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How I try not to be stressed

Member Posts: 17

First of all, I'm sorry for all that text, I know that Dead by Daylight players don't like to read that much. (Just kidding, heh)

Hello, I feel like more and more people get emotional attached by playing Dead by Daylight, for a good reason. It can make us angry, frustrated and sometimes some of us might even get a burn-out. Dead by Daylight can even make you feel humiliated and it's important to not get stressed out because at the end of the day, it's a videogame, and videogames are supposed to be fun, which is sadly not always possible. I think I wanted to make this mostly for killers, since getting frustrated as a killer is in my opinion on a very different level than survivor, but survivors can try it too, sure! With the time I've learned to compensate all those uncomfortable feelings and I'd love to share it with you guys. This is not a thread to talk about balance or game mechanics you wish to be changed in whatever way, so, here I go, this is what I do to not get stressed as a killer.

1) I do not FULLY concentrate on Dead by Daylight. This might sound stupid but it helps you alot to stay calm and by being calm you make better decisions. Watch something funny/entertaining while you play, I've been watching stuff like Rick and Morty, Family Guy, my personal entertaining Streamers/YouTubers, whatever you like. (Maybe music aswell? Your choice!)

2) Try not to think about it. I know it can be really hard but don't make it much more uncomfortable than it already is. Try to avoid these thoughts such as "They're gonna loop. Probably SWF who will bully me. God I don't wanna hear their ironic gg when I lost the game. Decisive..." Never expect the worst, same goes for survivors. Survivors can feel frustrated aswell but have a more calming experience in my opinion. I don't want to keep any survivor main out so it does work aswell when you get tunneled/camped 5 times in a row.

3) Deep breaths, calm your body. Ate another pallet? Take a deep breath. Flashlights? Take a deep breath. "GG EZ XD"? Take a deep breath. Nurse with NOED? Take a deep breath. Camped? Take a deep breath. Got it?

4) Breaks. Take breaks after you've been through a tough game, drink something, answer some messages on your phone, do something little to come down. It's not healthy to start another game directly after you've experienced an unfun game, so take your breaks and listen to your mother to not to stare on that nasty "internet-computer-thingy with all the blood-games you play!".

So, that's basically what I do and since I do that, Dead by Daylight has become alot more fun to me to enjoy it moderately, not constantly. If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear it.

Your stupid-ass Myers main,


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  • Member Posts: 408

    I started taking breaks a while ago, and my experience has become much better.
    Some thing for ya here - after an insanely frustrating match, excersise! The adrenaline you got from the match can directly translate to performing better atheletically for a short while.
    Sorry for typos, I am a bit tired rn

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    Put this in the Gameplay Guides section.

  • Member Posts: 71

    It's funny, I tend to get more worked up as a survivor and not at the killer. I generally get really pissed at my teammates haha but I've started to take a deep breath before the match starts and just play as best I can. If I get hooked and I feel I shouldn't have been hit. (You know, those times when you vault through a window and they hit you even though you were on the other side and far enough away?) I just close my eyes and take another deep breath.

    Another thing I do not so much to calm myself but more to do with if I feel angry at a killer for something. I just don't GG them and leave the game. Does that sound silly? Yes, but for me, if I GG or shout at them or whatever I feel I'm part of the problem and encouraging them to continue doing what they are doing.

  • Member Posts: 1,142
    I do not play every day. I only play a few matches a day on the days i do play. I also learned long ago to just let things go. 
  • Member Posts: 647

    @MADM3RT said:
    First of all, I'm sorry for all that text, I know that Dead by Daylight players don't like to read that much. (Just kidding, heh)

    Hello, I feel like more and more people get emotional attached by playing Dead by Daylight, for a good reason. It can make us angry, frustrated and sometimes some of us might even get a burn-out. Dead by Daylight can even make you feel humiliated and it's important to not get stressed out because at the end of the day, it's a videogame, and videogames are supposed to be fun, which is sadly not always possible. I think I wanted to make this mostly for killers, since getting frustrated as a killer is in my opinion on a very different level than survivor, but survivors can try it too, sure! With the time I've learned to compensate all those uncomfortable feelings and I'd love to share it with you guys. This is not a thread to talk about balance or game mechanics you wish to be changed in whatever way, so, here I go, this is what I do to not get stressed as a killer.

    1) I do not FULLY concentrate on Dead by Daylight. This might sound stupid but it helps you alot to stay calm and by being calm you make better decisions. Watch something funny/entertaining while you play, I've been watching stuff like Rick and Morty, Family Guy, my personal entertaining Streamers/YouTubers, whatever you like. (Maybe music aswell? Your choice!)

    2) Try not to think about it. I know it can be really hard but don't make it much more uncomfortable than it already is. Try to avoid these thoughts such as "They're gonna loop. Probably SWF who will bully me. God I don't wanna hear their ironic gg when I lost the game. Decisive..." Never expect the worst, same goes for survivors. Survivors can feel frustrated aswell but have a more calming experience in my opinion. I don't want to keep any survivor main out so it does work aswell when you get tunneled/camped 5 times in a row.

    3) Deep breaths, calm your body. Ate another pallet? Take a deep breath. Flashlights? Take a deep breath. "GG EZ XD"? Take a deep breath. Nurse with NOED? Take a deep breath. Camped? Take a deep breath. Got it?

    4) Breaks. Take breaks after you've been through a tough game, drink something, answer some messages on your phone, do something little to come down. It's not healthy to start another game directly after you've experienced an unfun game, so take your breaks and listen to your mother to not to stare on that nasty "internet-computer-thingy with all the blood-games you play!".

    So, that's basically what I do and since I do that, Dead by Daylight has become alot more fun to me to enjoy it moderately, not constantly. If you have any other ideas, I'd love to hear it.

    Your stupid-ass Myers main,


    My advice to you or anyone is that Dead by Daylight will always throw curve balls at you in every game. You won't be able to predict every outcome of the match. Whenever I get one hooked and die on hook, I just say to myself "this is Dead by Daylight". If I lose a survivor in a chase as killer and can't find them since they outplayed me "this is Dead by Daylight". I never take it to the players or anyone. It is all apart of the game and the experience. Every game is different.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    In general, I just don't give salty survivors/killers the reaction they want to be honest. "F*** you stupid camper!" "Wow, tunnel harder plz!" "You guys have no skill by gen rush." "Flashlights are so g**." I just say "GG" and move on to the next game, no need to get stressed out about these things. Most of the time I switch between playing survivor and killer because survivor is more relaxing than playing killer by a mile.

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