How does this work again? 50ms Killer vs 88ms Survivor



  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    It may be objectively fair but it is not a system that works well for the current playstyles and balance of dbd.

    Probably will see a lot more killers like deathslinger that do not care about pallets, since killers cannot do anything no matter their internet speeds.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    You need to stop expecting to get hits through pallets. A hit through a pallet should be a pleasant surprise not an expectation.

    They are a limited resource for survivors so it’s only fair that they actually function for the side that relies on them the most. The pallets were never designed to benefit killers so take what you’re given and move on.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    I dont expect to get hits through pallets. Never have really. Survivors have way more free time then killers in a match so killers need to be able to end chases quickly. I am just pointing out how important it is that killers be able to get hits quickly.

    Making every pallet extra safe makes that impossible for killers relying on m1's, at least against competent survivors, so as I said people will revert to doing things that make the game winnable for them. This could include playing more killers like deathslinger and spirit, cause we all know those killers dont care about pallets, or getting survivors to create a deadzone with no pallets and then hooking in it so you can tunnel someone out of the game.

    Also, while the old system did ######### survivors over a lot it still rewarded both sides with something for a server side interaction that is based on individual screens and latency; that is that killers would get a hit (sometimes) and survivors would get a guaranteed stun, which while not helping their survival does help them pip. Now survivors, regardless of ping, get the stun and can extend chases while killers get nothing.

    Creating a very time specific system that heavily rewards one side while punishing the other is never a good idea in a game like dbd that has such bad servers (this is an issue people have pointed out forever). While the old system was not perfect, it was at least more tolerable due to the other advantages at a survivors exposure, and I say that as person who also got hit through pallets every now and then.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    “Imagine if most games you have as survivor end up getting hit once a pallets down, you wouldn't enjoy it would you?”

    That… was literally how it worked before this change. That’s WHY they made this change. I stopped dropping pallets entirely, I would just take the hit and the speed boost every time because I knew pallets meant nothing and I was almost guaranteed to take a hit no matter how early I dropped the pallet.

    And you keep missing my point. Latency is an unavoidable, undeniable fact of PvP games. It’s not possible to remove it, only reduce it a bit or make changes to try to make it less of an issue - but it will ALWAYS be an issue, especially when so many people still play on unreliable connections.

    Either killers will lose hits at pallets because of latency, or survivors will get hit over dropped pallets because of latency. Those are the options the devs have and they have to pick one. There’s no possible way to eliminate both. You’re proposing some kind of utopian world where nobody suffers the effects of latency and everyone gets what they want but I’m telling you it’s not humanly possible to do that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Now that i think of it. Its vacuum pallets all over again. Pallets are now save zones how they used to be. Killers will have to respect pallets, because their hits won´t go through, no matter what.

    Which creates another problem on high ranks, where survivors loop around the same pallet until they can hit the killer. If he respects the pallet and slows down, they will loop another round.

    Luckily the chances of getting send to the pallet factory are small... oh wait, nevermind. They just doubled the chances.

    Ahh fun times for killers indeed!

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    No. That is not how it worked at all. Being hit when the pallet was fully down was so very rare, dont go lying and saying every hit at a pallet was that far off. Like I shown in the image he got a hit before the pallet even began to move. That is the same as being hit over a downed pallet, which is obviously not acceptable so why is it acceptable for killer now?

    And no I'm not offering a utopia, it's just obviously not working or working in a fair way. If on the killers screen it was close and got rolled back fine, but having a hit roll back when the pallet isnt moving is clearly busted and needs fixing.

    I know no other multiplayer game which puts 1 player a whole second odd out of sync. This game has 5 players, if played games of 16v16 with far more going on and have better connections and hits. So no it's not normal to this degree, the latency should be so minimal you dont have these clearly broken hits.

    Stop exaggerating your points saying all pallet hits wasnt accurate. In this example it's the same as being hit over a downed pallet. Which was a bug alittle while back that go huge backlash and was patched. But I guess this is different as its killer? No. It's not acceptable and it needs looking into, neither side should be 1second plus out of sync. No other game is, I'm done discussing as every comment you dont seem to grasp how this isnt working right. Survivors shouldn't be hit over downed pallets (on their screen) and killers shouldn't lose hits when its clearly before the drop (on there screen). Neither is acceptable, and saying it's killer or survivor has the issue is wrong.

    DBD needs to fix their servers, create more or try to reduce the latency between players, this game is 5 players.... 5, every other game manages it for far bigger and complex games so DBD can and should focus on that.