What Killer you have not seen in ages?

I have not seen Trickster, Hillbilly, and Nurse in ages. I mostly just see people playing either Trapper, Clown, Blight, Mayers, Leatherface, or Nemesis.
Naturally, Nurse is a rare sight and has always been due to her annoyingly hard ability to master that should already see a major workover to let everyone enjoy playing her instead of high-skilled Nurse mains, I think.
Hillbilly really is not a bad killer, but ever since his debuff update, everyone seemed to stay away from playing him even though he operates just like before, only with not being able to spam his chainsaw anymore, which was never an issue in the first place. Anyway, people just seemed to have forgotten this Killer for some reason, including myself, but I do enjoy playing him.
Trickster needs no explanation. He just sucks, always has. And despite his recent buff, he still performs terribly in red ranks against skilled survivors who understand the game to a point where he is being constantly T-bagged and bullied for how easy he is to avoid in a chase. No wonder everyone stays away from playing him, not even I dare to play Trickster even for laugh and giggles simply because he is just not fun to play as. No hard feelings for any Trickster mains out there. More power to you if you enjoy playing him.
What Killers you have not seen in your matches for a long time, and what Killers you do often tend to see? Let's discuss.
Twins I play against a twins every 70 games at most I actually don't know how to counter twins because I don't play against them that much
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Twins and plague i never see unless im playing them myself
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I kid you not, every time I say to myself: ‘hmmmm, I haven’t seen such & such in ages,” just like clockwork I run into that killer within the next 24 hours. Every single time, Without fail lol.
But to answer your question, Nurse & Hag.
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Demogorgon seems to be extinct (at least for me)
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I have rarely seen Trickster in my matches.
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Been a while since I've seen Demo and Oni...love facing both of them so it's a disappointment.
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Definitely has to be Plague, no contest, at least for me.
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I think I had like a 3 week break between a hag battle. I honestly wish it was that long against bubba.
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Plague, Hag & Oni
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Where's all the Michael Myers at? Haven't seen anyone play him in for so long.
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You could ask BHVR to release data about the frequency of played killers. Not sure they'd do it, but apparently they like assembling their data, so they should have some numbers.
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VERY rarely see Twins.
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Clown and Freddy.
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Hag and Hillbilly
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I used to get Doctor a lot a couple weeks ago, but I don't see him at all lately. I haven't seen Hag or Trapper in a while either.
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Can't remember the last time I saw a Doctor, a Freddy, or a Clown (which is really weird, cause there's challenges for him),
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I haven't seen Hillbilly, Freddy, or Plague in a long time.
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Hag and Trapper seem to be dead.
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Hillbilly, Hag and Freddy.
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370 hours in DBD split between playing survivor and killer, and I think I played against a plague literally once when I was in brown ranks.
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Amazingly enough, the wild population if console Blights is on the rise. Perhaps this endangered species can make a comeback from the brink of extinction.
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Not seeing a lot of Plague, Twins or Deathslinger. Freddy too.
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I've seen all 3 of those killers today. Maybe it's the rank you're at. I'm not at a high rank. I've seen nurses several times. And hillbilly and Trickster once today.
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Twins and Spirit are pretty rare for me, so when I do get them in a match I only have a sliver of an idea how to play against them.
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Hillbilly Oni Plague
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I've not seen a Ghostface for months. The last ones I faced were few weeks after his release date then he suddenly disappeared.
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Hag, and praise the lord for that one. She gives me the big sad.
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I don't remember last time going against trapper and hag
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After the event I haven't seen Nemesis not even once.
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I never see myers, trapper, hag, or demo
But I swear I get plague everytime I'm trying to do a healing build
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I’ve seen the majority of the roster rather well represented.
However, the ones I see the fewest are Twins (by far), Hag and Oni. Maybe followed by Pig and Clown.
Wraith is the best represented right now. Followed by the always present Huntress, and currently Nemesis after that.
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Hag, Demo, Billy, Freddy and Twins are the ones I see the least.
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I rarely see Billy, Clown, and Demo.
I often see Spirit and Twins.
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I hardly go up against a Trapper or Hillbilly. I don't see Nurse too often either. I've been getting an influx of Tricksters since everyone's testing out his new changes (
which I'm definitely not complaining about 😏)0 -
Strength and fun don't always go hand in hand. Spirit is strong but I find her so boring to play. I also don't think Demo is strong. He's mid tier at best. But he's fun to play.
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Whole bunch of Wraiths, Blights and Clowns recently.
Surprisingly less Spirit (thank god), Pyramid Head and Huntress.
I BARELY see Ghostface, Twins, Hillbilly, Hag & Trickster.
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Twins I almost never see. Plague and Billy sometimes.
Mostly Bubba, Spirit, Trickster since his buff