What kind of map would you like to see in dbd?

Personally, I would like a map that is inside a mall and no, not like a 80s kind of mall, more of a abandoned and twisted version of a mall from nowadays.
A perfect example of this is the mall from Silent Hill 3, the atmosphere is unsettling with most stores completely destroyed and the walls starting to deteriorate, but not to the point of making the place completely unrecognizable of what once it was, a mall.
Some examples:
P.S: please buff Heather/Cheryl so she can have a gun, thank you :)
Honestly, I just want the old maps back.
I miss them :(
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We all do...
But one think we can all agree...
We don't miss this ######### think: The Red Pale Rose Forest
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The old Pale Rose? I never got a shot.
It would be best if I experienced it myself before jumping to any conclusions.
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City Map. 😌
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Very dark claustrophobic map. No more being able to see 100 yards ahead with the fog being nurfed. Would actually be rather tense I think.
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I think my favourite kinds of maps are maps that are more inherently balanced for both sides.
Like Father Campbell's Chapel for example. It's not too big, but it's not too unsafe for Survivors either.
If I play Killer, I'll feel like I have full control over how the match goes if I want it to be. It's why I like Coal Tower too. It's just consistently a good map for both sides.
So I guess something in the nature of those two maps is what I want more out of DBD.
I don't really care for aesthetics, it's one of the reasons I don't really give a ######### about the Realm Beyond updates. But if it's balanced properly, I prefer it.
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I want another Macmillan Map for Blight, a bit like shelter woods but with cankers/pustula flowers everywhere and Blights laboratory in the middle as a main building.
This is a map i dream of i really want this haha :)
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I really want to see a funhouse map or full carnival.
Imagine if when you finish some of the gens they would power certain rides, like the ferris wheel or bumper cars.
(From IT Chapter 2 and Stranger Things season 3)
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I wanna see whatever they're cooking up for The Trickster. That neon night menu theme was just 💯
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One of my favorite concepts for a map too, I was thinking about adding a city map to this discussion, but later I thought...-"Would it be like Haddonfield? But with a bunch 2 story apartment buildings?"
Since there would have to be a place for the gates and some drop points where survivors can activate balance landing and stuff. And if it was just one giant building it would fell way like RPD.
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My goodness that map looks huge.
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It was basically Red Forest's ugly little brother
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There are lots of maps I'd love to see! Some are a little more obvious than others:
#1. Rocky Shorelines
Especially with unusual formations, such as The Giant's Causeway. Small caves or huts could be along it, as well as a few mini islands about. Maybe remnants of a coastal town?
#2. Catacombs
Underground areas with large spaces, linked by passageways. Larger areas could have columns or mini temples made of bone. Maybe even hidden doors.
#3. Abandoned fairgrounds
As someone put above, fairgrounds are great. I like the idea of an abandoned one, which has overgrown and rusted over time. Maybe where a soon-to-be killer took their victims after it closed, or maybe it closed because of the killer!
#4 Old Powerstation
Especially using the grounds around it, powerstations can feel pretty eeiry. I'd actually be for a powerstation map that was purely on the grounds, with only a couple of smaller buildings that you could enter.
#5 Unusual prisons
Panopticon prisons are terrifying at the best of times. Maybe something like this with obstacles, fewer floors and rooms, but overall circular in nature.
#6. City of Ruins
Run down buildings to enter; rubble-filled streets to run through. Maybe a collapsed building to explore.
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I never understood why they made certain maps smaller if they're just going to make the RPD anyway
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Maybe I don't know if it's possible but I would like to see the Amityville house as a map.
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Tbh the ideia of catacombs map is not too far fetched of an ideia, since in Élodies's lore she's exploring catacombs in France before being taken by the entity.
And if we consider that vampire dude from the archives as a future killer, we might have the chance to explore the catacombs in that castle.
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Haunted house a real forest and a castle map
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Also a cave system of sorts and mirror maze
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City Map
All-Kill neon city or Raccoon City Streets would have been so cool.
Tropical Resort
Think ‚I Still Know What You Did Last Summer‘.
Mall, Carnival, Graveyard and Camp on a Lake would all also be cool.
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I'd love a mansion map.
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Definitely agree with the others when I would love a Trickster map. Even before his release I'm super into cyberpunk settings and atmospheres with a lot of neon lights and damp alleyways with the lights reflecting off the water.
Having another outdoor map with the neon lights, damp atmosphere outside with either general city white noise and/or a slight kpop beat playing in the distance from a building advertising one of his songs, and the warehouse he used to do his killings/set ups for the police as a main building would've been amazing to see.
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A full haunted mansion type map would be amazing. One with secret passage ways and such. Of course it would be a mostly indoor map so everyone would complain. Multiples could work too, One for the mansion and maybe like a garden maze outside as a separate map.
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Secret passages would be amazing, making them similar to the Game where passages will open up when gens are completed would be so cool.
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Cave map, desert map( maybe Egyptian theme), giant plane or ship map, a graveyard or cemetery map, military base map, island/beach resort map like dead island, the ghetto poor run down cities of America like Detroit, abandon skyscraper, scary camp map, another school map but way bigger and has a pool room too, secret drug farm that has lots of secret room and passages, amusement park or circus map, Alcatraz prison, abandon movie studio with creepy props and creepy lighting, castle map, shreks swamp lol, space station like in among us game, any 3rd world country or island tbh lol
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Cul-de-sac street in the urban theme of Haddonfield. (They already said they can't add more maps to the Haddonfield Realm thanks to license (Though maybe that has changed by now.), but they can of course make their own urban-style maps.)
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A map actually set on Elm Street would be great.
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I have always wanted a sort of expansive city map for Trickster
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Deserted buildings like Midwich & Ormond. Horror games set in malls are always really scary to me.
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Water so we can have Jaws as a killer. 😂
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I would love a misty graveyard. What this game needs are some elements to bring back the creepy/horror factor. Killers like trickster and bright, colorful, funny cosmetics are starting to take away from the games original idea. Don't get me wrong, I like fun, random cosmetics, but I would like the game to be more 90% dark and creepy and 10% colorful/fun/random....so a cemetery with like a few inches of mist on the ground, some mausoleums, larger tombstones and statues for hiding, hedges serving as loops
I know the mist COULD be problematic for both rendering on weaker systems, as this game has lots of problems to begin with, so maybe that wouldn't work. Also it would make finding your dropped items and maybe the hatch much harder, resulting in a killer sided map, which I personally think is gross so shrug XD
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An abandoned racetrack map would be kinda cool, with traffic cones around it and corpses on the seats in the background (you won't be able to actually go to the seats, they'll just be there for the aesthetic of the map). Oh and some racecars on the map, maybe one crashed somewhere with the fires from the RPD map, and some buildings in the middle.
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Especially if it distorts the killers TR and stain. Music could mask the movements of killers.
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Definitely a Lunar New Year festival! I think it would be so pretty and fun with all the lights still up but faded and worn, a dragon float in the center, so much potential!
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My 3 map ideas:
- Prison courtyard/cell blocks. COD Black Ops 2 had a prison map in it's Zombies mode and aesthetically would fit in well in DBD (just an example).
- Old school mad scientist lab. Cues and inspiration from Universal's Frankenstein would be preferable.
- Makeshift medieval castle. Take some cues from the old Hammer produced horror films from the 50's and it'd look great.