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I'm kinda sick of totems.

DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

So, I'm just a little sick of how the totems system is, every single time I run a hex I always play against people who have been map studying of where all the totems are at.

It just doesn't even feel satisfying to use any of them anymore. Seriously, I run a perk that has no indication of me using it and someone who took the time out of their day to Google or manually locate all the possible totem spawns runs into my hex.

I'm not saying change the system again, even though that would be nice. I'm just saying it's just a bit tiring, what do you think?

Edit: I picked a bad time to make this post.


  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I just.. don't understand why they wouldn't wait a little bit when a match starts BEFORE they put a hex down. I don't know if that would solve anything, but I think it would be nice so it just doesn't spawn on top of survivors or be automatically discovered because someone had nothing better to do

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Well i doubt they will adjust spawns, could maybe require totems needing a toolbox to break or add in difficult skill checks to progress the break meter. But either way it's unlikely any change will come until we found out how these boon totems work.

    Could be a new perk idea to pick up bone fragments from a destroyed totem and craft another as a perk similar to flashbang crafting, but allowing you to place it in a totem spawn location of that map. Obviously limited use.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I genuinely don't really care if my Totem get's found early. I just don't want them to spawn in front of Gens/In the open. They don't have to be super hidden, but... I just don't want them to be near gens. Survivor's are naturally going to go there-- So yeah, I get a bit tilted when they find my Ruin immediately because it spawned ten feet away from a generator. If it was just in a ######### place and they happened to find it, whatever. But on gens is what makes me angry.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well alot of the time totems are in very simple and obvious places, that's not including ones in the open or next to a gen...

    I have learned all totem spawns (except RPD but I'm getting there) and it's sad to say most often they're in meh places. It's why I dont run things like lullaby, devour etc. As you get no value till later on by which the hex is gone

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Most hex totems aren't high risk, high reward though. They are high risk, medium reward most of the time.

    Ruin has a useful effect if you can cover the map quick enough to generate constant pressure, but it only has an effect if you stop working on a gen so if you never let go on m1 Ruin has no real effect on the game.

    Devour Hope is high risk high reward.

    Third Seal is trash and belongs in the garbage

    Haunted Ground(Ghost Graveyard for you tru3talent fans) is zero risk and medium reward.

    Undying it's job is prop up another hex so it zero risk medium reward

    Blood Favor is high risk, medium reward. Blocking palettes might clutch sometimes, but good survivors extend loops even without palette.

    Crowd Control same as above just replace palette with windows

    Lullaby has high risk and almost no reward like most huntress perks

    NOED(ha!) before exit gates are powered no risk no reward. After exit gates power high risk, medium reward. Somebody might be left for dead, but if you get the door open and leave the killer can't harm you.

    Retribution is a hex perk that keeps track of dull totems and narcs on people AFTER they break them. medium reward, low risk.

    Thrill of the Hunt it exists to prop up other totems, but isn't quite as useful as undying. Has not aged well

    The wiki lists Thanatophobia as a hex perk weirdly so I'm gonna say it's zero risk high reward. Best hex in game.

  • MadmegMain
    MadmegMain Member Posts: 105

    I love using totems but i do not bring them expecting to keep them. I bring them for a small momentary help and so survivors can get extra blood points. Even playing this way i still get a few kills a game usually

  • neonblush
    neonblush Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2021

    This is why I don’t run hex perks ever anymore. Anyone who’s been playing the game for a long time has totem spawn locations memorized. I run Counterforce as survivor and I never have an issue locating totems because I know where to check on the map since the spawn locations are fixed. And then you have perks like small game, counterforce and detective’s hunch which show the survivor where they are.

    As a positive, I will say that the totem spawns on the newer maps (like Midwich and Raccoon City Police Dept) are a lot better and harder to find. But again, once we get used to the maps, we know exactly where to look. If they could make totems spawn anywhere, instead of fixed locations it may help.

    I have been saying that I think hex perks are outdated for a while now. I think they need some sort of update so they actually have a chance to last longer. There are games where the hex is cleansed in 2 minutes.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Hexes should be one-per-match and affect ALL totems at once. Cleansing any totem reduces the effectiveness of the hex but does not remove it until 3-5 totems are found.

    The meta-totem perks are bad and should be reworked to have powers all on their own instead of requiring you to use two perk slots to try to get one effect going.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,950

    I mean that's just an issue with some maps like for example the og realms anyone with significant time in the game will just know all of the totem spots

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Okay. Because you deny to see it as whole I'm gonna help you out.

    I'm sick of facing ruin/undying/noed in 9.5/10 games. Me, solo survivor, equipping Detectives Hunch and a green Map with the purple addon that shows anything I tracked to all survivors. Being chases or not, once a gen gets done I'm gonna leak all your totems and 3 2 1, they're gone.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    You probably didnt play before we had hex totems but if they ever release the boon totems i think you will like them a bit more tho i think they may have scrapped that idea as we shouldve had them in the game already

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Ruin is in the vast majority of my matches, and the matches without Ruin will usually have at least one other totem perk. So I go out of my way to check for totems as I move around the map.

    That’s the thing about hex perks, the more they’re used the less effective they become. Almost every killer now running Ruin/Undying has indirectly screwed over the people who run other hexes. That’s why I don’t run hexes anymore, personally. They’re too predictable.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    I say run thrill of the hunt and haunted grounds, and only those two. That’ll teach those pesky survivors. 😆

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I run small game so I'm Just doing bones to prevent noed so if it happens to destroy a killers perks win win.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The totem spawn should be adjusted.

    I know Hex are supposed to be high risk high reward perks, but on the other hand is stupid when a totem spawn in a visible zone next to a generator or 10 meters away from a survivor spawn, which happen a lot. I'm not saying the hex totems should spawn super hidden, but not in places in which are destroyedr 30 seconds after a match starts.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I used Small Game for a while, in the past and now I don't anymore, but some of the totem spawns are pretty obvious, so while I don't go out of my way to find the totems, between moving from gen to gen, I always keep an eye out for totems and I believe other survivors do the same. In my case, it's not to try to ruin the killers experience, it's mostly about getting easy points from destroying a totem, which only takes a few seconds. But some of those totem placements can be pretty bad, like, in a open field, you get an hex, it while be seen from far away and won't last long.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    And instead of fixing the issue, the response is "Oh Killers are not using totems anymore? Alright here you go Survivors Boon Totems!" instead of something along the lines of; Letting Killers hex dull totems. This way they choose where their hex is, they have to take time to hex a totem to gain it's benefits, you don't lose an entire perk slot just because Survivors find your totem out in the open, you can just hex another dull totem.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Totems spawns are fine, especially on the reworked maps. Don't believe me? If I wasn't running Small Game, I never would have found this well-hidden gem: 🤣

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I spawned in once as Deathslinger and I stared at my lighthouse hex.

    I shot at it out of frustration, but I laughed so hard

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I've had that map with the same totem spawn and spawned right next to it as well and did the same (though as Pig, all I could do was oink in frustration, lol).

    That particular spawn is pretty inexcusable on a map that underwent a rework -- meaning someone involved looked at it and said, "Yeah -- nothing could possibly be wrong with putting it here.". It rivals the old Asylum spawn that was right in the middle of the wide-open for worst in the game.