The best part about DBD is the 1v1 of killer and survivor

buzzaman Member Posts: 119

I feel like this is a statement that most people would agree with, the most enjoyable part of this game is chasing or getting chased, and i think BHVR dont focus enough on this aspect in recent killer design. Recent killers like Nemesis, Twins, Trickster, Deathslinger and others all have something in common. They are all really oppressive in a 1v1, oppressive meaning little to no counter at certain tiles where the best strategy is often to hold w and run away. This isnt the kind of interactive gameplay the playerbase is looking for, hence why a lot of players will call these types of killers "boring". Giving a killer an extremely good 1v1 while having no 4v1 map pressure is very dissatisfying for both sides, and a very lazy way to try and balance killers. I know it must be hard to come up with original killer ideas every other month, but it seems to be a trend in recent design, which i heavily dislike. I want to outplay my opponent, and not be so oppressive that my opponent is forced to pre-drop pallets and hold w. Dbd is going in a wrong direction imo, how do you guys think about this?


  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Because the game is a constant arms race/power creep.

    Start of DBD(low amount of second chance perks) -> exhaustion perks and stronger perks added to the pool -> killers complain M1 killers are too weak and chases take too long, powers are too weak and do nothing to counter the new perks added -> new killers come out that can absolutely deal with second chance perks -> survivors complain about the killer powers taking away any interaction. There's a very good reason why we haven't gotten a standard M1 killer with some garbage meme power. Trickster was their attempt to have a killer who has an 'interesting power' that isn't too oppressive and most people consider him an abject failure and since his changes he is now in the oppressive 1v1 category.

    Additionally the game is not 4 1v1s that happen in sequential order. As much as some people want to pretend it is, it isn't. At this point in time just plain old M1 killers are extremely weak, the only way they can deal with the above problems is by having extreme mobility on a low cooldown, and in that regard there's only so many times we can re-release 'killer who runs in a straight line very fast with limited curve/flick' or 'runs really fast but cant attack until coming out of that mode'. There is no such thing as a good 1v4 killer in this game. There are absolutely zero killers(outside of trap based killers and nemesis AI zombies) who can pressure multiple survivors at once, sure you can rapidly target swap but that it is all you can do insofar as 'pressuring multiple survivors at once'. You cannot chase two survivors at the same time unless they are running side by side which is a fault in their playing.

    All of the above rambling to basically say short of nerfing many things on both survivor and killer side it is too late to go back to killers who have no chase power and are just the standard loopable + mind games at loops. Games go too fast and perks are too powerful(assuming 4 good survivors and a good killer all running meta perks).

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No the 1v1 is not the best part, at least for me. I prefer the control over the 1v4 where your causing Survivors to scramble and panic. Long chases are about as boring as patrol, as you either go through each pallet until they make a mistake or abandon for a new target due to overly time consuming/safe loops.

    Perfect example of a entertaining influence though I don't play her; Nurse- knowing it's a good nurse, everyone runs in fear and hides. You don't openly taunt a good nurse, the smart play is to show respect of her power by avoiding her attention.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Have an objective view on what type of killers are chosen and are considered strong?

    The fact of the matter is a killer either can traverse the map or they can guaranteed end chases quickly or they are considered bad, rng, etc. Most of the 'boring' killers you mention rely heavily upon downing survivors fast in order to apply any type of pressure on the team of 4! This is not a 1v1 game? What do you suggest that the developers do? Only make mobility killers? Is that interesting?

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    Youre right, the game isnt 4 1v1s, but i still believe the 1v1 should be an interactive part of the game. this isnt a discussion about how overall strong a killer should be, more how fun they are to go against, and your chase skill as killer and survivor matters to who comes out on top of the chase, which i feel like isnt the case with a lot of recent killers. I believe there a good 1v4 killers in this game, and that as you mentioned often comes down to mobility, but not always: I think Billy, Nurse, Blight, Freddy, Pig and Hag all have great 1v4 potential. they can pressure multiple survivors at once while still providing fun gameplay to the other side.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    For me it's the match as a whole not 1vs4 or 1vs1, if i spent the whole match being chased and escape it will feel unsatisfying, same thing if i spent the whole match on a gen.

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    A good 1v1 doenst make a killer strong if he has no pressure in a 4v1. Take trickster as an example: Even after the buff hes still considered pretty weak, even though hes got one of the strongest 1v1s in the game (up there with slinger imo). But at the same time hes much less interesting to verse, which leaves both sides unhappy. the killer because he still lost, and the survivors because they cant have interactions with the killer, thats the point im making. give the killer a 4v1 potential (like blight, nurse, freddy, billy...) and make them less oppressive in a 1v1. that will make them more fun and overall stronger

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    So... make all killers have mobility?

    - Blight runs fast.

    - Nurse blinks.

    - Freddy teleports.

    - Billy runs fast.

    A strong 1v1 doesn't by definition make them strong, but killers need to excel in a part of the game to stand a chance! The 110 killers have it more difficult in map pressure as they traverse it slowly, that is why they are usually even stronger in the 1v1... they rely heavily upon downing fast.

    Answer the question I stated... what is the alternative? You can smart mouth, but are solely having mobility killers really the solution?

  • PsychoTron
    PsychoTron Member Posts: 348
    edited July 2021

    Killers that are 'boring':

    trapper: traps around windows and pallets makes chases unfun

    wraith: coming out of stealth and getting a huge lunge is unfun. only hope is a window pallet, hope he doesn't have bamboozle

    nurse: she can teleport; can't do a 'proper' chase

    hag: teleport traps. enough said

    doctor: shock therapy prevents me from dropping a pallet or vault for 2.5 sec. also i scream occasionally which prevents the same

    huntress: ranged killer BS

    leatherface: shreds pallets; only hope is window and hope he doesn't have bamboozle

    nightmare: being in dreamstate means he will easily win mind game loops; unfun

    pig: she's ok, but the bear traps sucks because taking them off is RNG

    clown: similar to doctor except he slows you down to get a hit; unfun

    spirit: no counterplay

    legion: not fun playing mending simulator

    plague: ranged corrupt plague able to hit multiple survivors; OP and BS

    demogorgon: barely getting hit from his lunge attack when I vault a window... yea .. BS and unfun

    Oni: he's ok without his powers, but he's too strong and unfun when he can one shot easily in loops

    deathslinger: ranged BS

    pyramid head: special attack going through walls, pallets, windows.. unfun

    blight: very fast and very strong in loops; also plays the same 4 perks. boring

    twins: ill just make coffee while im slugged on the floor from victor

    trickster: ranged BS


    Klllers that are either tolerable or fun

    billy: fun; i can abuse him in loops while tries like a fool to curve kill me

    shape: he's ok as long as he's not running his iridescent which gives him unlimited tier 3

    ghost face: only fun if I have spine chill perk so I know i'm being watched and can reveal him. then he's just a basic btch boy M1 killer with no powers.

    Nemesis: he's ok. the zombies are annoying AF when I'm working on a gen. also iron will should supress the coughing from being infected.