Well, I'm out.

This is not meant as an attention seeking post, none of you will have any idea who I am. But maybe it will give some insight into what this game is like for new players, or players like myself who are returning after a long break.
The low ranks? Actually kinda fun. Nobody really knows what they are doing and so theres no meta builds or super sweaty gameplay. The higher you go up though, the worse it gets...particularly for killer.
I'm only rank 12 with both sides, so am by no means a good player. But I dont feel I have been afforded the chance to increase my skill level due to the ######### matchmaking. I'm a rank 12 killer and yet all my games with have 3 survivors rank 7 and up. There are some perks that you NEED, and boy is it a grind to get them. I'd have to grind out shards for ages or spend actual money to unlock the characters I need in order to get the meta perks. And even then you just have to cross your fingers and hope they appear in the bloodweb. (I have ranked up Prymaid head 25 times, Leatherface 15 and Nemesis 10 since unlocking lightborn, and it hasnt appeared for any of them). And playing this game without lightborn just isnt possible. I swear when I played a few years back , you had to be smart with flashlights. Using them when the killers were carrying survivors. Now you just start flashing as soon as they go to pick up a survivor, and before they even have them on their shoulder they are stunned. Which is ridiculous seeing as though the killer is locked in the animation once they start.
Since the last patch hit registration had gone full #########. I chainsawed a survivor as they removed someone from the hook twice in the same game and nothing happened either time. Pallets are now incredibly safe, and any type of mind game you could play with them is gone. I have stopped a couple feet in front of them when chasing a few times just to have the survivor drop them and me to get stunned anyway.
I know what I'm about to say is going to have most of the forum shitting on me, or saying it's because I'm a killer main despite the fact I am same level with both....but survivor just feels way too easy. Red rank killers can be real hard, but dont feel unfair (althought admittedly I'm yet to come up against a spirit) but red rank survivors are playing a completely different game to me, and I'm not able to get the perks which I need to compete.
Anyway, a genuine thanks for all those who gave me advice and answered my questions :) this is a decent community who seem willing to help newer players which is always nice. I suspect in a year or so i will completely forget why i stopped playing (probably when a licensed killer i love is added) and il end up coming back. Hopefully by that time the game won't be quite as brutal for less experienced players!
Happy killing/surviving!