Hopefully the penalties come back with the tome.
I don't understand why they didn't came back with dc penalties today, this patch might fix the console problems and probably they won't crash anymore, I have seen so many streamers with ps4 playing with nemesis without lagging for the first time
Post edited by adam1233467 on0 -
What people are dcing?
l’m glad you brought our attention to it, l am sure people on the forums will be very grateful to read this DC post
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I'm on ps4 and since the update I haven't lagged once. Not sure why the dc penalty is still off unless some people are still crashing.
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I guess they just wanted to make sure the game wasnt crashing even after to patch. If the issue is fixed we'll probs see it come back in the next few weeks.
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They probably want to monitor the patch performance and make sure things are fixed/there aren't any new problems, before turning the penalties back on.
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Also on ps4 and it is still lagging when survivors use deadhard or do a gen. Xbox one is still lagging at random times for no reason or when a power is used.
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Last gen consoles... series x runs smooth as a kitten
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Did someone say Deathslinger? :O
Okay jokes aside, I also want the DC penalty to come back.
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I just made a more informed post about this earlier if you want my in depth breakdown of it lol. DC penalty should be 2-3 days at the rate players who aren’t good at this game do it. Usually devotion 1 PC players who think their nice at this game and than get clapped so they DC
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Sweating swf dc'ing all over the place when I kill one of them. Ridiculous stuff...
Only DH will make my ps4 go woozzzsjjj, other langs seems fixed
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Deadhard and Nemesis freeze my game occasionally. It got better but still has a lot of flaws.
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Oh well as long as the consoles that are extremely expensive and in low supply are working fine that's all that matters
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I'm confused are you moving to the capital or are you a big comic book fan?
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Quit crying. It's like you've never played a multiplayer game.
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Good multiplayer games have leaver penalties.
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LMAO image calling DBD a "good" multiplayer game. Maybe when BHVR actually fixes the game it can be considered good.
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So because a game has bugs, it should just throw out anything good that it has going on?
Do you not want the game to be good?
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I want the game to be good but BHVR obviously cares more about quick money and not listening to the community.