Lag or foul play?

SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

Just played against a 4 man twitch stream with 2 of them with Toxic in there names πŸ™„ they had flashlights with pink bulbs too but anyway. Every time I went to hit them with M1, there was a strong lag spike, enough to make me miss completely. Same with demon strike, although half of them were bad, the others were fine. Even if they were healing and I had a free hit, the game would jolt and Id completely miss. I ended up getting a 4k which took 20 mins +, they were clicky clicking, juking etc, they were good, but not as good as Oni unfortunately for them. My question is though, was the lag my fault, or do other players have the ability to switch hosts or something else that would disrupt my connection in such a convenient manner?

I used to play COD a lot and people did say that lag switching was a thing. I don't understand that stuff at all and Im not making any accusations, although im a bit suspicious as to why my m1 game was completely thrown off whereas walking around and playing as survivor just before, was absolutely fine.

Anyway I get bullied as trapper and GF by purple swf, so it was bloody nice to score 31900 and give them a good pasting...... eventually.


  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    Yeah lagswitchers, I had the same thing I just dced after the 6th non registered hit and them obviously lag switching