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Reporting 2 Bugs: *One Slightly Game-Breaking* (Scratchmarks & Cannibal Chainsaw)

- The Game-Breaking Bug (or change?) that I am trying to bring to light is regarding the difference in "Scratch-Marks" ever since the Update today. There is a very noticeable difference, at least for PC, how Scratch Marks are being shown to Killer, which is the first time I have noticed anything like this in the last 4 years I have played DBD. It makes certain Killers who have FOV issues (such as Nurse for example) almost unplayable and is making it extraordinarily difficult to follow scratch marks. I created another Thread about it here earlier, for more info where I explain more details about the issue follow this link please:
"The Cannibal" BUBBA Chainsaw Bug - Assuming this has to do with the new "Pallet Changes" because it is something that has never happened to me before and is now occurring roughly around 2-3 per match.
Not every single time, but roughly 50% of the time or more, this has actually happened to me:
Right as the Chainsaw Connects with the Survivor, a Pallet Drops, and at the same time, I see the Chainsaw actually hit the Survivor on my screen and cause the Survivor to Blood Splatter AND SCREAM - so you can HEAR the Survivor going down, screaming, and getting hit by the Chainsaw - not just see it but also hear it connect successfully - but then Bubba gets stunned by the Pallet AND THE SURVIVOR TAKES NO DAMAGE.
So the Chainsaw hit connects with the Survivor, is successful, you hear scream, Bubba is THEN stunned by the Pallet a moment later, and the Survivor runs away without being injured at all. The Pallet drop is 100% able to prevent the Chainsaw from inflicting any injuries, even though the Chainsaw clearly connected in time before the Pallet was dropped.
BEFORE the recent Pallet Changes, what would usually happen in this situation, is the Pallet would still get dropped and still stun Bubba, but the Chainsaw would ALSO down the Survivor, because in this particular case you did manage to connect in time. But Now, some of the time it works and the Survivor does go down, but at least half of the time the Survivor takes absolutely no damage at all and ignores the Chainsaw all together (as if it didn't even hit them, despite the fact that they did scream) while the Pallet still stuns Bubba and stops him in his tracks.
This is clearly a bug, the Survivor shouldn't be "screaming" if the hit didn't successfully connect, and if the hit was successful then the Survivor should go down, whether the Pallet gets dropped or not. The killer can get stunned that's fine, but there's no reason the Survivor should just stand there smiling at the killer after getting hit w/ a chain saw - and yeah this happened to me a whole bunch in my games tonight and I definitely lost some matches due to it because it extends the loop that much further before getting a down.
It just also looks really buggy when you land a Chainsaw on someone and they just stare at you behind a Pallet without getting injured at all..
I play in Red Ranks and both of the above bugs/issues are very noticeable - I sure hope some one will see this so they can add these to the things that need to be looked at, thank you very much for your time! <3
Would appreciate some feedback on these issues ^^
Just wanted to bump this
I apologize if I didn't fill out the proper form for the Bug Reporting and I can do so if necessary...
But this should really get noticed and looked at - both things are definite bugs.
The first one that I have a link to my other Thread on, there are more and more people speaking up that they are also experiencing the same issues with Scratch Marks that I am.. something has definitely happened there.
As for the Cannibal Chainsaw, well, like I said there's not way the Chainsaw should successfully connect and make the Survivor Scream without injuring the Survivor, that cannot be right either.
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A survivor screaming when having a hit rejected by the validator is intentional. If they did not scream until after a hit was reviewed by the validator every single hit with have the scream be delayed by anywhere between 1/20th to 1/5th of a second depending on latency.
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The same issue has Billy but i think it has more to do with the new hit validator.
I dont think so thats a bug.
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Someone else brought it up in another thread on the General discussion and a mod/dev commented on it - I guess yes, this is happening because of the hit validator, however, the "bug" which needs to be worked out and is being addressed fortunately, is that a Killer shouldn't actually see the Survivor go down, burst blood, and hear a scream.. as if the entire attack was successful, only to see the Survivor magically reappear standing uninjured a moment later.
That's the issue, either the hit validator is actually wrong and choosing the incorrect person to favor due to who has better ping to the server, in which case maybe the hit validator actually isn't the best solution after all since it is sort of unfair, or they just need to fix it so that the Killer doesn't actually have to see and hear the Survivor getting downed by their action when in reality it didn't happen at all and the Survivor is completely uninjured.
This can be very misleading, the very first few times it happened I actually tried to look for the Survivor that was supposed to be on the ground wasting even more time in my match (mind you it was the first successful hit after chasing a guy through like 5-6 pallet loops already) and then I finally realized they were uninjured and long gone. I'm sure you can see how this can be very frustrating and potentially confusing as well.
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The reason it creates delay because here's what happens when the hit validator removes a hit.
Your screen: You hit the survivor right as they throw the pallet down
Their screen: They threw the pallet down and you swing through it and hit them
How the hit validator sees it: The input that reached the server first is correct, which is often determined by ping. If the survivor has lower ping their pallet stun will reach the sooner quicker than your hit, the hit is rejected. However if the survivor has worse ping than you, your hit reaches the server before the survivors game tells the server you got stunned and the hit is accepted.
This is an improvement over the previous versions because previous versions encouraged bad ping. Players with bad ping could get hits they wouldn't be able to otherwise. The new system encourages killers to play with good ping since it will allow hits that wouldn't be possible on worse ping, and players playing on good ping creates a better overall experience so it's better to encourage this.
The best solution to it being misleading would be to add a sound effect, like a gong or buzz anytime your hit is rejected, as way for the game to say "hey your hit just got rejected"
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I still think that the most fair solution is to validate both hits, the pallet stun as well as the killer hit, in these specific moments.
From my experience this has usually been happening to me after the Survivor I've been chasing has already looped me for 4-6 pallets, this ends up extended that chase to another 2-3 more pallets and ends up making god tier survivors almost impossible to catch.
Apply this to possibly every single chase with every single Survivor, it's actually an extremely large set back for the Killer. The worst part about it is that the Killer has legitimately no counter play, because WE are doing everything correctly on our screens, the REASON we are "getting the hit feedback" is because of the fact that on our screen we were in range and managed to hit the Survivor successfully before the Pallet was thrown.
Often times this means that I lunged at the appropriate time within distance to land the lunge around a loop, before the Survivor actually successfully made it to the Pallet, but they are still getting favored by the Server in this case.
I know that people are saying it wasn't fair for Survivors before - but this is *not better* because it is extremely unfair for Killers now.
It shouldn't have to be unfair for one or the other, but at least before if the Survivor got injured AND the Killer also got stunned by the Pallet, it was *more fair* because at least both sides got what they were going for.
Also it's not quite fair that the person who has "better ping" will be favored every time.. I mean, I literally pay for and have the highest speed internet package that COX has to offer where I live in Downtown San Diego, and when I play DBD I average around 100-120ms ping usually, there's nothing I can do about that and I'm not sure why or how but it seems like every single Survivor I have faced since the Update plays with better ping than me because they are 100% safe at every single pallet now and many of them are actually abusing this power by literally NOT dropping Pallets at all until I swing, because EVEN if they wait until the VERY last millisecond and I swing and HIT them, they don't take any damage and they get off completely free.
I'm telling you that this is totally being abused by Survivors that are already getting the hang of it, they have easily extended already long loops to 2-3 more using this tactic alone, and the worst part is that as a Killer, EVEN after having to deal with the extended loop, you STILL don't get a hit because the game rejects it now.
It's kind of a mess.
- ALSO *** As noted by other players in a different thread as well not just me, I have had the "Hit Validation" REJECT my Lunges in Open World now as well. No Pallet Stun, literally chasing someone out in the open, get within distance for a lunge on MY Screen, Lunge, successfully hit the Survivor and see them get injured for a brief moment, then Hit Validation activates and their character model turns white for a second and they are back to full health running and I even teleport backwards for a split second. Happens to me twice last night.
- So Hit Validation isn't even just for Pallets now, it's ALSO working on Lunges, not sure if that's intentional or not but it is potentially also game-breaking.. given that ON OUR SCREEN we have done everything correctly, it's not like we cheated or got outplayed, we land a hit as according to the feedback the game is telling us, and then the game says "NOPE SORRY NEVERMIND" and gives the Survivor a freebie.
It really sucks to be honest from the Killer perspective.
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Hit validation has been in the game for open hits for a while now
It just only triggers on very extreme cases where the survivor is much further from the hit than it was on the killers screen, but it is possible they changed or messed something up with the system there
Also: When it comes to playing correctly and it not being "fair" the exact same thing has applied to survivors playing pallets for literally years. They play the pallet correctly and throw it when the killer gets close, but as a result of something entirely out of control on the other player's screen they get hit anyways. Half the reason the pre drop meta exists is because of latency. Pallet validation only evens the field. Latency providing an advantage may be something out of your control, but like I said. The overall experience is better the lower the latency so the game's mechanics favoring lower latency stops intentional high latency, like netlimiter.
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Well, I've never had a hit validation before in my 4 years of playing until yesterday :(
I'm sure it's been tweaked to be even more unforgiving then.
I understand what you mean about Survivors - but my point is that this "Fix" is not just unhealthy for Killers. It shouldn't switch from one to the other.
Like I said, at least before, it was MORE FAIR, because The Killer would still get Stunned, and have to waste time getting stunned and breaking the pallet. Even if the Survivor got injured, at least BOTH things happened.
Now, Survivor goes free, Killer ends up being punished. Both can't help do anything about it because for their "own screen" they are doing everything correctly, but at least it affected both players negatively instead of just one.
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Going down and stunning the killer is a far worse result than going down and not stunning the killer, you burn one of your (depending on map) limited resources to waste an extra 5 seconds of the killers time when it could have been used to waste far more than that.
In fact prior to hit validation I would often tail a survivor very closely as they ran through a pallet even though I could have hit them earlier because some worse players will throw the pallet even though it's clear I'm going to get the down no matter what. This wastes a pallet and costs you almost nothing.
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Well I don't know what to tell you, but whatever This is , feels really bad and is not fun to play. It feels broken now, way more broken than ever before. And while I may be a Killer main, I also do play Survivor, somehow in Red Ranks on both.. even though I get wrecked all the time on both lol..
The point is, I never had as big of a problem playing as Survivor with Pallets before the update as I do playing Killer after the update.
Fact of the matter is, Good Survivors (not necessarily myself I'm not nearly as confident) could land a Pallet Stun 95% of the time without getting injured already anyways even BEFORE the Update... they *did not* need this buff.. and now they're abusing it and getting stuns that they absolutely do not even deserve.
This change effects Killers way more negatively than the way it negatively impacted survivors before.. even before survivors were either good enough to land it every time anyways, or they could pre drop it and still create distance or loop around, they had options.. the killers don't have any options now because whether they land the lunge or not it still gets rejected.
I never minded pallets as a Survivor before nearly as much as I mind it as a Killer now.
Also, I'm not a particularly greedy survivor, because I'm not very good at looping or anything so I would always pre-drop pallets to create distance or slightly extend my loop anyways, and to be completely honest that never really bothered me, even still now after the change I STILL don't feel confident enough to try and drop a pallet on a Killer because I'm just not very good at it and would rather keep my distance than allow the Killer to get that close to me.
I never had an issue playing this way as Survivor and still managed to get into Red Ranks.. so this "buff' is almost purely benefiting the *best of the best* Survivors that actually know how to take advantage of it, abuse it, and loop killers endlessly already.. and are probably all Red Ranks already as well and were before, which coincidentally enough, is where Survivors are Stronger than Killers.
Killers are Stronger than Survivors up until about low Purple/Red Ranks.. that's when Survivors start being stronger than Killers, and that's exactly where this change just made the gap between Survivors and Killers even bigger in my opinion.
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It's not that it affects killers negatively more than survivors were affected negatively by the lack of it, it's that survivors have been dealing with that ######### for 5 years and learned to live with it, it will take time to adjust to the new status quo.
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I disagree, I do believe that it is more impactful on the Killer's side actually if you take into consideration the 1v4 situation and everything else that goes into it.