gens and get the gates opened quickly, and so only one person has a terribly un fun match. But unfortunately sometimes it doesnt go like that.
I was in a game earlier with a face camping billy. The issue though was that the first person he face camped quit instantly (one of the rare instances where I'm not gonna judge a quitter too harshly) and to be frank one of the other survivors was just #########. Looked as though they were setting off every skill check. The survivor left with myself that wasn't total ######### got downed and hooked just after the first guy quit. Now I know that I had some bad luck here and that with a team of semi competent survivors we probably could of punished him through getting the gens done really quick....but either way, people should not be able to get points from face camping.
Once the gens are done? Yes of course. Camp to your hearts desire, it only makes sense. But surely it wouldnt be too hard to implement a system where a killer within a certain radius from the hook for over a set amount of seconds starts losing BP?
It's not about BP, it's about sending a message.
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Typically If a killer is face camping before endgame they don’t really care about blood points or pips or anything. They’re trying to piss people off. The only thing that you can do as survivor Is just pound out gens.
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Oh boy, this subject is not brought up once an hour on these forums or anything.
A punishment to 'camping' (IE: The Killer confirming Kills) was tried before; Survivors abused the hell out of it to force free unhooks.
The bottom line is this:
- The Killer can confirm his kills. he's allowed to knock someone out of the game. This is his role.
- Survivors don't deserve unhooks just because they want them
- Survivors don't get to decide how much fun they have had before the Killer kills them
- The game does not last long enough for the Killer to 12 hook and, let's face it, any mechanic put in place would basically force a 12 hook. Which is what Survivors want
- Any mechanic put in place would be abused. Because it already was.
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Once the gens are done? Yes of course. Camp to your hearts desire, it only makes sense. But surely it wouldnt be too hard to implement a system where a killer within a certain radius from the hook for over a set amount of seconds starts losing BP?
There's been a few things tried and suggested over the years, but unfortunately it's not that simple. There are many times when a killer can be near a hook, chasing another survivor, Endgame, checking on a nearby virtually completed gen etc. You can't really punish the killer for camping, at the end of the day, if the survivors play to complete gens in that time then the camping killer is going to be punished with not much bloodpoints anyway. And you also have perks to encourage leaving the hook, BBQ, Make Your Choice etc. As well as perks to help with safe rescues - ie Borrowed Time.
Also, whether it's liked or not, camping is a legitimate strategy in this game.
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There was a punishment for face campers. You know why the devs got rid of it? Survivors abused it. You have your side to thank for that. Play with friends or run kindred. Not a perfect solution but if your teammates suck, theres nothing the devs can do to fix that.
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I will also add; Why does every suggestion jump on the 'Take away Killer's BP' mindset with camping?
That's like saying, in PubG 'Snipers kill me before I can play. So unfair. Snipers should lose health each time they fire their gun!'. Just because you dislike a tactic does not mean it needs some over the top punishment.
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for being in proximity to hook it loses you bps already i believe
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Not a great example really. In pubg you could just pick up a sniper and do the same. What are you expecting me to do as a survivor? Hook the killer and face camp him?
I play more killer than survivor since returning to DBD (think I'm 13 for killer now and 16 for survivor) and I've never once been in a position where dry humping a hooked survivor is necessary, not unless the gates are powered anyway.
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I never understood the hate for snipers. In cod i hate people who run around with a fully auto rifle with an insane snap to aim and twitch shoot everything in sight. I dont like it but i dont expect people to be punished for playing that way. Its a weapon and attachments that are given to you in the game. You cant be mad at someone for playing in a way the creators provided.
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I don't think it loses you blood points but it does affect one of the emblems
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Face camping and tunneling to secure faster kills is just as legitimate of a strategy as flashlight clicking and t-bagging is to aggravate the killer to waste time chasing you. For every "toxic" strategy killers have, survivors also have a "toxic" strategy.
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The point being that people are screaming for 'punishments' to a tactic because they don't like it. That's the only reason, because it's not an exploit or cheat, so it's only because it makes them angry.
And their excuse is usually 'Killers can REMOVE PEOPLE FROM THE GAME! 😱' like 5 years of DBD and they just now realized they get booted when they die. And they try to act like the Killers have a moral obligation to NOT do this until Survivors fill some sort of fun quota.
And your 'weapon' to 'fight back' against the Killer's Sniper/Face camping? Do gens! Survivors ignore this fact to scream that 'camping gets the Killer a 4K' like they are physically FORCED to go for an unsafe unhook. Because they literally cannot accept that they sometimes can't save their friend.
They try to unhook, die, and blame everything and everyone but themselves for trying to unhook in the Killer's face. It's not that they should have done gens, no! They DEMAND that unhook, so the Killer must have teleporting hooks, and go blind, and lose his ability to attack, and move slower, and give his next earned 1,000,000,000,000 BP to the hooked Survivor! Because they were removed from the game EARLY! 😱
But what is 'early'? Seriously; what is the 'fair' time to kill a Survivor? Because I've been told 'Not before a gen pops' but 00% of games; 3 gens pop at the same time, leaving the Killer 2 gens to kill 5 people.
Oh yeah, and the 'Nerf NoED' group claims 'Survivors have won when 5 gens pop', so I'm not supposed to kill AFTER all the gens pop, either.
So the Killer has this 4-1 gen window, in which multiple gens can be progressed, to kill people without it being 'unfair', according to The Survivor Rulebook For Killers 54387465th Edition.
Or...Or, Survivors can accept that Killers can camp, and being removed from a PvP game is part and parcel of a PvP game where the opponent has to remove you to win? Maybe? We're not <bleep>ing AI over here. Survivors can't just tie our hands because their feelings are hurt & their egos tell them that they are DBD gods, so it was CLEARLY cheap tactics that made them lose!
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I play alot more killer than survivor, and i definitely get where you are coming from with this comment. I guess face camping seems worse to me as the poor guy on the receiving end cant do anything. He literally has no option other than to dangle there.
At least with those bagging survivor pricks you can just say '######### it' and go back to gen patrolling.
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But thats the thing. I see a face camping killer and I say "######### that" and start doing gens. Camping is inefficient as a strategy against any group that is aware of this. When I play with my friends and I get face amped I tell them all to just do gens while I stall as long as I can because killer is willing to sacrifice 3 gens just to see me die which is rough ESPECIALLY if they haven't hooked anyone else.
Of course, ideally you have one kill by the time two gens are left. But, also ideally, you have gotten other hooks and the survivors have a lot more pressure on them to complete their gens. Such conditions are not impossible for killer, as I'm sure you're aware.
It is the role of the survivor onnthe receiving end of facecamping to stall as long as they can so that their team can slam out gens or, if they're a SWF, come up with a plan to unhook them.
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"The Survivor Rulebook For Killers 54387465th Edition" got a laugh out of me. Having played both sides for a while now it really does feel like Survivors expect a lot more from Killers than vice versa lol
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I probably should have googled face camping before starting this topic. Would have given me a chance to see that changes were implemented to prevent camping but were abused.
I get that it's a legitimate tactic. Just seems like a ######### one and I don't understand why anyone would want to do it anyway. Surely it's boring as hell? If the poor bastard being camped was getting points for it, it would be a different story. But as it stands It just seems really ######### for the unlucky person who is being camped.
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Run Borrowed Time
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The person being camped SHOULD get points.
Part of it is a pressure thing; The Killer has to find someone, start a chase, eat a pallet, hit them, probably eat a second pallet, hit them again (probably after baiting out Dead Hard), check to make sure no one is around to flashlight save, pick them up, then carry them to a hook.
Almost every time, 2 or 3 gens pop in that FIRST CHASE alone. The Killer has now gotten ONE survivor 1/3rd of the way to Dying. What is, at maximum, 1/12th of his goal. While Survivors are now anywhere from 1/6 to 2/6 (1/3rd) to even 3/6ths (1/2) done with their objective (5 gens & exit gates).
Or it could be 1/4 of his goal, if he gets that Survivor dead. Plus, one less Survivor means one less person doing gens. AND, since 99% of all Survivors seem to believe unhooking is their divine right; they leave gens to sit around the hook. This means 1 hooked Survivor could be two or more Survivors not doing gens.
So the Killer is under pressure from the start to slow down the game. Just hooking Survivors is a temporary solution; KILLING them is a permanent solution. So they have to kill them ASAP, and so they camp to get that Kill.
And Survivors reward camping; they stop doing gens to hang around the hook. They expect the Killer to leave because they really want him too. And when he does not; they get angry and demand the devs MAKE the Killer leave.
But the Killer needs 13-15 minutes to 12 hook everyone, chases included.
A lone Survivor, doing gens without Great skillchecks or items or perks, can do all five in 6.66 minutes. Let's say 7 minutes.
That time inequality is what pressures Killers to camp; They HAVE to create slowdown.
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Yeah, this makes sense. Let's petition for a nice BP gain for the person being face camped then lol
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All I will say is time is not on the killers side....Ever. Every game I lose (2k or less) I know I could have easily won if I removed (tunneled) the weakest out of the game. I don't camp or tunnel until 1 gen/EGC and sometimes that is just too late. Here the thing I am not required to play that way and quite frankly no one is. If you are getting camped as much as the Forums claim then you really should be running anti camp perks or hop in a swf. 4 survivors have 1 objective and it's to repair 5 gens lol (4 repair 5 lol) so until something is changed to give the killer a bit more time to do 12 hooks (which we can if the team is terrible) but most aint. Solo lobbies are rare as ######### at best it 2 pairs of swf majority of time. I get camped too as survivor and it pisses me off but I have the common sense to understand why it happens. Time sucks for killer, my team was not prepared. Simple.
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Person being camped should get points for % gen repair and distraction. This will make camping not feel as bad. If killer doesn't want the survivor to earn that BP they just need to leave the hook.
They also should adjust the BP for unhooks to stop farming. Initial unhook should be small, safe unhook should be large. This way survivors aren't killing teammates off quickly by unhooking them in front of killer without trying to make sure they have a chance to escape.
The reason camping works is because survivors reward the killer for camping. So many times in red ranks I've been on a hook running Kindred and I watch my teammates decide to all crouch near the hook instead of working on gens. They could complete the gens and escape giving the killer a 1k and few BP. Instead they'll unhook in killers face without BT/taking a hit, I'll get downed and put back on hook so killer now gets more points for the down/hook, repeat until I'm dead in less than minute rather than 2 minutes of hook states they could've used to focus on gens. There's the injured survivor going for save only to be downed as they're unhooking me, I immediately get downed again and killer now has 2 hooked survivors. There's also the survivor that gets downed before reaching hook, killer slugs them, now killer is camping both hook and slug because the slug won't crawl away from the hook. All these scenarios survivors are rewarding the killers camping which leads killers to see it as an efficient strategy early in the game.
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Bottom line is face-camping only creates a very boring gaming experience.
Even when you win holding M1 feels like a chore and boring. I.E. No interaction, only becomes what I thought this game wasn't about.... an M1 simulator.
If those are the devs intentions and what they want to achieve, then to that all I have to say is #choices.
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Treat the first chase as your last. Respecting the killer as a proper threat reduces the chance of being the first camped victim, which in turn warns you of the impending situation if caught. Stealth is more viable when killers refuse to give in to multiple chases.
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Can't help but laugh at the people who use "the way the game was made to be played." If the game was meant for Killers to get a fast 4k or survivors to get a quick 5 gen and get out there wouldn't be a point system. The point of the game is to use point earning strategy on both sides. There's plenty of time to get 12 hooks on any game if you're using the right perks and playing the killer to his/her strengths. BBQ is not a great perk, hell it's a trash perk just for BPs, cause a smart killer won't need it. If survivors are gen rushing they'll usually depip or safety and get jack for points. If a killer is spending his time facecamping or tunneling one player they will have the same result. The good players understand how the game is REALLY meant to be played while the rest are the "toxic" players who THINK they know how it's played. And for those who get mad at flashlight clicking and teabagging, seriously, they're doing nothing to stop you from playing. Quit being such privileged crybabies.