DBD Original Characters Ranked By Their Lore

This is heavy personal preference.
S - All three have a lot of complexity to their character, which makes them stand out above the rest. Both Plague and Jake had incredible tomes, we'll see if Yun-Jin can get to the top when she gets hers. Worth reading even if you don't care about the lore.
A - These all have very interesting/entertaining backstories, that I really enjoyed reading/listening. I'd say they don't quite have the complexity of the S tier characters, but as you can see this section has the most amount of characters.
B - Not a huge stepdown from A, as I like them all, but I think they lack the punch that the ones above them have. For example, Kate's base lore was really nice, but her tome lore didn't do a lot for me.
C - Either mediocre, or undeveloped due to a lack of tome.
D - Similar to C, but personal preference has me put them a tier below as they don't really have much about them that's interesting.
F - Both have really bad lore honestly. Hag's is worse, since Nurse's base lore was ok, but her tome was a tragedy. Hag sucks! I really hope they redo Nurse's tome lore as she had potential to be way higher.
@PixelBush you should do some kind of lore tier list, love you vids :)
Deathslinger’s is amazing imo. It’s a very good representation of what happened to Irish people during the time and shows who Caleb is and how he is not willing to be mistreated. Definitely an S tier for me
Here’s my list
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Isn't Trickster and Yun Jin basically the same lore? Why the huge disparity?
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Honestly, surprised to see Blight so low. I think he has some fantastic lore.
That's how opinions work though, so hey. I definitely agree on Hag's and Nurse's lore just being terrible.
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They have an intertwined story, but that’s the end of the similarities. Even though I think trickster is fun, he has no complexity compared to YJ. We don’t have many survivors who are morally questionable people like her, who only care about their success, even at the expense of others, but this is also used to humanise her as we get the reason as to why she’s like this. She basically just ignores the fact that trickster is probably killing people, as it would hurt her career. I could go on, but the point is she’s a much more uniquely flawed character than he is, as trickster is p one dimensional.
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Blight’s just doesn’t interest me at all, I don’t like how it was written. I also think his tome was pointless.
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You only have Kate as "good"?? Her lore is amazing! She's the only survivor who not only escaped the entity's original attempt to take her, she did it several times! I mean, the entity still got her eventually, but still!
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Why you gotta do my boy Blight like that :(
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I can agree Blight's tome wasn't amazing, but it wasn't Nurse level terrible.
I find what Blight did after he was taken far more interesting. I mean, the guy managed to experiment on a good portion of the cast. As a human. That's badass. I personally just find him very interesting.
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Blight needs to be higher, they're the only person we know of so far that went the equivalent of being hallow to vowing to kill everyone in their way for the serum.
I felt as the Twin's backstory was perfect, during that time in France it was awful, the worse, and the fact that they're conjoined twins makes this even so much worse
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Yeah whenever twins get a tome I’m pretty sure they can be the top tier for me
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wheres Ghostface
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A tier towards the end
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Forgot about him! He’d go b tier above Dwight. His lore is pretty solid and I’d love to see a tome for him
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My favorite for lore is probably Twins
Legion is at the bottom, they're cringe and I hate them