Best 3 Killers besides those 3...

Hey, i wanted to ask the Community, which Killers are your Top 3 BUT without considering Nurse, Blight and Spirit.
Thanks for your Opinion!
Maybe Huntress, Freddy, and Twins?
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Hag, Huntress, PH
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Hag, Oni, Huntress in that order
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Huntress, oni and wraith
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Normal games or like Death Squad.
Normal probably Hag, Oni, Twins
Death Squad probably Pyramid Head, Oni and like idk slinger or something.
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Hag, Oni and Huntress.
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Hag wraith and doc
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We all know its Legion, Clown and Trapper
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Twins, Hag, Oni.
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Huntress, Oni, Freddy (not necessarily in that order)
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Trick...... tricked ya huh?
My choice would probably be:
1. Wraith
2. Huntress
3. Demo (really underrated Killer)
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Hag, Oni, Piramid head, maybe Twins, most likely actually.
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Hag, Huntress, and Demogorgon.
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Hag, Oni, and Wraith or Huntress.
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Hag, Oni, & Twins in that order.
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- Hag
- Billy
- Freddy
I know they made 2 and 3 less enjoyable, but they still have a lot going for them.
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1. Twin
2. Ph
3. Hag
In that order
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PH, Freddy and Oni
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- Huntress
- Hag
- Deathslinger.